Don is leaving for the airport in an hour. Mom and Dad want me to go with them to see him off. But he doesn't want to see me. I'm the reason why he's leaving in the first place. It made me angry when Mom insisted that it wasn't true. I'm not blind. I know Don is sick of being in my shadow. No one knows the Don Epps I know. He's brave, kind, and more intelligent than he gives himself credit for. They don't know him as Don Epps, FBI Agent. All they see is Don Epps, older brother of the genius. In Albuquerque, no one will know that his eleven-year-old brother graduated high school with him. People will be judging him by his own skills, not comparing them to mine. I am happy for Don, that people will know him. But it still hurts that I'm the reason he's leaving.


Oh, great. Mom and Dad made Don come in to say goodbye. Don't they know that they're making things worse?

"Don, y-you don't have to be here, really you don't."

I turn back to the chalkboard. It's become a green blur. I can no longer read the equation.

Don takes the chalk from my hand. He gently turns me around so I'm facing him. I look at the floor. I don't want him to see how upset I am.

"Charlie, look at me. No, look at me."

I meet his eyes. I'm shocked to see tears.

"I'm really going to miss you little brother. What am I going to do without the Don Epps fan club?"

Don hugs me.

"I'll write you. And I promise to visit every Chirstmas and Thanksgiving."

He pulls away, but keeps his hands on my shoulders.

"Please come to the airport with us Charlie. I really want you to be there."

He's telling the truth. Mom and Dad didn't make him come out here after all. I nod.

"Okay, I'll go."

The End