
"What brings you here so early?" a boss lady asked a figure with a blue cloaked pulled over her head.

"I'm here for my pay check...I'm sorry, but something came up and I have to leave today." the figure said.

"You're leaving now! But you're the best cook I've had since...EVER! You can't leave! If its the money, I'll raise your weekly pay check!" the boss lady stated/yelled with panicky in her voice. "You've made me more money in this past two weeks, then I have made in these past two months."

"I'm sorry...but I have to..." the figure stated sadly.

"I'll triple your paycheck!" the bl (boss lady) told her.

"'s not the money...I just have to go for..." the figure paused looking for the right words. "personal reasons..."

"Will you come back?"

"It's not likely...but I might..."

"Oh..." the bl said as she wrote a check for the figure and handed it to her. The figure looked at the check and frowned slightly.

"This amount is too much..." The figure said and tried to hand the check back, but the bl wouldn't take it. She brushed it away smiling.

"No, it's the right amount for you. You earned that and much more..." The figure looked slightly confused. "You remind me of my careful, wherever you go..." bl said standing up, walking around the desk, and hugging the figure.

"I will" the figure said pulling back and smiling sadly, then walked toward the door of the office in a hurry.

"I hope all goes well for you!" bl yelled, which was heard by a nearby girl. The figure was almost to the door when bombarded by the girl.

"You're leaving...?" Asked the young girl who had overheard.

"Yes..." The figure replied.

"You can't!" The young girl said pulling the figure into an embrace. "You were the first person that listened to me, that talked to me, that treated me like a little sister, that was my best friend you can't leave!"

"I'm sorry...but I have to leave..."

"No, you don't!" the young girl yelled, tears threatening to pour out of her eyes. "You just say that, because you hate me! I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you hate me!" The figure face soften so much.

"I don't hate you...I couldn't never hate you...I am leaving, because I love you like a little sister..." The figure said with tears making themselves present.

"That makes no sense! If you leave, I'll be sad!" The young girl said starting to sob.

"If I stay you could...get hurt"

"It'll be the same if you leave. You probably won't visit either..."

"But one can heal...I have to leave now...And I'll see you again someday..." The figure said pushing the young girl away. "You have to stop crying now..."

"I...can't..." The young girl said crying even harder.

"Yes, you can...You're strong..."

"No, I'm not! And if I am, It's only because you came!"

"Yes, you are...You were strong before I came and you grow stronger everyday..." The figure smiled slightly as the young girl stopped crying.



"Really, really"


"Really, really, really?" The young girl asked again knowing that this would agitate the figure. The figure sighed and rolled eyes.

"You can get so annoying. Did you know that?" The figure asked ruffling the young girls hair laughing.

"I know..." The young girl said and hugged the figure on last time. "I'll miss you...and you better come back soon! Or else!"

"Of course..." The figure said pulling away, walking out of the door to the restaurant. The young girl smiled in a daze and realized that the figure didn't say goodbye and neither did she. She ran out the door and yelled at the figure of was across the street and down half a block. She sucked in as much air as she could and yelled.

"GOODBYE AYUMA! COME BACK SOON! BYE BIG SIS'! REMEMBER YOU PROMISED TO COME BACK!" The young girl yelled with all her might. Ayuma looked back at her with tender eyes and turned and left...again...

Well, How did you like my first chapter of my new story! This time my story will have more action packed, fluffy, dramatic, and longer chapters. I hope that you all like it and will review! I also hope that you will read and review some of my other stories! And if you don't'll make me cry... "Sniff" ...Anyway... I forgot my disclaimer so here it is!

I do not own Shaman King!

Aw...! Short, sweet, and to the point!