I was in a very...weird mood while transferring this from my journal to word. The style is a bit different from the previous chapters, but i think Im gonna stick with it. People are reading, so I'll keep posting. Thanks for reading, makes me not feel all crazy-talking-to-myself-like. :)


Julia opened her eyes. She was tangled in sheets, nude, and it wasnt the warmest temperature in the room. Her eyes caught Hwoarang just as he stood with his boxers on, trying to sneeak away without waking her. She stared ar gun as ge dressed in silence, his back towards her. His body was perfect. The moisture building between her thighs reminded her of just how perfect, and of the night before. Julia blushed ans shook the memories away.

"Hwoarang?" he turned quickly to face her. Hwoarang's teeshirt was just above his pectorals as he continued pulling it down while looking down at her. His hair was in his face, partially covering his eyes, his dog tags, out and exposed as he waited for her to say something more than just his name. "Are you leaving?" It was obvious, but she honestly couldn't think of anything better. Her mind had stopped working for the time being. This wasn't like her. She never paid any attention to her hormones, let alone give into them on a whim of a handsome smile, charm, and a kiss that could stop someone's heart. Maybe those reasons where good enough.

"I'm sorry about last night."

"For what?" Julia had him there. What was he apologizing for? Better yet, why the hell was Hwoarang apologizing for a one night stand? The moment he thought 'one night stand,' he internally frowned at himself. It wasn't like that. Not this time. The thought alone of what they had shared the previous night aroused him. The smell of her hair was still strong in his nose. The blood around the marks she'd left in his arms with her nails were dry. Hwoarang stood still with his eyes closed, mentally willing his arousal away, but it wasn't working. At least it hadn't turned into physical arousal...yet. He was turning red with effort. "Are you blushing?" He shook his head and opened his eyes. Slowly he moved onto the bed, lifting the sheets. Instinctively kissing her bare hips, her body called to him. She ached for him. The arousal was physical now, for the both

of them.

Her body was hot to the touch, her heart was pounding inside her chest. It was like the first time, all over again. She felt shy, but she also felt a burning desire for this man she knew so little about. But that could change. Having sex with someone always changed how well you knew them, whether you wanted to learn more or not. He was only gentle with her for a moment, but his body wanted her in ways he had yet to have her. His body wanted her more than any other woman he'd slept with. More than any woman who filled a void...took a place in his black book...drunkenly fulfilled a fantasy and a one night urge to fuck. Hwoarang wanted to please her more than he wanted to be pleased, and that was an extremely rare concept. Her long thighs were silk beneath his hands, and every time he pushed against her with his hands wrapped around them, he listened to the way she breathed. Hwoarang closed his eyes as they had each other again.

Julia stumbled out of the bed as he slept, and hit the ground with a hard thud that anyone in the room bellow them would here. As if it didn't help that they'd gone at it for two hours, now it sounded like they were throwing body sized furniture. With sheets wrapped around her torso and feet, she sighed.and put her hand to her head.Hwoarang chuckled , his eyes still shut.

"You're a jerk." He rolled over and looked down at her, leaning over the edge of the bed. Even when he woke, he looked amazing. Little did she know that he thought the same of her.

"Are you okay?"

"Now you ask. After you laugh, you ask." Angered, she tried to stand, and tripped again, but kept her balance. He rolled over to his back, hands behind his head, and closed his eyes again. He was so comfortable in his own skin...being nude in front of her. She, on the other hand, was more modest. But for what reason? He'd seen all of her, touched all of her, and been inside her more deeply than any other man. There was no shame between them.

"You're still beautiful. Even when you're angry. And completely naked." It was Julia's turn to blush. He was full to the sun, bellow the navel and beyond, at attention from waking. Julia had to force her eyes to stay at his face. As she stood, she could hardly walk, sore. Was it normal to want more abuse on top of already being sore? She bit her bottom lip.

"I'm going to shower." She silently hoped, as she walked to the bathroom, that he would be gone by the time she returned. It wasn't that she didn't want to be around him. It was so that she wouldn't have to see him naked again. Her body couldn't handle the outcome.


He stood with with his arms folded, legs apart among the group of fighters watching the match. Julia stood three people to his left. They caught each others glances every now and then with little smiles, but had said nothing to one another since earlier in the morning. She wanted to be immature and move beside him to hold his hand. Julia...immature? Where was all this coming from? She kicked herself and decided to stand with her arms folded against her chest as well.

After a few more minutes, she mouthed 'hi' and he squinted. Julia rolled her eyes with a smile. When you could speak three different languages, maybe lips weren't the easiest to read. The match ended, and he walked behind her, whispering in her ear.

"Meet me out front."