A/n: In this chapter we are going to speed things up! I'm a very impatient person when it comes to these things. So since I am going to make at least 3 chapters of pure angst between Riku and Sora….I think I'm allowed. So don't flame please! If you haven't noticed, I'm a very angsty writer, so…I like to play around with the emotions of my characters to whatever song I'm listening to. So if you would like some hints to where I'm leading this story… (cough cough, ShatteredDarkness already knows….) pay attention to the lyrics or the song I pick out. K?

Maybe Memories

Chapter Two: Here, I find no one else but you.

"The stirring of past is now fading,
and it shows the image of scenery
which I could no longer see in a present time.

The image is you, smiling... here beside me.

Yes... I remember it like it was only yesterday.
You looked into my eyes and touched my heart
deeper inside than anyone ever could.

The joy of sharing,
and that fateful encounter with you,
even those tender memories you and I have made,
everything leaves me behind, and vanishes into the light.

Within my fading memories,
still, I long to hold you once again.
I kept on shouting your name, so sad and painfully
until my voice withers."

Gackt; Sai-Kai

Riku gasped as he rushed to get out the door and to his car. It was almost 9:30 A.M.! He ran back inside, moments later, reaching for his paper, his eyes scanning the screen once more before he left for good.

Walking to class, he couldn't stop thinking about Sora or Kairi. The link led to the two people he had been looking for for years. There they were on that web page. There had to have been over a hundred pictures of both of them playing around and kissing. They looked just like they did years ago, just a tad bit taller and each had grown and filled out, especially Kairi. Her hair was long, but still the vibrant red both Sora and him adored. Sora was still the adorable let-me-pinch-your-cheeks boy that Riku had grown up with, though Riku didn't mind he hadn't changed that much.

Riku was in such a state of distraction with thoughts of his friends he didn't realize there was a hyper-active girl heading straight for him. As if watching a scene from a movie, the two collided, the momentum his friend gathering allowing her to stay put while Riku was sent flying to the ground, sliding just a little across the polished floor.

"Hey Riku! How was your summer?" She asked, her smile almost a little too happy.

"It was all right I guess," Riku shrugged the embarrassment off and stood, taking the hand that she held out for him, "Yours?"

"Mine was super-duper fun, actually! I got a whole bunch of autographs this year!" She said excitedly, twirling around the hallway like a two-left feet ballerina.

"Who'd you get this time?" Riku asked, not really interested, but this was always important to her.

"I got that girl…. What's her name! She has that really pretty black hair… and she has a bunch of little slaves running around! I got her signature and the king's!"Suddenly the little booklet of all her autographs was shoved into his chest. People were beginning to stare… well, they always stare. They are such an odd couple.

"Snow White?"

"Yeah! That chick! She was so awesome! But her little minions were big! I thought they were supposed to be tiny, righ-" She cocked her head to the side at Riku's questioning expression. "What!"

"You didn't take your medication today did you, Rena?" He asked, almost jokingly.

Her eyes narrowed playfully as she showed a sly grin. Suddenly she was scurrying away, trying to lose him. "Of course not Riku!" She yelled over the kids in the hall.

"Rena!" He rushed after her, bumping into many kids along the way.

Then, he saw her brown hair and reached for it. Shit! He thoughtas he noticed it was spiky hair, not his Rena's hair that was long and straight. He crashed into the boy before thinking, but quickly recovered, blushing at his own clumsiness… until he saw those big blue eyes staring up at him, laughter dancing in them.

"It's alright as long as you help me up." The boy said, chuckling a bit, trying to pick up all his things that were scattered about.

Riku just stared, his color draining quickly from his face. Everything was beginning to spin as he stared at his Sora. His Sora was right here in front of him. This had to be him. The eyes, the hair, the personality… the voice. God, he could still remember that innocent voice asking him to spar. A smile breached his lips before Riku collapsed onto Sora, his mind overloaded with emotions and thoughts. "It's you." He mentioned before his world went completely black.

Sora was left with a bunch of questioning glares. "Uh…help?"

Riku's eyes stung as he stared up at the menacingly light hanging above him.

"Are you all right?" The nurse asked.

"Of course I'm alright." Riku responded, sitting up in the plastic bed. "So…" He looked over to the lady, "What the hell happened?"

"From what a boy told me, you fell unconscious on top of him. He seemed very embarrassed about it!" She laughed, waving Riku off, "Oh, you're fine. Just a little boo-boo is all. I don't know what could have sparked it, but maybe you should eat more, dear? You look stick thin to me." She stood and started to measure his arms and neck. Before she could get anywhere else, he was out the door. That lady had always scared him. She was always touching him. And what was she talking about, "stick thin"? He had more muscle than any boy in his entire school.

Quickly glancing around, Riku looked for his brown-headed uke. Sora must have been new to the school, because Riku would have known about him if he had attended before. So, if Sora was a transfer, then he wouldn't have any friends yet, marking out a few places to look for the boy, including the lunchroom, the main hallway, and the stadium.

Suddenly, the first tardy bell rang, alerting all the students to get to class. Riku sighed, if he kept looking now, it would be completely useless, especially if Sora was still the boy he remembered from those days on Destiny Island. He would never be late to class, even though he may trip a few times on getting there…

Riku walked into his first block class and sat down, mildly aware of the gossiping fan girls who had formed a fan club in his name who were right behind him and sat down in a semi-circle around him.

"He looks so good this year!"

"Look at that hair! I missed seeing it every day!"

Riku looked at the four girls, his eyes narrowing as he spoke, "How I would love to have my blade so I-"

"Is anyone sitting here?" Came a familiar voice.

A/n: I know it's short, but I think it would be easier for me if I updated this and had the next chapter to look forward to so here it is. Again, I'm rushing things, I know, at least Sora hasn't fallen madly and deeply in love with Riku yet: that comes next chapter… I'm kidding, no they won't find love for quite a while, since I want to keep with the theme of this story. Hope you liked!

Responses! -

ILuVxSeSsHyx4eVa: I can't tell you! (if you keep quiet…Riku falls madly in love with Sora and Sora despises him for being a "fag") I'M KIDDING! Don't take that seriously…really don't -.-' I was joking. If I told you what happens it would ruin the story !

Carbuncle: You play final fantasy XI don't you? O.o; If not I'm completely and utterly sorry! It's just your name is a summoned spirit on there and I'm obsessed with it…XD MWUHAHA! I eventually updated... Don't kill me for the shortness and how long it took me to update… I'm truly sorry! -.-;

Salma: I'm glad you like it! I like it, too. Wanna be friends? O.O!

Shattered Darkness: I shall not talk to you. HOW DARE YOU ADMONISH ME, VERMIN! (update your fiction, or I shall beat you with my Beestinger Dagger, which James hates because he thinks it is not for a warrior. Remember? XD Lulu?

Oh… I'm not being mean to her, for all those clueless question marks rising in your heads. She's my bestest friend and I like to play around with her since she hasn't updated in a while ¬.¬

hikkix2: Another interested reader! How exciting:is blowing over in excitement:

Blondie: I'm keeping it going so you keep those reviews 'a coming. XD I'm joking…. really….I swear….:giggles evilly:

BLACKSHEEEP: OMG! I love huggles! XD And sadly, no Naminé is not going to making an appearance in this fan fiction because I think her existence is inadequate and should be ignored… Really, she just annoys me so I try not to talk about her because bad words are bad…

Sorry if I seem a little hyper! I'm on a sugar high and I'm loving it!