Hi all and welcome to my third fic. Please read and tell me what you think. Hope you enjoy. Basically this is a V/B, G/CC, and K/18 High School fic. Trust me it's original. This really is a trail run, if I get some good reviews I shall continue it. But keep in mind I'm also working on another fic.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Dragon Ball.

I frown as I entered the room commonly known as D-Room for detention once again. It was my first day of school as a junior and already I was in trouble. Looking around the room, I saw that the usual was there as well. The usual being the other five students I normally shared detention with after school which I've been doing since the middle of my freshman year. We all had one thing in common though. We all were outcast each in our own way and we all had one person to thank for it, Kristy Frio.

I will be honest, Kristy was beautiful and the most popular girl at school. She had the body of a model with long red hair. She was maybe a foot taller than myself and head of the cheerleader squad. She had pale skin, which help brought out the dark colors makeup and clothes that she wore, usually with red eyes contact. She also was one conniving cold hearted little bitch. Anyone who pisses her off wish they had never met her; I know I do. For Kristy has a reputation of publicly humiliating anyone who cross her, as well as anyone she didn't like, and anyone from this school could tell you that she hated the six of us very much.

First, there was Krillen, or who Kristy referred to as midget boy. He had not grown an inch since the seventh grade. Known throughout the school as the prankster, for he was constantly pulling pranks on someone, usually causing him to get detention. There were only a certain number of people at school that Krillen had never pull a prank on and I can happily say I'm one of them, as well as the other four sitting in the room. While he was short he was also pretty good at fighting. He had to be if he expected to get away with some of the pranks he pulls. Kristy been mad at him ever since he told jokes about her at the junior high talent show, he even went as far as to draw her as a purple devil with six horns. Kristy got him back; she had her goons chase him down where they shave his hair before tattooing six dots on his head that is still there today. Vowing revenge he ruined her dress by spilling red punch at the junior high dance. Since then he's constantly jumped on from jocks who was most likely sent after him by Kristy. Not a day goes by that someone who knows Kristy goes after Krillen.

Second, there's 18 or Juu as she used to be call, the blonde bombshell step-daughter of Dr. Gero, a respected scientist. She is the most feared girl at school. Juu had once been very popular at school even more popular than Kristy, which was something she resented very much. She confronted Juu and got the beating of her life by Juu. She later apologized to Juu and invited her to her party that weekend. Little did Juu know that she had fallen into Kristy trapped. Juu doesn't remember what happen at the party. But she do remember her step-father bursting through her door demanding an explanation as to why there was a picture of her and 18 boys and girls laying nude on the front covers of the newspaper (Hence the dreaded name 18) with the title FRESHMAN GIRLS GONE WILD. Unfortunately Juu couldn't. When she return to school next week, none of her friends would talk to her and rumors quickly began to spread about her been infected. Every now and then some dumb student would tease her calling her 18 only to end up getting their butts kick and causing Juu to get detention.

Third there was Chichi, the second feared girl at school under 18. She has the pleasure of actually being related to royalty. She had been home school up until junior high where she decided to attend public school like normal students against her father wishes. She quickly gained a lot of popularity when she came to school and that didn't sit well with Kristy. So she pretended to be her friend for the time being, and like she did with 18 invited Chichi over. I don't know what she did but Chichi was never the same, she became mean and distance herself from everyone. And anytime anyone tried to get to know her she would end up snapping and just attack them for no apparent reason (which was probably why she was here in detention.) She also began learning martial arts after that party. Many began saying she was a snob, but she didn't care, she just wanted people to leave her alone. I believe she wanted to leave but didn't because she didn't want her father to know he was right about public school.

Next there was Goku, aka Kakarott. One of the most popular athletes at OSH, it was already being said that he would lead the football team to it third state championship this year. He was one half of the duo that had kept OSH Dragons undefeated for the pass two years. Still even with all that fame he was still an outcast. Goku rarely spoke a word, or showed any type of emotion, ignoring everyone as he went from class to class walking around in a dazed, it's a shame really, he's actually a shell of his former self. You see he wasn't always like this, when he was younger he was the happiest and most carefree guy I had ever met, always helping others and trying to be everyone friend. That was until he met Kristy.

It was never said what he did to cause Kristy wraith on him, but it must have been something big. Because of his trusting nature he never suspected what the girl was capable of. You see she caught Goku at a very difficult time in eighth grade which I'll get into details of later. Anyway, Goku thought he had found a new friend, instead he was Kristy next victim. She pretended to have like him and being the caring person he was he accepted her. Somehow she managed to dressed him up as a drag queen and posted it at every school in West City, and from the look on Goku's face when he saw them one could easily tell he had no idea when it happen or who had did it. Everywhere he went there were posters of him in that horrible dress with make up in a very mess up looking position, and his peers wasted no time picking at him, even when he was out with his foster parent Gohan. Goku was so ashamed that he tried to take his life, only it didn't work, and he ended up spending that entire summer in counseling. It was then that he became what he was now.

However don't take his silence for him being weak, since his return from counseling he hasn't taken being pick on well, and the fact that he's into martial arts make him very dangerous. He's like a volcano; quiet and still, but be dumb enough to make fun of him and he will erupt before you know it and you'll quickly find yourself in a pool of your own blood. Really, people should really learn to leave him alone, anyone willing to take their life is clearly not someone to joke with.

Then there's Vegeta, the second half of the duo that kept OSH Dragons undefeated. Vegeta is well…….Vegeta. Piss him off and that your ass, and you have to be careful because he's very short tempered, and always mad about something. Like Goku he's also into martial arts and is quick to beat the shit out of weaklings as he calls them, however with him it could be just because they look at him the wrong way or any little thing. To put it simple he's a bully. Still he's quite the looker and in eighth grade Kristy tried to date him. However, he turn her down saying 'he had better to do than to go out with bitches in heat' in front of the entire eighth grade class. And that of course is what did him in. You see Vegeta never really talked to anyone. In fact he only had one person that you actually could say was his friend. But after turning down Kristy in front of class, she made sure that their friendship ended quickly and bloody. After that Vegeta kept to his self.

In case you guys haven't figured it out, Vegeta and Goku were best friends up until the middle of junior high when Vegeta turn Kristy down. You see their lives had been very similar. Vegeta father was once a very powerful businessman, and owned a company called Sayjin Industries where Goku parents worked as a scientist. However, both were kill when terrorist blew up their headquarters leaving both Vegeta and Goku homeless. Vegeta moved with his guardian Nappa, while Goku was adopted by a old man by the name of Gohan. Both of them took the deaths of their parents very hard. I don't know whether to call it fate or coincidence that the two ended up going to same school in the fourth grade. Seeing that they had similar backgrounds the counselor thought it would be a good idea if the two met, hopefully they could get each other over their parents death. Her plan work and the two it off pretty well considering their personalities were as different as day and night.

I guess you're wondering what Kristy did to ruin their friendship. From what I understand she managed to fool Vegeta's guardian into believing she was a friend of Vegeta's and had left something in his house. The idiot unknowing let her in and it was here in his room that she found a few pictures of him and his family which she took and later showed to him claiming that Goku had giving them to her to show how much he loved her. Then there in front of him she ripped the pictures apart. Believing that there was no other explanation for her to obtain them (especially seeing as Goku was the only student who'd had been in his house) he believe her and that day began the feud between the two of them which only intensified after Goku begin hearing rumors that it was Vegeta who was behind him being dress in drag for payback. The two are at each other necks everyday which was probably why they were here now. If it wasn't for the fact that they were so good at football they probably would have been kick out of this school for terrible behavior a long time ago. It's sad though, because neither of them suspects that all this was Kristy doing. Sure you could try to tell them but I doubt if they'll listen, they're too bent on beating each other and anyone who has seen them fight will tell you it get bloody very quickly, and I highly doubt they will let you finished your sentence once you start bringing up their past.

Last there was me, Bulma Briefs. Like Juu, I'm a daughter of a resound scientist as well only I'm his actual daughter. I am not shy are anything but once Kristy and her goons came along I had to change some things so as to not bump heads with her. But in the end we ended up bumping heads anyway. Back doing the middle of eighth grade not to long after Kristy had broken up Vegeta and Goku friendship our school got a new student, a boy name Yamcha, and both me and Kristy fell for him. In the end he chose me over Kristy and we started dating. Our relationship lasted up to the Junior High Dance. I'll never forget that night. Me and Yamcha had been enjoying ourselves and out of no where these two guys came arguing at us claiming that I belong to both of them and started a fight with Yamcha which didn't end pretty. After that night he had nothing to do with me.

Then my first year of high school she begin making girls believe I was trying to take their man. It wasn't my fault that guys drool over me but Kristy made that my disadvantage. Which is why I'm here today; because I just happened to be taking to this guy and his girlfriend thought the two of us were flirting. Instead of fussing at him she attacked me instead. No girl at school will talk to me believing I'm only trying to be their friend to move in on what's theirs and I won't talk to any guys because they're all expecting me to put out. Nowadays I try to avoid Kristy but she's known for holding a grudge and no matter what she always find a way to have fun with one of us whether it be having some boys beat Krillen, people joking at Juu, or trying to talk to Chichi, girls fighting with me, or watching Goku and Vegeta try to kill one another.

How do I know these things, well let just say that one hears a lot when no one knows they're there, hiding in the bathroom and lockers, pretending to be asleep or pretending like they're listening to their headphones.

Like I mention earlier, Kristy didn't work alone. She had her own clique who was more than happy to help her out.

Like Paris. She's Kristy informative, knowing everything going on in school and always tells Kristy what ever she want to know. She's a brunette about my height with blue eyes. Basically, she's Kristy's do girl. Anything Kristy want she do.

After her there's Cindy, a true drama queen always over reacting to something and always worrying about her looks. Of course she was smart enough not to complain to Kristy. She was 5'6 blond hair and use blue eye contact unlike Paris. But don't let that trick you, if Kristy need a plan, Cindy quick to come up with one.

Then there's Drake; a pig headed snob, believing he was god gift to women. He pretty well built and about 6'0ft even with sandy brown hair and usually wears green eye contacts. He's a bully but not as bad as Vegeta. Drake tends to bully only when he's sure he won't get caught.

Next you have Rex; Drake sidekick. You rarely see one with out the other. He's about 6'3 tall, and usually serves as Drake lookout man.

Finally there's Max; Kristy bodyguard who reminds you of a lineman on steroids. He's 6'9 with a crew cut and small beard with brown eyes and dumb as a door knob having already been kept back twice. To get to Kristy you have to get pass him and he doesn't care if you're a man or not, touch Kristy and you'll have to answer to him.

Together they run Orange Star High, with all the students being their pawns, using them however they see fit.

"You girls can leave now." Said the teacher.

Bulma and Juu got up and stretched glad that detention was over, while Chichi dozed off again. Being in detention had that affect on you. From the looks of things the boys had already left. Gathering her things, Bulma slowly followed Juu out the door down the hall frowning as she saw others mean bugging her, but she ignored the other girls. No one would say anything now, not with Juu in front of her. Not that Juu would help her or anything. It was just that Juu might mistake them as coming up to her to say something, which would not end well for them. Finally, the two made it out the door. Looking in the parking lot a large crowd had gathered as Goku and Vegeta was at it again each trying to choke the other to death as a teacher was heading over to break it up.

"Out of the way!" snapped Chichi as she came out the building bumping pas both Bulma and Juu heading to her car.

"Bitch." Mumbled Juu before heading on her way.

Bulma didn't say nothing but she did agree with Juu.

Heading to her car she quickly jetted out of the parking lot heading down the street before stopping at a red light. Looking to her left she finally sees Krillen running by with a couple of students on his tail. Whether they were after him because of one of his pranks or for Kristy she didn't know but from the looks of things he wouldn't get away today. As the lights turned green she gladly took off knowing that this was going to be another long year.

Well that's it for this chapter. Please read and review and tell me what you think. And just to let you know the part about Goku, Vegeta, Krillen, and 18 is actually base off an event that happen at my school, just in case someone was thinking that that could never happen.