Author Note: So… I listed this under angst. If you're not a fan of angst, then please, by all means, don't read the story. Thanks to those of you who have reviewed – I've taken your words into consideration and I did get a chapter out before you left for basic Sleit Kilcanon!. As always, please R/R…


"I am cordially invited to a family reunion?" Hermione raised her eyebrow skeptically. "Ginny, you do realize that Molly has us all over all the time. Why do we need a reunion?"

"She doesn't have all of us over, Hermione. Charlie and Bill are rarely home and we never see Remus and Tonks anymore."

"So this isn't just a Weasley affair?"

"Oh, bother, Hermione! When is the last time 'family' just meant those with the last name Weasley?"

Hermione blushed. "You're right, I just wasn't thinking."

"It's because you've been spending all your time writing that bloody book for my dad."

"I should have it done soon."

"Thank Merlin!" Ginny was silent for a minute, as though she was listening to something from another room. "Oh, it seems that Alessandra has woken from her nap. I better run. I'll see you soon, right?"

"Absolutely," Hermione affirmed as Ginny's head disappeared from her fireplace.

She walked back over to her writing desk and picked up her quill.

"Now, where was I?"

It is the hope of not only the author, but the entire wizarding world, that Harry Potter would once again surface. For some, they long to hear the true story of that fateful night. For the students of Hogwarts, they'd love to have someone permanently fill the ever-revolving position of Defense Against the Dark Art professor. But for his friends, they'd just love to have Harry back in their lives again.

"You can't propose to her out of the blue, mate."

Harry sighed, "That's what your wife told me."

"Well, I didn't marry an idiot."

The two friends sat in silence for a few moments before Draco said, "So, your plan is?"

"Well, I thought I'd see her at the party that you two are throwing."

Draco nodded. "Yeah, that's not for another six weeks. Unacceptable. Plan B?"


"Seriously, do you have balls or are you, in fact, a girl?"

"Malfoy," Harry growled.

"Owl her. Now."


Draco took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I promised my very hormonal wife that I would not kill you, but it is becoming a test of my vows, Potter."

"Draco, she has no idea that I'm here in London. I can't just owl her out of the blue."

"Well, I've already vetoed your brilliant plan, so why can't we go with mine?"

"Fine. Would you like me to do it now?" There was a slight sneer to Harry's voice.

Suddenly, Harry found his hands filled with a quill and parchment and Draco's face filled with a smirk. "For the love of Merlin, Potter, don't let my company stop you."

With a deep sigh, Harry began.

Dear Hermione,