Story of how Kouga and Kagome find love while playing practical jokes on Kikyo. The pranks are soo funny!

Disclaimer: Never owned, never will. So sad!

Chapter 1:Kikyo's Entrance

"Everyone! Sit down as I take the attendance!" Mr.Myouga said as he said down on his desk and opened his attendance book.

"Kagome Higurashi!" (sp?)


"Rin Hirgurashi!"

"I'm Heeeeeeeeeeeeere!" Rin sang.

"Inuyasha Tousha!"

"I'm over here! No need to yell!"

"Sesshomaru Tousha!"

Sesshomaru grunted meaning he was here.

"Sango Chan!"


"Miroku Tai"

"Ready to work sir!"

The whole class glared at him.

:sweatdrop falls down Miroku's head:

"Kikyo Hoo-hash-something!"

Kikyo stood up and gave the whole class a wink.

"Thank you so much Mr.Myouga for making my name sound so unique and by the way, It's "Hoohashi".

"Like it makes a difference." Rin said.

The whole class hated Kikyo except probably Miroku who basically liked any young girl so it makes no difference.

Kikyo gave a little supermodel turn hoping all the boys would drool but they didn't. Kikyo gave a little swing in the hips to make the boys drool but they didn't.

"Kikyo, please stop moving your bottom from side to side and place it on the chair where it will hopefully stay for the next hour." Mr. Myouga said.

The whole class bursted into laughter.

"Humph!" Kikyo said as she crossed her arms and sat down.

Everyone is just jealous of my beauty!

The attendance continued until Mr. Myouga said "Class, today we have a new student! Kouga Wolf, please come in!"

A young man with a long black ponytail walked in the room and bowed.

Kikyo immediately got up and winked at him.

"Hey cutie! I'm sure you'd like to unwind with me at my mansion while we do something private together?"

"Get a life!" Inuyasha said from the front of the class.

"Inuyasha honey!" Kikyo said as she walked to the front of the class and tried to kiss Inuyasha on the lips. "Come here and give your sweety a kissy!"

Kikyo was about to kiss him when Inuyasha placed a finger on top of her lips.

"Keep those red swollen things that You call lips." Inuyasha said.

I guess the only one left that is even worth hitting on is that monk.

"Miroku you cute little monk! Come and give me a kiss! I promise you I will bear your child and we will have the nicest kids in the entire universe!"

Miroku was about to say something when he felt lips on his lips. Then her tongue was about to stick in his mouth when she felt someone whack her in the head.

She stopped kissing Miroku and turned around to see a red faced Sango with flames above her head.

"Nobody but nobody kisses my Miroku on the lips except for ME!" Sango screamed.

"Stupid Kikyo." Sesshomaru muttered.

Sango punched Kikyo right in the stomach and Kikyo cried for help.

Meanwhile, a certain perverted monk was still daydreaming and in a daze because of Kikyo's almost French kiss. Daydreaming about what? About his future children with Kikyo. Kagome could sense these things and immediately told Sango which only made her more mad and started ounching and kicking Kikyo in the head, back and tmach over and over again until Kikyo had broken at least 8 bones.

"Miroku! Get out of that trance!" Sango said as she shook Miroku over and over again.

"Kikyo? Is that you?" Miroku said as he pulled Sango towards him and immediately French kissed her.

Sango stuck her toungue in as well and they continued kissing for at least 15 minutes until they both had to breath.

"Aw……." The whole class said except for Kikyo who was more than half dead at the moment.

"Rin wanna do with Sesshomaru!" Rin sang while talking.

Rin jumped onto Sesshomaru and kissed him on the lips. Sesshomaru started to blush so hard that Inuyasha spoke up.

"Gee, I didn't know Sesshomaru could even blush, hardly even do anything at the least." Inuyasha said.

While the whole class was staring at the two couples blushing and giggling with each other, Kagome snuck up to Kouga.

"Hi Kouga, you're pretty cute."

"You're pretty cute yourself!"

"Do you want to go out tonight or something?"

"You're asking me out? Sure! I'd love to!"

"Um…..the movies tonight at 7:00"?

"No problem" Kouga said happy that he was having so much luck in a new school.

"Great!" Kagome said as she gave him a light kiss on the cheeks.

"I'm going to like it in this school." Kouga said.

Kagome giggled.

Mr. Myouga's head finally started to burn.


Just as he said this he was cut off my the bell.

"Well, I guess class is over. That was funnish." A very bored Inuyasha said.

Miroku snapped out of it.

"Oh! Sango my dear! Was I kissing you?"

"Um….yah, sort of…." Sango said as she looked down and blushed.

"Can we do it again sometime?" Miroku asked with his white teeth shining.

"Do it?" Sango asked.

"Yah, you know, taking off clothes, in bed kiss-"

Before Miroku could finish, Sango screamed "HENTAI!" and paniced accidentally knocking Miroku out cold.


Lunch Time

"So, Kouga, where are you from?" Kagome asked.

"Out east before I moved here."

"Oh! Was everyone there as cute as you?"

"Not really. I'm the best looking one! Just kidding!" Kouga chuckled as he started to tickled Kagome.

"HA HA HA HA! STOP KOUGA-KUN! HA HA HA HA!" Kagome laughed like crazy. Kouga stopped and Kagome pocked him right above his waist.

"OMG! THAT"S MY TICKLY SPOT!" Kagome stopped poking.

"How'd you know?" Kouga laughed as he wiped his tears away from laughing.

"I get these feelings." Kagome said.

"Hey, I got an idea." Kouga said as he sat down closer to Kagome on the lunch table.

"What Kouga?"

"Let's play pranks on that big butted Kikyo."

"What should we do?"

"I'm thinking old fashioned pranks. Oh! I know! She likes showing off her butt right?"

"More than anything in the world, besides her bust."

"I see….."

"I GOT IT!" Kagome screamed.

"I can bust down lockers pretty well, and I know she changes her bra and underwear every 2 hours so I'll open her locker, put some glue in her bra and underwear and voila!"

"Ha Ha! Let's see how she likes it when she can't remove them."

"C'mon, let's get to work."

At the Lockers

Kagome ran her finger down the row of lockers, looking for Kikyo's. A sudden tingle went through her body when she ran her finger down locker 156.

"I'm sure this locker is hers! Kouga, you keep watch and make sure she doesn't come."


Kagome turned Kikyo's lock back and forth until she felt 3 tingles and the lock clicked open. She opened it to see a locker stuffed with bras and underwears.

"Woah…..So that's what bras look like."

"Kouga-kun! You're supposed to keep watch, not think about trying bras on!"

Kagome covered her mouth.

"Okay, spill how do you always know what I'm doing or thinking?"

"Um….There's no easy way of putting this but I'm a miko (Priestess) and I kinda get these feelings all the time about things and I can kinda hear from time to time what people are thinking. Okay? Please don't turn me down for that."

"No problem! That's pretty cool and I will not try on her bra. Okay?"

Kagome fake punched Kouga on the arm. "Whatever you say Kouga-kun."

Kagome slowly applied the glue on four pairs of bras and 4 pairs of underwears.

"I'm done Kouga-kun."

"Kagome! Close her locker right now! Kikyo's coming!"

They both ran off and hid around the corner to spy on her.

They saw her reach into her locker and pull out an underwear and bra then head towards the girls changing rooms.

Kouga and Kagome ran quietly to the girls changeroom.

"Kouga! You can't come in here! We'll stay out here until she comes out."

They ran back to the corner and saw Kikyo walking out with her old bra and underwear.

"Kikyo looked around to see no one there and then said to herself, "Ugh! My underwear and bra feel really tight today!" and she walked back into the changerom.


Kouga and Kagome heard Kikyo screaming in the changeroom.

Kagome walked in to see Kikyo pulling and pulling her bra off but it was stuck.


Next, she saw her trying to pull her underwear off but it was also stuck.

Kagome quickly ran out of the changeroom quietly to see Kouga waiting for her outside.

"So? What did you see?"