Title – Why Me?
Author – Artemis Potter-Snape
Chapters – 3/3
Disclaimer – Harry Potter, not mine
Warnings – um, what would you call it? Mpreg, Slash. Character death.
Characters – Harry mentions Snape and Madam Pomfrey.
AN – This is the last chapter. Happy birthday to me on the 19th Jena Alisha Morrigan will be 27yrs old
x-x-x- scene change -x-x-x
Chapter 3 – The End is nigh
Sat in his office Severus Snape stared at the owl sitting on the edge of his desk staring at him…offering it's leg, as it had for the past day. He had ignored it at first because it was from his ex-lover, the man he loved, the man that he raped, the man that he cheated on…with the scum that told him lies, that caused him so much pain that he had refused to listen to his love and raped him instead. Carefully he removed the letter and opened it and began to read…
Professor Snape,
I don't know how to say this, so I will say it straight I suppose, not that you can call me that.
Anyway…I'm pregnant, you know I was a virgin before you raped me, and I wouldn't let anyone touch me after, so you are definitely the father.
There is a problem, one huge one, I think its twins, and the canal is forming, it's too soon. The Dursleys locked me in the room and have left for the week, please come and get me, I forgive you, please help, I don't want to die, I don't want my…our babies to die.
Love always Harry
'Oh God'
The paper fell to his desk as he watched Hedwig fly away with the other letter still attached, he looked at the paper again before flying to his feet and running to his rooms to floo Madam Pomfrey.
"Poppy floo to Mrs Figgs in ten minutes and go to Harry's house I will meet you there"
"Severus what is the matter?"
"Later…just…just hurry please."
He cut the connection and floo'd to Mrs Figgs and ran out without giving an explanation, he ran as if the Deatheaters were after him, ran till he was in pain.
Ten minutes later he was blasting the door off and running up the stairs to the room that he had seen in Harry's memories.
"Harry…Harry" Severus called as he ran.
"Sev?" he heard called back weakly.
He burst into the room and stopped short at the sight before him.
"Oh Merlin…Harry."
"Too…late…take…them…Ebony…Arella…and…Kerwin…Azriel…I…love…forgive…you…" with that Harry breathed his last breathe, after managing to hold on for the last few hours waiting for someone to come.
Sev walked quietly towards Harry trying to not disturb the two sleeping bundles in his loves arms, he carefully lowered himself to his knees and stroked the cheek of his beloved and silently sobbed out his loss.
"Severus Snape where are you?" Came the loud yell of the Medi-witch
He ignored her still stroking his beloved's cheek.
"Sever…what is going on?" She demanded as she walked through the door.
"He's dead…I killed him…my fault…" Severus choked out.
She practically ran to the bed and started to perform spells on Harry,
"I'm so sorry Severus there isn't anything I can do, I'll take the little ones to Hogwarts, we'll find them ho…"
"NO…my kids they will stay with me." Severus screamed at her, picking up the now screaming bundles, he carefully unwrapped them and looked at them.
Even though he knew one to be a girl and one a boy he couldn't tell which was which without totally uncovering them, they were identical apart from one thing, one had green eyes and one had black, beautiful was the only word he could think to describe them. He wrapped them up carefully, ignoring the Medi-witch and carried them out of the house passed the wards and apparated them to the Ministry to have them named and their parentage established, he kept their names that Harry had given them and added one more the little girl became Ebony Arella Harriet Potter-Snape and the little boy became Kerwin Azriel James Potter-Snape.
A month later it was confirmed that Voldemort had died, including the remaining loyal Deatheaters…including one Draco Malfoy…Harry had had the last laugh, using his last strength to cast a soul binding spell between him and Voldemort, when Harry died he dragged Voldemort, Malfoy and the rest with him into death for all eternity.
My love, if you are reading this then I have gone…I will not go alone, I cast a very powerful spell to bind souls…if I am to go then I will not leave my children to suffer at the hands of Deatheaters and Voldemort.
The spell is one I found and tweaked, those of loyalty to Voldemort cannot escape…I do not know how many will die with him, but I know in my heart that you will remain to care for our children, they are named appropriately, Ebony and Kerwin both for their black hair and their middle names mean Angel which they are. When they are old enough tell them about me, let Ron, Hermione, Remus and the rest of the Weasleys into their lives, tell them that I loved them and it hurt so much to leave them the way I did, but tell them that no matter what I will always walk beside them protecting them as I will you.
I forgive you for what you did…it hurt to know that you did not trust me…it hurt so much that you betrayed me with that sadistic bastard, but remember no matter what I will love you for eternity, don't leave the babies, love them as no one loved us at that age…remember I love and forgive you, now forgive yourself…my love, my heart, my only…