A/N: I would just like to say thank you to all of my best reviewers, new and old and the people who just read and didn't review. This was my most successful story out of all of the ones I have written and I want to thank you all for such high praise and compliments. I do have to say that the first chapter of the second book might come soon but the sequel is going to be slower than this one. Eldest is a much longer, more complicated book so I need time to fit Marie in and alter everything I need to make itjust right so it will flow smoothly with no problems. Once again, thank you to all of my fans and I hope to see you all when I post the sequel. Luv you all!
A/N 2: I thought you'd all like to know, there is a sneak peek of the summary to Marie's Dragon II: Eldest at the bottom of the chapter. But finish this first! No skipping!
Chapter 26: The End
Marie and Oropher flew back into Tronjheim to find a huge surprise. The Isidar Mithrim was shattered. Saphira and Arya were nearby, horribly worried. They still had not yet noticed the female Rider.
"What happened?" demanded Marie. Arya and Saphira turned and immediately their expressions turned to fury. Saphira roared and charged at Oropher while Arya tackled Marie to the ground, sword to the Rider's neck.
"STOP!" Marie screamed. "Oropher is ok now! He's back! He's ok!"
Marie could hear Oropher speak to Saphira and Saphira listened, watching Oropher duck and twist, trying to be free.
Arya…Marie is right. Somehow…she got him back. Saphira said to the elf.
Arya pulled away from Marie, her expression blank. Oropher weaved his head around to the elf. I-I am sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone.
"I understand that now…" said Arya with a slanted eyebrow raised. "The only thing I don't get is…how did you break the flame's possession. It's supposed to be impossible."
"I told you...everyone that if they'd just let me get near him…to see him, I would get him back," Marie said, her voice suddenly filled with grief. Oropher looked at her and swept her with feeling of comfort and regret. I never meant to hurt you…
I know…but it still doesn't take the pain away…Marie said. She leaned on her dragon, for the moment overwhelmed with happiness. She let a few tears slide down her face before turning to Arya and Saphira again. "Where is Eragon?"
Arya and Saphira were filled with pain and regret as they told of Eragon's battle with the Shade.
"Is he alright?" demanded Marie. Worry flooded her.
"He's with Angela right now…he should be alright in a few days," said Arya quietly.
Marie relaxed her shoulders. I do hope he's alright…
Marie? Saphira's voice entered her mind. Did you happen to get hurt while you were out there? Maybe by a sword or an arrow, perhaps?
No…why? Marie asked not really paying attention.
Just wondering…If Marie had been connected to Saphira…she might have sensed something wrong.
The rest of the day was spent trying to convince everyone that Oropher was ok. Some people believed them but others, who had a friend or two lost to the pearl dragon's jaws shouted curses at the Rider and dragon.
Marie and Arya began to warm up to each other. The elf was still very isolated and was older in mind, body andspirit than Marie but the Rider had done some growing as well and they were able to talk maturely.
Marie sighed as she ran her hand on Oropher's side. She was tired and was still sick. With Oropher's strength she had managed to stand and talk without anyone noticing but as she stumbled and shut her eyes briefly, Arya noticed.
"You need to rest, Marie," the elf said looking her over.
"But Eragon's not well yet and-" Marie stopped as she looked at Arya's face which suddenly flowed with expression. It was pain.
"Eragon killed Durza, Marie but…the Shade cast a dark curse on Eragon…he might not make it," said Arya slowly, choosing careful words.
Marie's eyes widened and her heart jumped to her stomach. "Wha-he'll make it right?"
"I do not know. It depends on how well Angela can fix him," said Arya.
"I see…" Marie mumbled. Her life had just now became good but how could it be good when Eragon wasn't by her side, helping her with the struggle.
"We should eat and then rest. It is late and we will need to start healing the injured," said Arya and she immediately pulled Marie into the kitchens, the dragons poking their heads in after them.
Marie got a plate of meat and fruit but only picked at them. Oropher snapped up large chunks of it with Saphira. The pearl dragon stopped to look at Marie with a golden eye. You really should eat. We need our strength to help the wounded after we sleep.
I know but…Eragon. He could die Oropher. Marie picked at her meat but finally shoved a bite in, realizing just how hungry she was.
Marie…even if Eragon gets back, I don't think you should pursue him any longer. Oropher said.
Marie shot him a look. Why not? We're a fit match! We're both the same age and we're both Riders! It's a better match then him and Arya!
Oropher bobbed his head slightly as Marie gulped down the rest of her food with new fury. Very true…but a romance would turn you both away from your duties.
You said that before, Oropher. I know what I'm getting into. Marie said. She shoved her plate away and went to him. Saphira looked at her with big blue eyes and Marie acknowledged it with a nod. But she continued her talk with Oropher.
I know, Marie, and then I was ok with it because I did not know what Brom had in plan for us. But now…well, think of it this way: you two are Alagaesia's last hope. Oropher said as he leaned and sat down against a wall, folding his white wings.
Marie smirked. And what better way to share the experience than to get married to him?
Oropher heaved a large sigh. You really don't give up do you?
No. Marie said simply as she leaned against a large leg.
All I'm saying is…don't give out your heart so easily. It's possible Eragon may have a passion for you but…being an elf, Arya might have grown on him stronger. Oropher said nuzzling her as Marie gasped at the comment and hugged her knees.
I hate that stupid elf. She snarled to Oropher and she glared at Arya's back.
I love you, little one. Oropher said.
I love you too. Marie said and suddenly became content. She curled up against Oropher and drifted to a happy sleep.
Marie woke the next morning with vigor and energy practically clawing its way out.
"Come on, it's time to help," said Arya. The elf and Marie, Oropher and Saphira walked into the battlefield.
Sickness swept over Marie. How could Galbatorix do this? These men…they all had family, friends, homes…
And I was the killer of some of them, Oropher added solemnly.
No. That evil white dragon was the killer. You weren't. You never did anything that horrible. Marie insisted and she burst into a trot to avoid the topic.
Healing the wounded was just as hard as looking at them. As Marie helped them, it almost felt like she herself was the one with the injury. She had to push past it with her mind and seal the skin so that the horrible sensations would end.
All in all, Marie and Oropher began to hate healing as it was slowly sucking the energy away from them.
Close to evening, Murtagh, who Marie had not seen in a day and a half burst towards them. "Eragon is fine. Come with me. He's going to wake up soon."
Marie grinned heartily but threw her arms around Murtagh's neck before he could leave. "I thought you were one of the dead ones. Where've ya been?"
Murtagh hugged her back and smiled down at her as she let go. Marie realized his face was clammy and tired. "I was helping the dwarves on the other side of the field all night. I thought you were dead too. I didn't hear any news about how you were doing with that witch. I didn't even realize, you had saved Oropher."
"Yeah…I kind of left when I wasn't supposed too," said Marie with a sheepish grin.
Murtagh smiled again at her but turned his attention to Oropher who was towering above them both. "I'm glad you're back Oropher. It was a pleasure to see you grow so large and to know one as wise as you. It has been an outstanding experiancefighting with you and Saphira."
Thank you, Murtagh. Your words hearten me. I have longed for someone to appreciate that I'm back ever since Marie and I flew for the first time in a while. Oropher said, dipping his head.
I appreciate you! Marie snapped.
Just give him the message! Oropher growled back.
Marie pouted but gave the message to Murtagh who thanked him as well and told that it was an honor to know him. Oropher was about to reply when Marie stepped in and demanded that she stop playing messenger girl and they go see Eragon. She was also quite mad that Eragon could already be awake and she wasn't there to welcome him…but Arya was.
Oropher and Murtagh agreed and they and Saphira made their way quickly to the room Eragon was in.
Marie smiled to see that he wasn't up yet and she sat down in the chair closest to him. Murtagh and Arya stood while Oropher and Saphira poked their heads in.
Marie looked at his face. It was now peaceful and Marie loved it. His brown hair that flopped in his face, his deep brown eyes that Marie imagined behind tanned eyelids. He was the one for her.
Marie…remember my words. Oropher broke in.
Dismayed, Marie was beginning to take an understanding to Oropher's words. Fine…
Eragon let out a slight groan and began to get up but he cringed and lied back down slowly.
He looked around at the eager faces before him before stopping at Marie. "Is this a dream?"
"No…" Marie blushed at the question. What was wrong with him?
Eragon sat up, more slowly this time and stared hard at Marie, his face contorted with confusion. He reached out a hand and touched Marie's face, letting it slide softly before he dropped it. Marie shivered at the touch of his callused hand. "You're alive…"
"Yes…and Oropher too," said Marie.
Eragon continued to gaze at her. Marie stared with shock as two tears slide down his cheek. No one said a word. Saphira looked around uneasily. She knew now she never should have made Eragon fire that arrow.
"Eragon…what's wrong?" Marie asked. As she saw the pain gather in his face, her own eyes gathered in tears. The boy reached out a hand again and pressed it against her face.
"I don't believe it. This has to be some sort of spell that Durza has put me under…" Eragon said.
"What? Why is it so hard to believe I'm alive?" asked Marie. She pressed her face into his hand, wanting so bad for him to see her.
"Because I…no…" Eragon just shook his head. He pulled his hand back and stared hard at Marie. The girl wanted to weep at the loss of his touch on her face. Eragon's gaze fell to Oropher.
His eyes turned cold and pained and his face screwed up in anger. "Get away! You two can't be real! You can't be standing here. Looking at me! You can't be!"
"Eragon, what is wrong?" demanded Arya.
"I shot her!" yelled Eragon pointing at Marie. Marie stood and backed away. Now it was her turn to be confused. He couldn't have…he wouldn't have…would he? That arrow…the arrow I knew would've killed me if Oropher hadn't stopped it…it was his…
"Why?" screamed Marie. She was sobbing now. After all she had just said to Oropher…after all they had been through and he wanted to kill her?
"I had to!" yelled Eragon. A tremor shot through his back and he grasped it in pain. He turned back to her with red eyes. "I had to kill you. It was the only way to stop him (he pointed at Oropher) from killing anyone else. It was the only way to keep him from staying with the Empire."
"I…but…" Marie sat down on the floor.
Eragon…I think I should explain the rest. Oropher said. Eragon started as he heard Oropher's voice in his mind.
Go on then…tell me why I have to be tortured with a full image of both of you in my head. Eragon snarled and he looked away from everyone.
The second I saw that arrow appear from the battle, I felt myself return to control. Before, it had felt like someone else was in control of my body. But when I saw Marie about to get killed, I couldn't have it. I took over and threw myself in front of her. The arrow bounced off harmlessly. This isn't a fake image. I am as real as you are. As Marie is too. Oropher said.
Eragon…I should have never even suggested it. It was horrible of me. Saphira said softly, only to him.
Eragon was quiet. He studied Marie for a moment and rubbed his eyes. doubt still clung onto him. He remembered the feel of Marie's skin against her hand. It was so soft, so real. She has to be real. She just has to be. He sighed shakily, becoming weak from the pain in his body and the pain in his heart.
"Marie…" Eragon started. "I'm sorry…I just couldn't believe…I thought Durza was torturing me in a new way…making me feel deathly guilty…please forgive me."
Marie turned to him with a watery smile and hugged him. Eragon hugged her as well, feeling her frail body pressed against his. Rider to Rider, friend to friend.
Somehow, with the weight of the world on the shoulders of these two…maybe, just maybe…they'll be ok. The End.
Marie's Dragon II: Eldest Summary
In the second bookof the Vulpix4Life version of the Inheritance trilogy, emotions and feelings run high, as do actions. While Eragon is doing his training with Marie and learning things from Arya, his heart is at a constant war. Who will he choose? Marie is also trying to keep her head when sexual discrimination arises among some of the elves who don't see it fit for a human, much less a human girl to have the lucky role of a Rider. She is also faced with the challenge of accepting that Eragon might not want her at all. Join me next time in the second book, coming soon!