A/n: Hello people I'm back with this new chappie. I am so so so sorry I haven't update for a really long time, I'm having a minor writer's block in here. I'll use Uruki for his female form and Rimudo for his male form. Thank you for your reviews, here I'll answer them for you.

Frostbite Wings: Thanks! Well, here I am with the update four days after. Ok, there was light when Shigi appeared because it concerns his power…and about his power as a seishi, I'm not gonna tell you that just yet. I think that answers your second question too. Thanks for reviewing, see you in a bit.

Cherry blossom318: Fufufu! I really like Shigi and well, I thought it would be nice if I make him a seishi. Thanks, I'm feeling quite unsure how Hien acts so it's really nice to know I made him act alright. Thanks for the review!

Lavender-Stone: Well, yeah I'm fine! And…I'm really thinking about the pairings but I agree it's not that bad if Shigi anded up with Takiko…but still…I think only Rimudo deserves Takiko…-winks- well, it turned out a great day last Thursday, see you tomorrow. Thanks for your review!

Priestess of the North: Thank you. I'm really happy you like it. I appreciate what you said very much and well, thanks for reviewing and reading my story.

A/n: By the way, Urumiya and Inami's original seishi powers are still unknown so in this story, I'll probably decide what powers they will possess. Also, Shigi's voice is very much alike Reito ok? Well, on with the chapter…

Disclaimer: I don't own Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden or any of its characters but I own Takemori Reito.



(comments by me)

The Prince and the Priestess

Chapter 10: moto no sekai

"Takiko wo hanase!" Rimudo said.

"…Sore wa dame desu, shichi seishi." Shigi replied.

Takiko tried to dodge Shigi and make a run towards the door where Rimudo was but Shigi caught her almost the minute she moved and told her to stay still.

There was a commotion heard outside the tents and the sound was getting nearer where Shigi, Rimudo, and Takiko were.

"…Kutou yatsu!" Rimudo said.

"Hien." Shigi stated.

Shigi ripped the backside of the tent and pushed Takiko outside followed by him. His sign once more glowed green and a bright light flashed from the back of his right palm. (Oh yes, btw, at the PS2 game of Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden, Shigi holds his weapon with his left hand so I guess he's left handed and so I placed the sign on the opposite palm.)

"Oi! Mattero Kisama!" Rimudo shouted at the two of them.

"Rimudo!" Takiko called reaching for him.

Shigi carried her bridal style out of Rimudo's reach and she resisted him although in the end, her resistance had no effect on him.

"Takiko!" Uruki shouted. (Yeah, he already changed to his seishi form.)

"Ja na." Shigi said with a smirk crossing his face.

He hurried off with Takiko in his arms, leaving Uruki behind.

"Hey! Put me down! Let me go!" Takiko screamed.

"Stop! Please stay still miko!" Shigi told her.

"No I won't! Now let me go!" Takiko screamed resisting him.

Shigi lost his balance and fell. Takiko seized her chance and tried to run but as soon as she stood up, she saw Hien pointing his weapon to her neck. (I don't know how they called the weapon Hien used so for now go with it but if anyone knew, then please tell me.)

"Don't even think about it." Hien said coldly.

Shigi got up to his feet and pulled Takiko to him. A bright light glowed from Shigi's left hand which blinded Hien momentarily. (The light didn't blind Takiko or Shigi ok? It's for some reason.)

"Hashirimasu yo, miko." Shigi said pulling her deeper towards the forest.

"Eh! Chotto matte! Rimudo—"

"Takiko!" Shigi shouted taking her forearm and pulling her behind a rock before someone else saw them.

Takiko's eyes blanked suddenly as she heard her name called with a certain tone of voice she was missing to hear.

"Rei…to…" Takiko whispered.

Rimudo saw them and hurried to their direction but he couldn't get anymore nearer when a bright light glowed around the area.

"Dame da Takiko! Ikunna!" Rimudo shouted.

Shigi tried to look out for her but he fell back and could not see her considering the brightness of the light that surrounded her.
Takiko saw Reito slowly turning towards her, offering his hand to her.

"Takiko…oide…" she heard Reito whispering gently to her.

The last rays of light disappeared and both Shigi and Rimudo saw she was no where to be found.

Rimudo saw Shigi walking back towards the campsite of Kutou.

"Kisama!" Rimudo shouted making a move to release a gust of wind at Shigi. However, before he managed to do so, Shigi released bright rays of light through the back of his hand at Rimudo which also, like Hien blinded him momentarily.

"Shichi seishi no chikara wa…muda da." Shigi said calmly.

Rimudo blocked his eyes using his arm to protect him from the blinding rays of light and when it finally disappeared, he saw Shigi, his left hand holding his right arm, his right one, it's back facing Rimudo, with the kanji of rooftop glowing bright in it.

"Boku wa…genbu no shichi seishi no…Urumiya da."

Takiko found herself lying at her room with her woven anklet and her small bag beside her. She heard someone calling her name.


She sat up and looked around. She was back in Tokyo, and as she heard her name called once more, she recognized it to be Reito's.

"Watashi wa koko ni iru wa!" Takiko replied shakily.

She heard quickened footsteps nearing her direction, and even before she knew it, she found herself in the arms of someone she longed so much to see.

"Takiko! Where have you gone to! I've been looking for you everywhere for about quarter an hour already! How did you get here! How did you get here so suddenly without even making the slightest noise!…I was worried…" Reito said.

"Reito…" Was all Takiko can say and that moment, she started to cry as she hugged him back tightly.

"I missed you…" Takiko said.

"Where have you been these past fifteen minutes?" Reito asked.

"Eh! Juu-go fun? Na—!" Takiko exclaimed bewildered.

"What's the matter? What happened? Tell me." Reito said.

Takiko thought it would be better if she were to tell no one since she figured out they would only think she was crazy and that there were no such things as living things inside the book and shichi seishis and mikos.

"Nan…demo…nai…wa…Ja…isshou ni gakko he ikimashou…" Takiko said trying to change the subject.

Reito tried to push the matter but she quickly shove her bag and anklet and pulled Reito outside with her before another conversation about her whereabouts that past fifteen minutes started.

That day's Naginata practice was the very hardest Takiko felt in her life. She could not block almost every move Reito did and worst, she fell on her back against the hard ground several times which caused her back to ache.

"Hai! Soko made! Rei! Minna, kyou owari desu. Mata ashita." Their instructor said and left.

Reito bowed at Takiko and Takiko bowed back but after that she fell flat face to the ground.

"Takiko! Shikarisei!" Reito said kneeling beside her turning her around against her back.

"Mou dame…atashi no ude to haigo ga…itai…yo…gomen…" Takiko whispered falteringly.

She looked at him once and then, her eyes immediately closed and she lost her consciousness.

Reito raised a hand on her forehead and felt it burning hot.


A/n: Chapter 10 finally ends here. I've been typing this thing for almost a week and a half already…I'm sorry for not updating sooner…I've been busy with other stuff…so I'm really sorry…I also had a minor writer's block until now…if you have suggestion or just anything to say, tell me…And also…I just some extra news…I'm planning to write a fic using the characters of the PS2 game Kagami no Miko…also…I'm planning to write a fic with the pairings of Miaka-Amiboshi and Yui-Suboshi…well…that's all. Thanks for reviewing everyone. And please review.

Translations: (Not exact but will do)

"Takiko wo hanase!" – "Let go of Takiko!"

"…Sore wa dame desu, shichi seishi." – "…That cannot be done, star warrior."

"…Kutou yatsu!" – "…Kutou people!"

"Oi! Mattero Kisama!" – "Oi! Wait up You!"

"Ja na." – "Bye Bye."

"Hashirimasu yo, miko." – "Run, miko."

"Eh! Chotto matte! Rimudo—" – "Eh! Wait a minute! Rimudo—"

"Dame da Takiko! Ikunna!" – "Don't Takiko! Don't go!"

"Takiko…oide…" – "Takiko…come…"

Kisama – You (impolite form)

"Shichi seishi no chikara wa…muda da." – "Powers of a star warrior to me is…ineffective." (Translated like that but not literally)

"Boku wa…genbu no shichi seishi no…Urumiya da." – "I am…Genbu's star warrior…Urumiya."

"Watashi wa koko ni iru wa!" – "I'm here!"

"Eh! Juu-go fun? Na—!" – "Eh! Fifteen minutes? Wha—!"

"Nan…demo…nai…wa…Ja…isshou ni gakko he ikimashou…" – "It's…nothing…come on…let's go to school…"

"Hai! Soko made! Rei! Minna, kyou owari desu. Mata ashita." – (Hai is yes but in this sentence this is a kinda calling you know…) "Stop right there! Bow! Everyone, today's lesson is finished. I'll see you all tomorrow." (It's translated like that but not literally and exactly.)

Shikarisei – Hold on or get a grip

"Mou dame…atashi no ude to haigo ga…itai…yo…gomen…" – "…couldn't…my arms and my back…hurts so much…I'm sorry…" (she's saying that she couldn't practice anymore since her arms and her back hurts so much already k?)

Netsu- fever

A/n: Please review.

Lavender Wings