Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, or the show!

Summary: Brooke had moved from Tree Hill her junior year of high school, losing touch with everyone. She has just graduated from NYU, and has a job in Tree Hill. She runs into the 'jerk' of Tree Hill, Nathan Scott. A friendship develops, and it soon becomes hard to fight those emotions threatening to take over.

Author's Note: Here is my latest story! I have a lot of time to write now, so I hope to update a few times a week. Chapter One will be up tomorrow night. This is a Brathan story, for those who are wondering. I am a major Tyler Hilton fan, so most of the chapters will be named after his songs. The prologue is really short, I know. The chapters will be much longer. Please review! They are like my drugs. thanks and enjoy!

You my love
Non existence seemed like
Nothing my love
And though I said I was scared to die
The end seemed so much greater
Then either side of the equator
But you saved me
God was there to pass me
You my love


Twenty three year old Brooke Davis walked into her apartment, worn out. She was a fashion designer, and her boss had been on her ass all day. She just wanted to take a bath, and relax.

Brooke lived in New York City, New York, but she was moving to North Carolina the following week. Tree Hill, to be exact. It was early August, and Brooke had graduated from New York University in May. Her internship was through August, so Brooke was finishing it up. Then, it was back to Tree Hill. Even though she had spent her entire life complaining about the city, she couldn't help but admit that she loved it there. It was familiar, and comforting. She was starting her own business. It was going to be a small store, but she couldn't wait. It was going to have jewelry, accessories, clothes, anything a girl needs to look hot. She had a partner, Tricia Foster. Tricia was well into her thirties, but wanted someone young and hip to design the clothes for the store. That was where Brooke came in. They had decided to become partners.

Brooke had left Tree Hill during her junior year. Her father had gotten a new job in California, and as much as she tried, he made her move with him and her mother. Brooke never made very many friends there. She dated every now and then, just to stay on the scene. She missed her friends in Tree Hill so much. After graduating from high school, Brooke wanted as far away from California as possible. When she got into NYU, she decided there was no turning back. She still hasn't visited Tree Hill since she moved. She kept in touch with her friend, Peyton Sawyer, for a little while but soon that friendship fizzled out. At NYU, Brooke made new friends. She dated new guys, and had the time of her life during her four years there. When she saw Tricia's ad looking for a partner, she knew she couldn't say no.

The only thing about Brooke's life that wasn't doing great was her dating life. The only serious boyfriend she had ever had was Lucas Scott, and that went down the drain when he cheated on her for her friend Peyton. Then there was Rick Adams. He was her one month relationship in California. She never liked him very much, and they broke things off when his old girlfriend came back to town. Then, there was NYU. She had so many possibilities there, so many options. She didn't have a serious boyfriend the whole time. Each time she started to date a guy, either her feelings for him would change, or something would be wrong with him. She had a problem finding that special guy, the guy who should be 'the one.'

Brooke was looking forward to starting a new life in Tree Hill. Tricia was a sweetheart, and she may even reunite with a few of her old high school buddies. Having a boyfriend wasn't important to her at the moment. Because she was fresh out of college, she wanted to focus on being successful. Besides, its not like there were very many guys in Tree Hill, North Carolina that she would consider spending the rest of her life with. Get real.

lyrics from Tyler Hilton's "You, My Love"