Disclaimer: I don't own the Looney tunes or Duck Dodgers, Warner Brothers do. Any others that may crop up don't belong to me either. There are some characters that I own though.

Commander Z9 returns

In a government building on Earth, I.Q and leaders of Earth were discussing the threat posed by the martians.

"Another treaty has between Earth and Mars has been broken." Yelled one of the govenors.

"And it's always Dodgers that breaks the treaty." Another added.

"I.Q, you'd better put a restraining order on that duck!" The president said in a rage.

"But Dodgers was having dnner with me when that Earth vessel invaded martian territory." I.Q protested.

"Do you have any proof of this?" one of the govenors asked.

"Ask the manager at the Galactical supreme restaurant Mr. Jonson, that's where we were eating." I.Q replied.

"But that place is closed for repairs." Mr. Jonson protested.

"Exactly, Dodgers nearly destroyed the place while we were eating." I.Q replied.

"What!" a govenor general shouted.

"He shouldn't have ordered his food extra well done." I.Q replied with a sigh.


Duck Dodgers, the Cadet and I.Q were sitting at a table in the Glactical supreme restaurant.

"Wh-wh-what sis ou order Captain Dodgers?" Cadet asked.

"The grand fish rottisere." Dodgers replied.

"How did you order ir?" I.Q asked.

"Extra well done." Dodgers answered.

"Captain, that food will be to-to-rock solid." Cadet replied.

"You might not be able to cut it." I.Q added.

"I can handle it." Dodgers said.

"If y-y-you say so captain." Cadet replied. Their food soon arrived.

"Yummy!" Dodgers exclaimed as he stuck his knife into the meat. The knife got stuck and he started to struggle.

"Are you o-o-ok captain?" Cadet asked.

"The knife is stuck!" Dodgers replied, still pulling at the knife. Suddenly it snapped, leaving the blade in the meat.

"U-u-uh-oh." Cadet muttered.

"What is it cadet?" I.Q asked.

"We'd better le-le-run." Cadet replied as he saw Dodgers temper rise.

"Trifle with me you bad piece of meat!" Dodgers shouted as he pulled out a baseball bat.

"Uh-oh." Cadet said. He then ran out of the restaurant.

"Take this you good for nothing meal!" Dodgers shouted as he smashed his meal with the baseball bat, destroying the table but not the meat.

"THAT DOES IT!" Dodgers shouted. He proceded to throw the meat around the restaurant and smash it with the baseball bat. By the time he'd finished, everyone in the restaurant had fled and all the tables had been destroyed.

"Well, at least I've cut the meat." Dodgers said as he revealed a tiny fragment thatw as his meal.

"Yummy." He said as he threw the tiny piece of meat into his mouth and walked out of the restaurant. "Let's go cadet." Dodgers said as he walked past the cadet.

"Coming ca-ca-captain dodgers." The cadet said after forcing his mouth shut. He then followed Dodgers to the spaceship.

"Dodgers!" I.Q said to himself as he watched Dodgers' ship fly off.

Back to the present

"But a ship resembling the one that Dodgers commands was the one the Martian queen reported." The president said to I.Q.

"Dodgers ship is not a unique, I've seen at least 10 similar ships." I.Q repolied. Before they could continue they were interrupted by an explosion at the window.

"What was that?" The president asked. He was then grabbed by a martian.

"Hello Mr. President!" the kidnapper said. They turned to see Commander Z9.

"I thought you were sentenced tolife imprisonment for treason!" I.Q shouted.

"Well I escaped, now I will claim both mars and earth as my own." Commander Z9 replied.

"How did you escape?" one of the govenor generals asked.

"None of your business Wayne. Anyway I'm taknig the president as a hostage." Commander Z9 replied. "If you wish to see him again, you will surrender, now to capture mars." With that Commander Z9 climbed into a transport vehicle and fled.

"We must send the attack squad!" Mr. Jonson said.

"No, you'll kill the president." I.Q replied.

"Then what do we do?" Wayne asked.

"That vessel was from earth, we can trace it and find out where Commander Z9 is hiding." I.Q replied. Everyone went down to I.Q's laboratory.

In I.Q's lab they followed the blip on radar. They saw the blip stop at the site of a moon.

"Aha, they're at moon sigma 327." I.Q said.

"Now what?" Wayne asked.

"Now we have a look at their defences." I'Q replied. He turned on a viewing satelite and saw that the base on the moon was heavily defended.

"That base looke tough." Mr. Jonson said.

"But the president will be there." Wayne protested.

"What do we do?" Mr. Jonson asked.

"We'll send someone to infiltrate the base and rescue the president." I.Q replied.

"Who'd be stupid enough to try and infiltrate that base?" Wayne asked. "I.Q smiled.

"Dodgers." I.Q replied.

Duck Dodgers and the cadet were flying around the moon. The ship's laser cannons were blasting at the moons surface.

"Divert all power to the forward laser cannons." Dodgers ordered. The cadet was using a spanner diverting power.

"Th-th-the enery core isn't designed to…" The cadet started to protest but dodgers interrupted him.

"That's an order cadet!" Dodgers shouted. He was still firing at the moon and the energy core was beginning to overheat. The cables where the cadet was working started to spew out electricity, forcing him to stop.

"Th-th-the energy core's going to explode!" The cadet shouted. Dodgers continued firing.

"We can't give up now!" Dodgers shouted back. The energy core was close to breaking point but Dodgers was still firing.

"Almost there." Dodgers said. Just before the energy core exploded, Dodgers stopped firing and the energy core cooled down to a safe level.

"There, that should do it." Dodgers said proufly. He had written 'Duck Dodgers Rules' on the face of the moon. (A/N: Just like in the commercial, if you've seen it)

"Ca-ca-can I redivert power elseware now captain?" The cadet asked.

"Yeah, I'm done." Dodgers replied. The Cadet rediverted power to the ships other functions.

"Lo-lo-looks like we've got a message coming through." The cadet said as he opened communications.

"Dodgers, thisis I.Q." I.Q said over the line.

"I read you I.Q." Dodgers replied.

"I have a mission for you, the Earth's president has been kidnapped." I.Q said.

"What! By who?" Dodgers asked.

"By Commander Z9." I.Q replied.

"I th-th-thought he was in ja-ja-prison." The Cadet said.

"He escaped, and he wants to take over both Earth and Mars." I.Q replied.

"So where is he?" Dodgers asked.

"We've traced them to a martian base on moon sigma 327." I.Q replied.

"And I'm guessing you need us to infiltrate the base to rescue the president." Dodgers said.

"Can you do it dodgers?" I.Q asked.

"I'll do anything to save the world if it's in peril." Dodgers replied.

"Good, I.Q over and out." I.Q said as he closed comms.

"Cadet, set a course for moon sigma 327." Dodgers ordered.

"Ai Ai captain dodgers." Cadet replied. They set a course and headed for Commander Z9's base.