SnowNeko: Hiya! heres the much wanted sequel to Black Roses and Torture. i wont keep ya from the story. so the review awnsers and auther notes will be at the end of the chapter.

Disclaimer: nope i dont own YYH but i do own: Yuki, Kina, Sia, Trish, Mark, Jake, Jina, Koji, Konji, Kenji, and anyone esle that isn't in YYH!

Yusuke and Keiko walk into class to see their friends sitting in their normal seats. Just after the bell rang the principle walks in followed by a girl with black hair and violet eyes, She only stood at 4'9. She wore a black skirt and a navy blue shirt. She had a playful/devilish small smile on her face and her eyes danced with playfulness and a devilish look.

The principle says "everyone this is Yuki Allen. She is a new student please welcome her nicely. Ms.Allen do you want to say anything to the class?"

Yuki smiles and says "yes." She turns to the class and freezes as she sees Yusuke and Hiei with an empty chair between them. she shakes her head thinking 'wonder why they look so familler'and says "hello I just have two things to say: guys- ask me out and you will end up with a broken jaw and girls- don't hate me untill ya know me and then hate me."

The principle looks around and says "Ms.Allen take a seat between Hiei and Yusuke."

Yusuke says "she can't sit here!" Everyone knew that Autumn sat there and that Yusuke and Hiei would probly kill anyone that sat there.


The principle says "Yusuke I know you want to believe that you're sister will walk in threw the doors and take her normal seat but it has been three years leave it alone and let someone else sit there."

Yusuke was looking at Yuki who was only two inches shorter than Autumn and look just like her only her aura was one of just purple and blue. Yusuke says "whatever."

Yuki walks over and takes the seat and the principle left the room and the teacher started class again. Yuki folds her arms on her desk and puts her head on them looking bored and lets her eyes close.

Yusuke looks at Yuki and then to Kuwabara who was sitting behind her and whispers "hey Kuwabara… try to make a move on her."

Kuwabara nods and starts to move his hand but Yuki says coldly "don't even try it baka." Kuwabara quickly moves his hand back to his desk and looks at Yusuke confused.

Yusuke shurgs and says "didn't know she was awake." Kuwabara shurgs too and goes back to being confused about what the teacher is talking about.


At lunch Yuki finds a sakura tree and climbs to a branch and sits on it while drawing in her notebook. When the bell rings she looks at the picture and stares at the drawing finding it hard to place where she has seen the drawing before. She shurgs and goes into the school after tearing out the drawing and throwing it away.


Keiko walks up and takes the drawing out of the trash and gasps. She runs over to Yusuke and them and says "guys! this picture is one that Yuki drew and its exactly like the one Autumn drew for me probly when Hiei started to train her. I told her the details and no one over heard us theres no way that Yuki was around when I told Aut the details or no way she could have known about the picture!"

Yusuke looks at the picture and says "probly…. Lets go talk to her after school." The others nod and walk to class.


Yuki puts on her headphones and listens to her cd player while not really noticing where she is walking. She snaps out of her trance as she finds herself outside a house that she never seen before. She looks at her watch and says "shit! Moms gonna kill me if I don't get any training in today!" Yuki then takes off running to her house that happens to be five blocks away.


Yusuke asks "why did she stop infont of our house?"

Kurama says "don't know…it seems like she wasn't watching where she was going and just walking with no aim."

Hiei says "hn that's how she was walking."

Kuwabara asks "what did she mean about training?"

Keiko says "maybe her family is old fashion and likes to have their kids know how to defend themselves?"


Yuki skids to a stop before the gates to her house or more like shrine. She opens the gates and sees her angry mother standing on the steps with a pack of weapons that Yuki is training in along with her brothers and sisters.

Kina, Yuki's mother, says "I don't know why I took you in that day I found you! You are always late! Hurry up and change then get to the training field!"

Yuki nods and rushes into the house to change into a midnight blue kimono pants and white kimono top with a dark red kimono top that went over the other top. She then rushes to the field where her brothers and sisters where training.


At sunset Yuki and her brothers and sisters walk back to the house to clean up and make dinner. She sinks into the bath after dinner and soaks. An hour later she gets out and dresses in girl boxers and a tank top and lays on her bed falling asleep.


A boy with black hair slicked back stood over a grave crying. Yuki looks around before walking or floating in her case because she is a ghost person. She floats over to the headstone and looks at the gravestone that said: Autumn Urameshi 'beloved sister, girlfriend, friend and troublemaker. May she rest in peace.' Down at the bottom it said 'untill Koenma finds her soul and body to bring her back to life' Yuki stares and thinks 'what does this have to do with me?'

.:Dream End:.

Yuki sits up and looks at her clock to see that it was about five minutes untill she had to get up. She turns off her alarm and gets up and dressed in her training clothes and goes out to the training field and takes a seat on a rock and starts to mediate. An hour later theres a scream and her eyes snap open and she takes off running to the sound of the scream. When she gets there she sees her mother dead and a horde of demons standing there. Her brothers and sisters look at her for commands and she says "revenge. Girls bows. Boys chose you're weapon. Leave the leader to me." Her brothers and sisters nod and summon their weapons to them. Yuki pulls out her sword and moves infont of her siblings.

The leader, Konji, says "well let me guess you are the oldest of family right?"

She says "how about we take this away from the shrine. I would hate for demon blood of a non family member to get on the ground."

Konji says "very well."


Konji and his followers run off with Yuki and her siblings. Konji stops in the park infont of a tree where a fire demon just happens to be sleeping but not for long. Konji charges at Yuki but she dodges and kicks him into the tree waking up the little fire demon. Konji growls and says "don't know why the boss wants you alive girl." She says "a lot of demons want me doesn't mean I will go. By the looks of it you are losing." Konji looks at his followers to see half of them dead just from the speed of her siblings when killing demons. Konji and Yuki charge at each other but at the last minute she jumps and flips over him and slicing him down his back as she lands.


An hour later Konji laid dead and the other demons have been burnt to ashes from spells. Yuki mumbles the spell and soon Koji's body is nothing but ash too. Yuki looks up at Jin who was just landing.

Jin says "very good Yuki. I need to take you to see you're mother."

Yuki nods and turn to her siblings and says "clean up and go to school. Training will be canceled tonight on account of burial of mother of she wishes."

Jina, forth youngest daughter, says "yes Sensei" the other siblings nod and they all run back to the shrine. Jin sends the ashes away and then grabs Yuki's arm and flies to the portal in the air and taking her to Koenma.


Hiei watches the fight and then see Jin come along. Hiei thinks 'how does she know Jin? Wait why is Jin taking her to see her mother and why did the one girl call Yuki Sensei?' Hiei jumps down from the tree after they are all gone and runs home to see everyone eating.

Kurama says "Hiei how nice of you to join us this morning."

Hiei says "hn this isn't a social thing. Yuki was fighting a demon along with the rest of the Allen kids. One of them called her Sensei what does that mean?"

Yusuke says "there are rumors that when the leader of the Allen's die then the oldest child will become the leader of the family. Its also rumor that they are priest and priestess that fight demons with magic powers."

Kuwabara lets out a chuckle and says "magic powers? HA! That's a new rumor!"

Hiei says "the powers aren't rumors… I saw them use a spell to burn demon's bodies that they killed with speed. Yuki took an hour to kill the leader ofcorse she was holding back I could tell. I left after Jin showed up and took Yuki someplace something about needing to see her mother."

Kurama says "we should go to see Koenma about it."

Keiko, Yukina, and Botan glare at the boys and says "after school!"

the boys shrink back and nod. Hiei says "hn."


Yuki bows to her mother and Koenma. Kina says "Yuki dear you know the responsibly that is now yours right?"

Yuki says "yes Mother, Sensei."

Kina says "very well you are now the leader of the family. Makesure to keep everything in order. Did anyone see you fight the demons in the park?"

Yuki says "there was someone in the tree but I could tell it was a fire demon."

Koenma says "probly one of my spirit detectives."

Kina says "now dear bury my body where I showed you. Where?"

Yuki says "in the training field for the spirits of our ancestors guide our training and weapons in battle there forth we need to be use to the spirits around us and use it to our advantage against a strong than us foe."

Kina smiles and hugs Yuki and whispers so only Yuki can hear "find your past, find you."

Yuki nods and with that Kina walks out of the room leaving Yuki and Koenma alone. Koenma says "she has chose to be a guardian angel to a new born child in America."

Yuki nods and bows to Koenma and says "good bye sir. may we not meet again untill death."

Koenma nods and says "good bye Yuki. May we not meet untill death."

Yuki turns and leaves to see Jin leaning on the wall. Jin smiles at her and says "congratz on becoming the leader of the Allen family." Jin hugs Yuki and then takes her back to her home.

Yuki waves to Jin and says "good bye. May we meet again on better terms."

Jin smiles and waves and says "bye now if you need any help with the training let me know!" Yuki smiles and then runs to her room to change for school.


Yuki runs to school and signs in as having to take siblings to day care and their own schools. Yuki walks to class and slips into the room not even trying to hide that she was late. The teacher looks at Yuki and says "Ms. Allen why are you late?"

Yuki says "I had to take my siblings to day care and their own schools."

The teacher nods and says "take you're seat. Detention at lunch." Yuki nods and takes her seat.


At lunch Yuki walks into the math classroom and looks at the teacher. She says "have a seat and work on the math assignment." Yuki nods and takes a seat working on the math assignment. After that is done Yuki goes to her next class and threw the day.


Yuki walks home to see Jina trying to get rid of guest. Yuki walks up and asks "is there a problem here?"

Kurama says "we just wanted to have a look around and offer our prays to the gods."

Yuki walks around them and says "Jina show them to the temple. Offer you're prays and leave. Koji!"

a boy with short blue hair runs up and asks "yes?"

Yuki says "Stay with Jina and the guest when they leave come out back." Yuki then walks into the house.

Jina says "this way." Jina leads them to the temple with Koji.

Kurama asks "are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Koji opens his mouth to say something only Jina says "siblings."

Yusuke asks "what about Yuki? She doesn't look like you two and you two atleast share the same eye color."

Jina says "we can't talk about her."

Koji says "heres the temple." Koji walks outside and waves Kenji, five years old, over.

Kenji runs over and asks "yes ani-chan?"

Koji says "tell Yuki-chan that the guest are wanting to know about her." Kenji nods and runs off.


Yuki stands infont of the coffin that held her mother when Kenji runs up and says "Aneue-chan! the guest are wanting to know about you. Ani-chan Koji told me to tell you."

Yuki nods and says "very well go back to you're chores." Kenji nods and runs off. An hour later all of Yuki's siblings stood around as they buried their mother. They all where saying prays for they where all priest and priestess.


The next day Yusuke and them came back while they where training. Yuki stops her training and says "keep on training." She walks up front and asks "is there anything that I can help you with?"

Sia steps forward and asks "what do you know about demons?"

Yuki raises an eyebrow and says "only what my mother taught me about the demon myths. Demons are not real as everyone knows."

Hiei asks "how come you and you're siblings where fighting demons in the park and know a wind demon Jin?"

Yuki stars at them and then says "maybe we should talk inside. Just wait right here while I get my siblings to do their chores." Yuki then runs behind the shrine.


Kurama says "what if she is her? I mean theres the way they look alike."

Kuwabara says "it can't be a recreation. Its too soon."

Yusuke stares after her and says "Yuki was Aut's middle name… it could be her somehow."

Trish suddenly says "it is. I know."

Everyone looks at Trish and Mark asks "how do you know?"

Trish asks "who has a purple cat running around?" Trish points to the purple cat that was running around chaseing a mouse. Just then Yuki comes back as her siblings come out of the house, dress in outfits like Genkai's only the different colors. Suddenly a portal appears and her siblings stop and stare at the portal. Yuki and the gang stares too.


Suddenly a huge demon steps out and looks at all the people with weapons and says "oops wrong place to take over the world."

Yuki sighs and says "Jina! You're cousin is here!"

Jina laughs and runs to the demon hugging it and says "dude what are you doing here Kaji!"

Kaji says "aw I can't come see my favorite cousin?"

Kurama steps up and asks "wait! Would he be everyone's cousin considering that you are all siblings?"

Kenji, second oldest sibling, steps up and says "only Jina and me are mothers birth children. Mother adopted everyone else or found them."

Jina says "or Koenma order her to take them."

Yusuke asks "how do you know Koenma?"

Yuki laughs and says "Koenma is our boss. We work for him by killing demons in the Ningenkai."

Kaji says "these kids are fast and great at their job."

Hiei says "I know. I watched them take out that group of demons yesterday."


After going to Koenma and getting everything straighten out Koenma orders the boys and girls to show up for Yuki's family weapon training. Yusuke sits on the ground watching Yuki drill her siblings in casting spells faster. Yusuke says "its no fair. I mean we have to get trained by her!"

Keiko smacks him in the head and says "shut up Yusuke. Yukina and I have to get trained by her too only she is teaching us bow and arrow along with defense fighting and magic."

Yuki walks over and says "besides its good for you. Koji constraint!"

Kurama asks "what weapons do you all train in?"

Yuki says "every kind. Well every kind I know mother knew more. I still wanna know how that demon killed her. she was the best out of all of us. She was just teaching me how to use my spirit energy to fight with. Now I cant learn how because she is dead."

a portal opens and everyone looks to it getting ready to fight.

Ani -older brother

Aneue -older sister

SnowNeko: here ya all go... thats like three and a half or around four pages long. i'm still working on it on account that the sugar from soda and chocolate is kicking in. Happy Easter to everyone! (even if it is 12 AM right now.) o well i got this out and i dont think there will be anymore out untill i get settled into my new house. i think tomorrow or today (March 28) the computer is getting packed if not then i will try to be on but my parents are pushing me to pack my room, even if all thats up there is a few books and junk, still they are pushing me to pack it. so c ya when ever i get the next chapter done and to a computer!

Reviews are welcome along with flames. not that i care if you review or not.