I have great news! I'm not DEAD! WHOOP! Here is an update.

Disclaimer: yada, yada, yada…me no own…blah, blah, blah…you no sue…I don't own the undignified thump comment either…

But she soon figured it out. When the figure stepped out from behind the trees.

(((Dom's POV)))

When the figure stepped out of the trees, Dom was shocked. It wasn't who Dom had expected. It was certainly not Tobe, it wasn't even human. It was a griffin. A beautiful griffin standing with shoulders back, wings tucked up concealing its back, and head held high. Dom looked around to see the expressions on the other men's faces. Everyone was as shocked as he was. Some even looked sacred. Dom took some pride in himself. At least he wasn't scared! He looked over at Kel's face to find out that she wasn't in the least bit surprised. But wait…didn't the griffin Kel cared for have orangey feathers? Not brindled gold? Oh boy. They were in for it now. Dom was signaling his men to arm u, but was stopped short when Kel grabbed his arm.

"Don't," she whispered in his ear, "Do you want him to attack?" Hearing this, Dom shook his head at his men, and they all put their hands down with a nervous glance at the griffin.

(((Kel's POV)))

"Hello," Kel bravely said to the griffin. The griffin responded with a slight incline of the head. Showing that it understood what she had said. "We come in peace." Kel said, as she did that one little thing with the fingers where there's two on one side and two on the other…

(A/N: just had to say that…lol) WHAT REALLY HAPPENED…

"Hello," Kel bravely said to the griffin. The griffin responded with a slight incline of the head. Showing that it understood what she had said. "It is nice to see you again," Kel said with a bow. And again there was an incline of the head. "We have been following the trail of feathers for some time in hopes of finding Tobe" Kel said. This time she pointed to the feathers littering the ground and held her hand about stomach height to signify a little boy. Again, there was an incline of the griffin's head. "Have you seen him?" Kel asked, pointing to her eyes. The griffin let out an ear-piercing screech, and a smaller griffin about the size of a lamb walked out from the trees. This griffin was indeed a bright orangey color, and looked somewhat familiar.

The little griffin, previously known as the little brute, trotted forward and circled Kel. Kel didn't move a muscle despite the fact that she was being circled by a lamb sized griffin that hadn't hesitated to take her blood in the past. The griffin let out an eerie squeak that sounded an awful lot like a confirmation, and trotted back to the bigger griffin. The larger griffin slowly unfolded its wings. What the griffin unveiled make Kel's knees go weak with relief. Unconscious on the griffin's back was a bloody and bruised Tobe. Despite the state Tobe was in, Kel did not run to him. She waited for the griffin to set him down and step back.

Just then, a raven hurtled from the sky and landed with an undignified thump in the dirt. The shape of Diane's head appeared on the raven's body. She then turned to the griffin and listened for a long time all the while clapping her wings to her ears and wiping tears out of her eyes. She then turned to Kel and the men and took a deep breath.

"The griffin says that this is the rest of their payment for you saving their baby. He also says that he was teaching his son how to fish without actually getting in the river when a little boy stumbled into him. He was about to kill the boy when his son stopped him. And smelling you on the boy, his son made him save the boy and keep him from starving. A life for a life."

Hearing this, Kel bowed deeply to both griffins until they flew off into the sky. As soon as they were out of sight, Kel raced over to the unconscious Tobe and gathered him up into her arms. She held him close for several minutes, almost crying with joy. She kissed his forehead several times before letting him go. She then handed him to the soldier with the healing gift, and started to help Dom set up camp.

Later that night, at the first chance she got, Kel went to visit Tobe in his little tent attached to hers. He was sitting on his bed and was writing what looked to be a letter. Kel walked into the middle if the tent and cleared her throat. Tobe looked up and tears came to his eyes despite how hard he tried to stop them. He leaped out if bed as fast as his sore body would allow it and clamped his arms around Kel, burying his face in her stomach.

"Thank you for coming to save me," Tobe said to her, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Kel replied quietly.

"I knew you would come," Tobe continued, "I knew you wouldn't leave me to the Scanrans." Kel couldn't find anything to say. "You've been like a mother to me." Kel still at a loss for words kissed Tobe's forehead. This time he didn't protest.

"Kel" A voice could be heard form outside the tent.

"I'm in here!" Kel called back, stepping away from Tobe. Dom opened the tent flap and stepped inside.

"Hey Tobe," Dom said, "How are you feeling?"

"Sore," Tobe replied as he crawled back into bed. Dom nodded and turned to Kel. He kissed her on the cheek and whispered something in her ear. Meet me by the river in ten minutes. Kel nodded and shooed him out of the tent.

"So. Your relationship is back on." Tobe said in an amused tone. "Good to know."

"Well I'm very flattered that you take an interest in my love life, but it is time for bed. You need your rest. And tomorrow, we find out what happened ok?"

"Ok. Goodnight Kel," Tobe said with a yawn.


(((Nine minutes and twenty three seconds later…)))

Kel was walking towards the river, looking for Dom. She could not see him anywhere. She was almost there when a shadow appeared from the shadows. And it certainly wasn't Dom.

Dun, dun, DUN! Another cliffie. I'm sorry. And this chapter was really short. But at least I ACTUALLY updated. What is it with me and shadowy figures? I really don't know…hmmmm…oh well…a review would be really nice!

If you review...you might get an update for Health Class...