UGH! I replaced this chapter with the second chapter! But now it is fixed!

Disclaimer: Don't own nothing.

Kel was eating breakfast in the mess hall at New Hope on a Sunday morning. She was all alone and really bored. Third company and Dom were still not back from Fort Steadfast, Neal was at Queenscove with Yuki and his 1-month-old daughter, and all of her other friends (except Owen) were all on call or border duty. She thought longingly about Dom's dazzling smile and Neal's jokes. She sighed and looked over at Owen who was snoring in his porridge. Owen had just got back last night and had not got any sleep. Kel didn't help either because she got him up at the crack of dawn because she needed someone to practice with. "Up, up, up!" Kel said suddenly clapping her hands with the words, startling Owen out of his sleep, "come on, lets go, the practice court wont wait forever!"

"Yes mother" Owen replied through his yawn. He rubbed his eyes and stood up saying "this is going to be so jolly…" They left the mess hall, sparrows and Jump trailing.

They were in their 13th round of staff practice when Kel decided to let Owen win. Owen swung at Kel's legs, and Kel missed his swing, allowing Owen to dump Kel on her bottom. "Yay!" he whooped. "That was a jolly good fight Kel!" "You were like whoosh! And I was like bam! Then you were like thump!"

"Owen…Owen" she said but he kept on rambling. "OWEN!" that got his attention. "I know what happened. I was there, remember?"

"Oh. Right," he said sheepishly. "I got carried away"

"It's okay." "I—" she was interrupted by the alarm bell.

Kel raced to the walkway, climbing three steps at a time "there's a small army headed towards us from the east," the watchman told her. "They'll be here in about 10 minutes." Kel raced back down the stairs and as she passed Owen, yelled "Go arm up. We've spotted a small army of Scanrans to the east." He ran to do as he was told.

Kel ran to her rooms andTobe helped herget herarmor on.She got her war hammer and glaive. Then went to get and saddle Hoshi. She was a little sad that she couldn't ride Peachblossom; he gave her a little more confidence when she rode out to battle, but she had to do without him because he had thrown a shoe.

She galloped out the gates of the palace with two squads,three convict squads and Owen. They came up on the Scanrans with unbelievable force for such little numbers. She ran a big Scanran foot soldier through with the blade of her glaive as she kicked another with her shoe in the face to keep herself on Hoshi. She spun her horse and rammed the butt of her glaive into the windpipe of the soldier she kicked, breaking his neck.

She looked around for Owen, and saw him surrounded by five huge Scanrans and went to the rescue. She threw her war hammer, blade side, into the back of one scanran, grabbing it out of him as she rode by. The sparrows flew around one soldier's head while jump grabbed his hand, distracting him as Owen ran him through. Kel beheaded another one while Owen, using the moments when the Scanrans attention was on Kel, killed the other two men.

Despite Kel and Owen's efforts, the Tortallans were losing the battle. They had already lost a squad of the army. Then, just as hope was about to fail, Rauol, Dom, and third company came riding to the rescue. The battle was theirs after that. "Kel, I'm going to go search the woods and check for more of the enemy incase some are still lurking." Rauol said as Kel was taking a swig from her water flask.

"No. I'll go." Kel replied after wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. Kel rode towards the forest at a trot. "On foot Kel" Rauol called after her. "And be careful!"

Kel was walking through the forest with the sparrows as scouts ahead and behind her, and with Jump looking on her right. She felt safe with the birds and Jump. She trusted them to warn her of any danger and keep her out of trouble. Jump spotted a rabbit and gave chase. "Jump!" Kel called, "get back here! Leave it be!" when she could hear Jump crashing towards her through the trees, she resumed her search.

Kel was inspecting the trail the Scanran army had left, finally concluding that it was the trail they took to attack, going in the direction of New Hope. As she stood up the three sparrows that were in the front came screeching back, and fluttered around Kel's head. "Nari, Quicksilver report" she said. Nari tapped in her palm once. Five (A/N its five right?). I can take them Kel mused to herself.

So she readied herself for battle, loosening her arms once again and doing a couple practice swings before she heard the crashing of people through the woods. She jumped out and surprised the five Scanrans, catching them off-guard. She quickly beheaded two at the same time in one quick swipe. The other three were more prepared, drawing swords and acquiring a guard stance. She went for the biggest one first, swinging her glaive she aimed for his throat. He just barely blocked her. Kel immediately swung her glaive around and sliced open one of the two Scanrans as he watched the battle. But Kel wasn't quick enough. The big Scanran got her on the shoulder. The cut was short and shallow. She could still fight.She slammed her glaive into his stomach, going clean through. She used her foot to get him off of her weapon. As she turned around she saw the last soldier fleeing. "Oh no you don't" Kel muttered under her breath. She got out a throwing star and hit the man in the head. Kel ran over to him and slit his throat as a mercy stroke.

She leaned on her glaive and sat down against a tree. She caught her breath, bandaged her wound and resumed her search. She was looking at the sun to determine how long she had been out here, when suddenly, the ground gave way under her and she was falling…

Review please.