Okay, so now the time has come for me to go and try myself at an Angelina/Marcus Story. And I hope it will turn out well, since an Angelina/Adrian Pucey Story is already in planning (I have the content of about two or three chapters already planned TriGemini I hope you read this!).

So, I wish you much fun with this first try of me and maybe you find the time to leave a little note?

I have to admit, I'm not sure about the secondary genre. It isn't really Action/Adventure, since there isn't that much action. It isn't really drama because I don't think it will be more dramatic than any other story I'v ever written. it isn't really Angst despite probably a few moments of Angelina's thoughts. But i had to choose one because it is not a 'pure' lovestory.

Ah, yes, almost forgot:

Disclaimer: The idea to this story belongs to me. Some characters like Radames; John, the owner of the Puddlemere Inn, five players of the Puddlemere United and of course the stalker belong to me as well. I also own the Puddlemere Inn (so to say) and the Flashchaser001 and for the rest… well, everything else which you seem to know, like Angelina Johnson, Oliver Wood, Marcus Flint (to just name a few) belong to J. K. Rowling (if not otherwise stated).

Almost every person is a fan of something. Whether it be a football club, a music group, a film star or even a comic character. Some fans, however, go to far. In the time to come I want to tell you the story of such a case.

But first, some short definitions of two terms…

If one were to look up the word 'fan' in a good dictionary one would – with a bit of luck – find the following interpretation:

The term fan refers to someone who has an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking of a person, group of persons, work of art, idea, or trend. The word emerged as an Americanism around 1889, a shortened version of the word fanatic in reference to an enthusiastic follower of a baseball team. (Fanatic itself, introduced into English around 1525, means "insane person". It comes from the Modern Latin fanaticus, meaning "insanely but divinely inspired". The word originally pertained to a temple or sacred place (Latin fanum, poetic English fane). The modern sense of "extremely zealous" dates from around 1647; the use of fanatic as a noun dates from 1650.

Although modern "fans" sometimes display irrational or uncritical admiration, most resent any association with the more extreme term fanatic.

Obsessive nerdy fans may classify as anoraks in British English. Another slang term that has come into use in recent years is fanboy.

Fans who are willing to use violence are often referred to as Hooligans who misuse sport events as platform.

In a few cases, individual fans may become so obsessed with the (presumably human) objects of their infatuation that they become stalkers.

And if one then were to look further in one's good dictionary and searched for the word 'stalking' one would probably find this:


The word stalking is taken from the English hunting language. In another meaning it means following or observing a person persistently and surreptitiously, sometimes done out of obsession or derangement. Stalking may involve the intent to acquire private information or objects. Common victims of stalking include celebrities, ex-husbands/wives and ex-boy/girlfriends, and teachers. Victims are more often women than m en, culprits more often men than women. In more extreme cases, stalking leads to threats or violence.

Examples are a fan stalking a celebrity, somebody stalking an ex-lover whom they want back and other cases of non-reciprocal love.

Sometimes it doesn't stop with verbal threats, but the stalker actually uses violence against his victim, the relatives, the pets or the victim's possessions. Even after the victim moves the stalker often finds out the new address very fast. From Germany there is a case known, in which the stalker inserted an obituary for the victim at the 'Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung'.

The legality of the practice is defined differently under different jurisdictions; some define the act as it stands as illegal, while some only define stalking illegal once it becomes threatening or endangers the one being stalked.

Now, what would you do if you knew you had a stalker? Or worse yet, if you had a stalker, but you wouldn't knew?

Well, a young witch and famous Quidditch player for the Puddlemere United is about to find out exactly how it feels to have such an obsessive fan…

The texts were taken from from both the German and the English texts. I took away some parts of each, translated passages that were only in the German text and put them together.

So? Totally confusing? Absolutely not getting what this is about? Or just plain stupid? Please tell me and let me know what you think of the idea.

The prologue is already written and waiting to be posted (if I find someone who's interested in this story) and the first chapter is already in the making as I write this (at 00:39 GMT+1 Summer time).

If someone out there is already liking the idea or the (unfortunately) unusual pairing, tell me and I will send you an E-mail when I update!