This is the 1st time I've done a beyblade fic so don't expect anything special

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters portrayed in this fanfic.

Setting: The Beybreakers are walking into the arena for the semi-finale match that determines which team moves on to the final round of the finale tournament of the year.

"Kai, Ray, Max, You guys ready for this?" asked Tyson confidently. "As ready as we'll ever be" said Max in a cheerie voice. The others nodded in agreement. They all walked into the arena and the crowds began to cheer. "And here are the BeyBreakers!" Yelled the announcer into the microphone while pointing in their direction. "And put your hands together for, the Barthes Battalion!" Yelled the announcer once again into the microphone pointing in their direction. "Let the match begin!" Yelled the announcer. First up was Miguel and Kai, they both got into position. " 3,2,1! Let It Rip!" yelled both Kai and Miguel as they started they're first match. "Go dranzer!" yelled Kai as his dranzer swiftly began hammering attacks down on Miguel's beyblade. "Dammit" mumbled Miguel as his beyblade struggled to stay in the match. "Heh, a waste of my time" said Kai softly turning away proudly. "You wont get rid of me that easily Kai!" said Miguel as his beyblade skillfully got away from Dranzer's never ending wave of attacks. "Wah?" Thought Kai in astonishment. "heh, that's right Kai, its time to end it" said Miguel coldly, a devilish smile forming on his face. "Hmph, if you think it's over already, you've made a critical mistake" said Kai as his beyblade began to spin faster with its engine gear. "Blazing Gigs!" Yelled Kai as his beyblade used its special attack, Just as Kai thought he had the victory, His beyblade began falling out of the attack and Miguel took the opportunity and went head on into the weakened beyblade with its special attack. " YES! I won!" yelled Miguel turning to the crowd. "Dam!" mumbled Kai as he turned away with his face in shadow. "Miguel is the winner!" yelled the announcer as the crowd went wild. Kai turned and walked past his team into the dark hall. "Kai, wait" said Max as he started to follow his defeated teammate. "Max, just let him go, he's always like this when he loses" said Ray as he stopped Max from following Kai. "And this was the semi-finale match, knowing Kai, he probably thinks he let us all down" said Tyson as he walked into the arena to begin his match. "You're probably right, and good luck Tyson!" called Ray as he watched Tyson wave to all of his fans. "He always was a sucker for applause" said Ray as a smile crossed his face. "He's also a sucker for food" said Max smiling. "Hah, yeah, speaking of food where is Hilary, I'm starving and I'm sure she'll have something to eat" said Ray looking around. "I think I saw her and Kenny in the locker room, lets go check it out" said Max as him and Ray walked out of the arena and towards the locker rooms. ((MEANWHILE)) Kai was leaning against a wall in the hall with a disappointed look on his face. "Dam, how could I lose? This guy was an amateur" whispered Kai to himself. Suddenly Kai's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Kai are you ok? I heard you lost the match" questioned Hilary as she tried to comfort Kai. "Ill be fine, just let me think" snapped Kai. "Sorry, I wish I knew how you feel so I could relate, but I don't think I could ever beyblade" said Hilary as she chuckled blankly. "Anyone can beyblade as long as they have a passion for it" said Kai, lightning up a bit. "I don't know it seems like something I wouldn't have the strength to do" said Hilary standing right in front of Kai. "I would offer to teach you but that's something that you can only learn by doing it naturally with out guidelines" said Kai as he moved closer in front of Hilary. "Maybe someday ill try" said Hilary staring into Kai's Mahogany eyes blushing a little. "Maybe…" said Kai as he moved in and passionately kissed Hilary, long and hard until they were both out of breath. "Um, sorry... I" stuttered Kai as he backed away. "Uh, I promised Tyson I'd watch his match" said Hilary quickly as she ran past Kai and smiled to herself.