Inuyasha knew of this planbut couldn't decide whether to save a mortal and get rid of his Tetsusiaga or leave her to die. He knew if he refused to give up the Tetsusiaga, Kagome would die a slow, painful, death right in front of his very eyes. She would beg for help but all he would be able to do is watch. The Tetsusiaga was made to protect a mortal. Sesshomaru had every right to it because of that stupid little girl named Rin.
"Why am I here?" Kagome asked not thinking. That was probably something Sesshomaru didn't want to share.
"You being here is my buisness only. You may become of good use to me."
Kagome didn't know what he meant. But she remembered why Sesshomaru and Inuyasha always fight.
"Am I here because I am part of a worthless planto steal the Tesusiaga away from Inuyasha?" Kagome asked this in a sarcastic way that Sesshomaru didn't like. This set him off.
"I told you wench. It's none of your buisness. Do you understand me?" Sesshomaru grabbed her by the neck and shoved her against the castle wall.
Kagome said nothing.
"Answer me when I speak to you!" Sesshomaru was nearly cutting off her air way making it hard for her to breath but she managed to respond.
"My-name-is-Kag-ome. I-m-not-a-WENCH."
Sesshomaru dropped her to the floor and and started to walk away. He turned to look at her rubbing her neck with tears rolling down her dirt-stained cheeks. Then he mumb;ed under his breath, "Worthless wench. But only a mere mortal, I still have become somewhat attached to her in the past two days. I can only hurt her to keep myself from loving her."
Kagome sat there rubbing her nack in a daze. She couldn't figure out why it furied Sesshomaruto ask questions.
"Maybe if I can find a way to escape, I can escape this tretcherous castle and my fate."
Jaken who was ordered to spy on Kagome immediatly after Sesshomaru left and report anything she says or does that may be useful to him. Hearing this, Jaken quickly ran through the hallway to Sesshomaru's room. He quietly knocked on the door.
"Please, enter." Sesshomaru calmly responded to the knock. All he could think was that it better not be that half-breeds wench because she was to stay confined to her dungeon like room.
"Lord Sesshomaru! The girl is planning to escape!"
Sesshomaru slowly got up and walked right passed Jaken staring straight ahead not saying a word. When he reached the room Kagome was staying in, he slowly opened the door giving her time to realize someone was there. Kagome jumped to her feet and stared at the door.
"Mortal, you have plotted to escape my castle." Kagome swallowed hard afraid he would hurt her again.
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Don't play games with me girl. Just hear me out. Even if you do manage to get past my guards, mortal, you can't escape me. If you even try I will be forced to kill you. Do you take me seriously? Or will I have to demonstrate?" Sesshomaru's claws went limp then he clutched them into a fist.
"No." Kagome had begun to sweat. She knew if he was urged to hurt her, he wouldn't hesitate and it would be worse than last time.
A soft smile formed on Sesshomaru's face. "Good. Now, will you continue to bother me?"
"No." Kagome bitterly answered the last two times. Sesshomaru didn't like it. "You, mortal, refer to me as your Lord Sesshomaru when you are finished speaking to me. I am not your house pet." Sesshomaru was furious.
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru." KAgome quietly, yet shyly replied. She couln't believed she just called him that. If Inuyasha heard her refer to his older brother that way, he would definately throw a fit on Kagome.. Kagome couldn't wait for Inuyasha to come and rescue her from this mess. Or Kouga, it didn't matter which one as long as she got out of this terrible place of torture. Kouga prbably didn't even know she was there.
"Lord Sesshomaru! What do you plan to do if Inuyasha doesn't come for the mortal?" Jaken asked eagerly.
"One of two things Jaken. Which ever one I choose will surely keep Kagome here at the castle. She will never come in contact with that half -breed again. He doesn't deserve her. I will either kill her or make her my mate." Sesshomaru closed his eyes in disbelief of what he had just said.
"Lord Sesshomaru? You would take a mere mortal for your mate?" Jaken asked as his mouth hung open.
"No more questions Jaken. Leave me to my peace and keep an eye on Kagome." as much as he wanted to keep Kagome at the castle, he had feelings for her. He couldn't just keep her here against her will forever. Sure he could, but that would be cruel. If he let her go back to Inuyasha, however, he may never receive the Tetsusiaga. His plan would fail. He had to stay strong and firm to keep himself from falling in love with the useless wench. Unfortunately. It was too late.
"We can't just leave her there!" Sango yelled angrily. "Are you out of your mind?"
"Shut up and let me think." Inuyasha was so puzzled. He couldn't stand the thought of losing Kagome. He would have to tell her mom, grandpa, and Souta what happened to her. It was all his fault for being sympathetic toward her and letting her go home since she was home-sick. Unfourtunately, she never made it.
"C'mon Inuyasha! Let's go get Kagome back!" Shippo bounced around Inuyasha untill he thumped Shippo over top of the head with his fist.
"Whadja hafta do that for?" Shippo asked angrily rubbing the knot on top of his head.
"Buzz of kid." Inuyasha was so deep in thought. "I got it!"
Miroku jumped up ready to take off.
"We won't go save her." Inuyasha calm but smart saying this. "If we wait, Sesshomaru will get tired of waiting for me and let her go."
Miroku thought for a moment. "You are willing to put Kagome's like in Sesshomaru's hands? Although I strongly agree. That is an excellent idea."
Inuyasha had no idea how long it would take for him to finally let her go. It could be a year or more. "But he wanted his Tetsusiaga and Kagome. And he was certain and determined he would get them both.