A night at the bar
By shadows/of/flame

Hm, thanks to Emera Took for the challenge. :D

The criteria...
- Must have Jak/Torn smut/fluff
- One of them must sing "Barbie Girl" by Aqua and they have to be sober
- They can NOT both love each other- one loves the other, the other is just playing games
- Must take place in the Naughty Ottsel
- The words "cry", "crazy", "time", "baby", and "heart" must be used
- Krew must be mentioned

"Lets get ready to rummmble!" The ball of pudge Krew yelled as the crowd roared, ready fo the karaoke spin-offs between Torn, the silent tattooed wonder and Erol, the star of the Haven City races.

Erol was standing tall on the stage in front of the Naughty Ottsel, the crowds cheering and crying wildly for him.

Practically everyone had turned up, eager to see who could beat who in a sing off.

"Come on baby! You can do it this time!" Keira yelled, getting dirty looks from Tess and Ashelin.

Erol was slightly drunk, sure of a straight win, but Torn was completely sober, just wanting to get the song over with.

Erol stepped up to the mic, the crowd going wild.

He winked at the crowd as the music went on, and started singing...

"I come home in the morning light,
My mother says "When you gonna live your life right?"
Oh, mother, dear..."

Torn raised an eyebrow as the crowd roared, obviously thinking Erol was crazy singing that type of song.
But it wasn'tlike they got a choice what genre the song was, the barmaid only had one genre of songs in her vast CD collection.

Jak entered the Naughty Ottsel, wondering what he had missed, when he saw Torn, up on stage.
He wondered why Torn was up there, and noticed the sign.

"One night only! Karaoke spin-offs! Winner takes all!"

Jak's eyes widened as Erol finished his song and Torn walked up to the mic.

"I didn't think he'd have it in his heart..." Jak sighed as he took a seat, wondering what the Tattooed Wonder would sing.

The girls went wild at the sight of Torn, and Jak rolled his eyes.
Torn saw Jak in the crowd and gulped, showing his first signs of fear.

"I'd better not screw up in front of Jak... I'll never live it down..."

The music started playing, and Jak could not believe his pointed elven ears.

"I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic.."
Ashelin utterly screamed, not believing what she was seeing.
"What the hell?" Keira exclaimed as Ashelin fainted.

Daxter raised a furry eyebrow in shock, the song echoing in his ears.
"He even dances to it..."

Erol couldn't believe what he was hearing. I mean, his song wasn't much better, but it was better!

Torn kept singing, the music filling the whole bar.
Jak couldn't stop himself, and started dancing along to the music.

Eventually, the music had finished, and loud screaming filled the bar as everyone tried to launch themselves at Torn.

But he chose to sit next to Jak, bathing in the unusual silence between them.

"You were great." Jak smiled, squeezing Torn's hand tightly.
Torn nodded, blushing gently.

"The choice of song wasn't the best. Daxter's new bar girl Em picked it out for me."

Jak kissed Torn, and grinned.
"Wanna sing for me again?"

Torn just played along, leading Jak out of the bar.

"Whatever you say."