I don't own Harry Potter. I don't want to own Harry Potter either. Now Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) I wouldn't mind owning him, but sadly I don't own him either. I do however own Katie Snape and other soon to be known Characters. I also own the plot of the story. I started this story with my Goddaughter and cousin. I posted this fic on my web groups. If you would like to check out the groups go to my profile. This is a Harry finds family in an unexpected place type story. Harry gets along with at least 2 members of the Dursley family, and finds that he has other family crawling out of the woodwork. Harry finds love with another Character that isn't originally. I would like to thank everyone who has reviewed so far. I would also like to suggest if you like Flaming then light a match. No one is perfect so please be nice constructive criticism is one thing but to be rude is not.
Sorry to my faithful readers and reviewers, but I have had a few flamers that have said that they have reported me for abuse of the terms of services. I have put one Author's Note in this story I believe. I have changed it and will have this notice at the beginning of each chapter. For you Flamers that seem to know it all, I think you should know that you don't know jack. For your infomation I have taken 3 different english courses in college and a creative writing course. I have used this story as one of my assignments, and I received an A on it. I would like to think my very first reviewers from the Harry Potter (UK) Group: Angelina, RozierRobyn, Ced, Oliver, MadDog, Laurice, LittleMiss, Sam and anyone that I have left out. To the good Anon, I would like to say thank you. Reviewers I am sorry to say that if I get anymore flames from Anon reviewers then I can't allow Anon reviews to continue, but I will have away for you to review.
Katie's Choice
Chapter 1
A young girl with long dark hair and dark eyes was making her way down the corridor of the train to find a place to sit. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and accidentally bumped into a guy.
"Oh, It's you. Would you mind getting out of my way, Draco?" She said.
"Katie, Your Uncle, wants me to look after you to make sure you don't mix with the wrong people." Draco replied.
"I don't care, and I don't like you either. I wished you would move and let me pass." Katie replied back.
Just then a door opened and a young man came out to see what the trouble was.
"Are you ok miss?" Harry asked. "I should have known you were causing trouble Malfoy. I'm Harry; would you like to sit with me and my friends?"
"If you are sure you don't mind. I would love, too." She answered.
"I'm Katie."
"Nice to meet you Katie." Harry said as he moved out of the way to let her in. As they entered the compartment Harry went to introduce Katie to Ron and Hermione. "Katie, these are my friends….." He started.
"Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, right. My Uncle talks about you all the time." Katie said "I'm Katie. It is nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too." Ron and Hermione said together.
"Tell us about yourself Katie. You seem to know a lot about us." Harry said.
"Well, I am a fifth year exchange student. My family has been in Slytherin since the beginning of the school, but I want to be in Gryffindor. I don't care anything about dark arts or whether a person is pure-blooded or not."
"So that is why Draco was bothering you." Harry said.
"Yeah, and if you hadn't interrupted when you did he would be singing like a soprano in the opera." Katie said.
Harry and Ron mumbled 'ouch' at the same time. Hermione laughed at them. Just then Ginny walked in looking really mad at the world.
"Ginny, What's wrong?" Harry asked.
"Draco, need I say more." Ginny said.
"That little Git needs to get a freakin' life. I still like making him a soprano opera singer." Katie said.
"I like her a lot." Ginny said as she grinned.
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in" Harry said.
As he said this the door opened, and Professor Lupin poked his head in. He looked over at the new girl with surprise but said nothing about her.
"Hi, Harry, can I have a word with you in private?" He asked.
"Sure." Harry said.
Who is this Mysterious girl, Katie? Who is this girl's Uncle? What does Lupin need to tell Harry? Stay tuned for the next chapter.