Hey, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 apologies for not getting this up sooner erm complications came up ;;;
P.S.Sasha I'm so sorry
Labour HororitiesAnother morning where Horo was bouncing off the walls because as far as he was concerned today was the day. He woke Ren early cuddling up to him and smiling widely as he had done everyday for about a week. Horos excitable nature was at its most annoying to Ren who had tired of being woken up early because Horo was squeezing the life out of him. May 8th had finally arrived and Horo couldn't contain himself very well. He climbed over Ren legs humming being a pest whispering to his unborn to come soon with Ren kicking him off trying to roll over and get some sleep. Luck was not on Rens side today but Jun was back to help with this problem. After they got up and Horo had calmed slightly due to his hunger breakfast was served by Jun and Pailong. Rens nerves were shot and Horo was grating on him like really ruff sand paper. He had two options 1. Put up with Horo all-day or 2. Dump him on Jun. There was no way Ren was going to pick 1 but he knew Horo wouldn't leave him in the house on his own. There was only one place for retreat and that was Yohs place. It was perfect Yoh was going to be home all day and the rest would stay clear of Ren knowing he wasn't going to be held responsible for anything he did to them while pregnant.
Now all he had to do was dangle credit cards in front of Juns nose then make Horo go with her. It would be easy after all Horo would do almost anything for him at this point even shop with Jun. After breakfast Ren told Jun he wanted her to pick out the twins bed sheets even though he had some he knew Jun would jump at the chance to shop for baby things. Ren believed all girls except Anna would tear their limbs off for a platinum credit cards and the chance to shop for themselves or children. It was one of those unwritten rules. Now Jun never shops alone and Ren being in his condition he would only slow her down… Horo was the natural choice so Jun and Horo walked Ren to Yohs place. Horo did not intend to leave his koibito and his unborn with out proper instructions. He left a list of things Ren needed and things Ren was allowed to drink/eat and not allowed to drink/eat but that was mainly by order of Ran who still kept tabs on the two. A list of emergency contacts was made a mile long, just encase as Horo put it, but most importantly Horo calmly and yet very seriously threatened to end Yohs rain as shaman king and his life if anything was to happen to Ren and the twins under his care with a smile to seal the deal. After much resistance Horo was dragged out of Yohs leaving Ren to be cared for by Yoh and the others. Horo whined but Jun was lost to the world while he mumbled under his breath she was talking none-stop about what she was going to buy where she was going to go and what colour her nails were going to be. She smiled all the way and Horo sulked, he didn't want to miss anything but worse he was shopping with Jun. Pailong was left at home being dead he attracted to much attention plus the fact he is a famous movie star that disappeared mysteriously just added to it. Horo was assigned the bag boy. Meanwhile…
Yohs Place-
Ren sat back on the sofa tired and almost nodding off, ad least until Anna started. Yoh must have done something wrong again because she was ruthlessly making him do push-ups with double the normal weight then making him do all the cleaning. Usually Manta got the job but surprisingly Manta remained untouched by Anna's wrath but Yoh suffered the full fury of her training, not that Ren cared. After a few hours toil and torment he was finally allowed a short break, he crawled out of the kitchen and into the room where Ren was sat. Ren ignored him but Manta showed some pity trying to joke about the unusually excruciating training program getting an attempted smile before Yoh nodded off only to be disturbed by Ren and Mantas shocked shouts.
Manta: Ren… have you just (Received a death glare) N-never mind
Yoh: Huh? What? (Still half asleep)
Ren: (Held stomach in pain) AGH DAM!
Yoh: What's wrong? There better not be anything wrong with the twins or Horo will have me killed (Yoh asked nervously)
Manta: Anna! Rens water broke!
Yoh: Water broke? How can you break water?
Ren: I karate chop it--I'm gonna have my babies you baka!
Yoh: Oh… OH! You can't have them now
Ren: Do you think I just CHOSE now!
Yoh: No but…
Ren: Just call the ambulance!
Yoh: How are they gonna get out anyway? I mean…
Yoh: But I mean what's the point? (Smiled in a clueless way)
Ren: (Looks possessed) If you want to live… (Gritted his teeth) I suggest you call the ambulance
Yoh: But I mean—
Ren: GRR!
Yoh: (Gulped loudly) Anna! (Runs off to call the ambulance)
Manta: (Running around in circles) Oh my god oh my god oh my gah… (Ren kicked Manta over)
Ren: Shut up!
Yoh: Where's that list? (Looks for the list) Ah ha! Found it (List drops out and a list from Yohs chin to the ground was revealed) He weren't kidding when he said he was prepared…
Ren: YOH!
Yoh: (Looks down list) … Pilika House… Lyserg mobile… Dominos pizza hmm Pizza (Saw Rens death glare) Sorry erm where was I … Oh emergency beeper… Ah Faust clinic
Anna: What are you shouting for, I swear I … who spilt their drink? (Looked around the room then saw Ren clutching his stomach leaning against the wall and Yoh shakily trying to dial the phone number from the list he was holding)
Yoh: The phone wont stay still!
Anna: Yoh what's going on?
Ren: Christmas has come early. WHAT DO YOU THINK? I'M IN LABOUR!
Anna: (Anna took charge of the situation) Manta! Clean up that mess Yoh! Give me that (Dialled the right number then handed it back to Yoh) Tell them to send the ambulance Ren! … Don't make any more mess
Ren: When this is over AGH! (Contractions most likely getting more intense) I'll get you for this!
Yoh: The ambulance is on its way (Smiled at his success)
Anna: Good now Manta you get the overnight bag and Yoh you get Horo and use the phone this time… you freaked everyone out last time you tried to communicate telepathically
Yoh: Yes Anna (Stands to attention salutes and turns back to the phone)
Meanwhile at the shops with Jun-
Horo stood with a pile of boxes towering over him and bags draped from his arms, when Jun shops she shops. No shop left with out a purchase and no pair of shoes not looked at… Jun was a shop-a-holic the foulest of addictions or ad least to the male gender it was. She was walking blowing her nails talking none stop to Horo with out stopping to get a reply from him. Her bag that Horo was holding started to ring.
Jun: Hmm I think this deep emerald green is the perfect colour for my nails (Blows on her newly painted nails)
Jun: The black would have better suited my new shoes though hmm what a dilemma
Horo: Erm…
Jun: But the emerald matches my hair…
Horo: Your bag is ringing
Jun: The blue would of matched my eyes but it would clash with my outfit so blue is out
Horo: Jun? Your phone
Jun: Huh?
Jun: Oh would you get that
Horo: What! Why cant you? I mean I have my hands full
Jun: (Looked like hell had just froze over) I just got my nails done, do you want me to chip them? Do you want to sit in that salon for another hour while she repairs the damage?
Horo: (Sighed) I'll get it (balanced all the boxes and bags on one arm while he answered the mobile) Hello…
Back With Ren and Yoh-
The ambulance had arrived and Ren was loaded on, Yoh was made to go with him by Anna who wanted to watch her soaps right now so refused to take Ren. Manta was hysterical having a fit on the floor in the front room so he was no help… Yoh was the only one left, poor Yoh
Yoh had got Ren in the ambulance with the overnight bag in hand and the phone in the other, it seemed to take ages before there was an answer. Ren was in pain in the back squeezing the life out of a stress ball Horo had bought for him and packed in the overnight bag… Horo thought of everything… surprisingly!
Horo: Hello
Yoh: (Sounding panicked and scared) Horo! Oh man where are you?
Horo: Me… shopping with Jun why? Has something happened to Ren? Is he okay? If he's not I swear I'll kill you Yoh!
Yoh: He's in labour!
Horo: (A crashing sound of all the bags falling to the floor) WHAT?
Jun: (In the back ground) Hey! That's all my stuff you just dumped on the floor
Horo: When did he go into labour?
Yoh: About 15 minutes ago we are on the way to Faust's clinic now
Ren: HORO! You better be there when I get there!
Horo: Ren don't worry I'm on my way
Ren: Good! Because when you get there I'm going to KILL you! You did this to me AGH!
Yoh: Ren! Calm down
Ren: You baka! I'm going to neuter you! I will kill you! I (Slap)
Yoh: Ren, you were getting hysterical
Ren: WHY YOU! (Ren grabbed Yoh and shook him)
Yoh: Ho-ro hu-rry! Re-ns gone nu-ts! (The ambulance came to a halt and Ren threw Yoh at the doors sending him tumbling out of them and onto the ground)
Horo: Ren! Yoh! What happened?
Yoh: Ow
Ren: You better get here now Horo or I'll do the same to you!
(Phone went dead)
Back with Horo and Jun-
Horo: Ren? Ren!
Jun: What's going on?
Horo: Rens having the twins NOW! We need to get to the clinic (Paced around in circles clutching his blue hair still holding the phone
Jun: Okay (Waves hand around in the air) TAXI!
(Taxi pulls up)
Taxi Driver: Hey pretty lady, where can I take you today?
Jun: (I made this address up) Hellborne Lane Clinic and be quick about it (Climbed in the taxi followed by Horo)
The taxi pulled out and stepped on it, in a flash they went speeding down the road off to the clinic where Ren had just been rushed for the birth. Horo sat in the back freaking out yet getting very excited about the fact he today was going to be a dad to twins and not just any twins the love of his life Rens twins.
Suddenly, there was a BEEP BEEP!
Horo: what the hell? Why did we stop?
Taxi Driver: Bad traffic jam. We're gonna be here for a while guys.
((Horo jumps out of taxi))
Jun: Get back here! My bags!
((Jun steps out delicately))
Taxi Driver: Hey my cash (Jun handed him some money)
Jun: Of all the times for him to run off! And In my new high heels…
Horo: Hurry up Jun!
Jun: No! My new heels are already ruined!
Jun: Uhh... I'm sorry…
Horo: If your really sorry hurry up and come on!
((Horo grabs Jun's arm and runs off occasionally jumping on and over cars))
Jun followed Horo who was now sprinting down the road weaving in and out of the traffic. At the same instant…
Faust's Clinic-
Yoh: Ren! Those things are sharp
Faust: Those are delicate pieces of hospital equipment; I don't think they should be lobbed across the room like that
Ren: (Throws another scalpel at the people hiding behind the door frame) IF YOU DON'T FIND HORO NOW I WILL IMPALE YOU BOTH! (Tries to breathe but labour pains are physically demanding)
Yoh: Ren? (Comes in the room seeing that there are no more projectiles near Ren) Are you okay?
Ren: Do I look okay!
Yoh: No…
Back with Horo-
Horo dashed down the road tugging Jun along with him, it would take far to long to run through town with all the mid-day shoppers overflowing the pavements and all the peoples arriving in their cars blocked the roads. It would take too long for them to get through the crowds. Horo had a brainstorm; this was definitely his week he had quite a few good ideas… along with some bad ones
Horo: This is going to take too long (Stopped let go of Jun and looked around) There! We can take a short cut through the library (Pointed to the designated area) Lets go
Before Jun could say another word Horo was running ahead with her following behind. He ran across the road round the corner through the alley and into a clearing. He ran like he never ran before huffing and panting till the library was in site. He ran up the steep stairs reaching the top and getting girls clapping and cheering at him. A few hoots and applause while he jumped up and down in the air doing little jabs with his fists and making a huge scene. Jun elegantly stepped up the stairs with her dress lifted and her shoes scuffed much to her displeasure. She stomped over to him once she reached the top grabbing his ear and stopping his little victory dance.
Jun: (Tugging his head down to look at her shoes while she pointed in anger) Your dancing around like fools when we are in a rush while my poor shoes are being destroyed (Pulled his head back up) Now lets get to Ren
Horo: Yes Miss Jun
(I got the Rocky box set… does it show ;)
Both began running again through the library and out the other side coming to the end of the road the clinic is on. Horo could see the clinic in the distance, his feet worked overtime and Jun followed as best she could but her heels were made for walking not sprinting. It was the final dash to the clinic and Horo picked up speed even though he was knackered and his legs were pumping battery acid by now and his heart was trying to jump out his chest. He made it to the clinic but did not manage to stop. The doors automatically opened and he tried to brake but alas he could not. He started to tip forward and fell skidding along and hitting his head off the reception desk. The word ouch comes to mind but he had no time to complain. The receptionist leaned over being surprised by the Ainu rushing up nearly head butting her. She fell back into her seat eyes wide with surprise that he recovered so quickly after the bang his head made. Jun came rushing in after him but managed to stop. He lifter a hand up weakly and opened his mouth to speak with tears forming in the corner of his eyes and a bump forming on his head
Horo: Tao Ren (Huffed for air still out of breathe) Where is (Inhaled deeply) he?
Receptionist: He? Erm I think SHE was rushed through to the maternity ward
Horo: Thanks (Ran off)
Jun: Hey! Wait for me (Chased after him)
Receptionist: BUT! (Sank back down into her seat) You don't know where it is
Horo was already gone and running around randomly ending up in x-ray, psychiatric ward, children's ward, operating suite and then finally he passed maternity but soon turned back to it when he heard Rens unmistakable screams of annoyance towards Yoh. Horo turned around came in the room where Ren was held down to the bed for his own safety as well as everyone else… mainly everyone else's. Horo rushed over looking worried and panicked but before he could say anything he had to leap back to avoid a set of hands wrapping around his neck.
Ren: You! You baka! First you do this to me then you are late!
Horo: But… But… You told me to go (Looking so sorry and sulky)
Ren: THAT'S NOT THE POINT! (Clutched stomach in pain from labour)
Horo: Are you okay? (Got up and went over to Ren putting one arm around Ren and offering a hand that was not taken)
Ren: NO! I-AGH (Stopped for a moment as a contraction came or something) don't touch me again! That's how we got here in the first place! (Gave Horo a dirty look)
Horo: Come on Ren its not that bad (Took hold of Rens hand)
Ren: NOT SO BAD! SURE YOU CAN SAY THAT! IF YOU EVER-AGH (Squeezed hard on Horos hand making Horos face twist in pain)
Horo: Ren! Not so tight
Ren: Shut up!
Faust: Looks like the contractions are getting more frequent and intense
Horo: What does that mean?
Faust: It means the twins will be born shortly (Gave a smile)
Horo: The twins are coming! I can't believe it! I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to be a dad! Oh god its time! (Freaking out)
Ren: (Pulled Horos collar so his face was an inch away giving him deadly glares dripping with annoyance) Don't you dare freak out on me… You're not the one about to be CUT OPEN!
Faust: Okay we are going to give you an epidural to relieve the pain
Ren and Horo: …
Faust: (Nervous smile) I'm going to inject you with painkillers and anaesthetics
Ren: Don't just stand there do it!
Horo: Remember what Pilika said… Breathe (Started to suck air in loudly) Breathe (Exhaled making suck noises) Brea-the
Ren: (Shook Horo screaming at him) Don't tell me to breath just hurry up with those drugs!
Horo: Ren-stop sha-king me!
Ren: You did this to me! You I'm going to neuter you! You baka!
Faust: Okay Ren if you just stay calm for a moment I can give you the epidural now
Ren: Finally…(Went silent when he saw a nurse bring a huge needle into the room) Your not sticking that in my arm you psycho
Faust: It's not for your arm, we insert it in the bottom of your spine now lift up the back of your shirt and lean forward
Ren: My-my-my … SPINE!
Faust: Yes
Yoh: That is one big needle
Ren: Horo, you're not going to let them… Horo?
Horo stood there looking at the needle before falling to the floor fainting, Horo and needles didn't mix and whenever he saw a needle he felt sick and light headed. This particular needle was double the size of any he had ever seen. Ren looked at him with worry for a brief moment before kicking Horo in the side and shouting in Chinese at him. He was in labour and about to have a huge needle dug into his spine and Horo was taking a nap on the floor, Ren wasn't going to let Horo sleep through this he was going to suffer to. He grabbed the Ainu from the floor shaking him violently shouting and tugging at him until he started to open his eyes. Ren let him drop to the floor again before giving him a quick kick.
Ren: You coward! How dare you do that!
Horo: I'm sorry but I'm scared of needles (Horo said pathetically)
Ren: I'm the one about to have it embedded into my back while YOU were going to take a nap!
Horo: I'm sorry (Apologetic smile and tried to stand and hug Ren who was trying to stop the flinching the contractions caused as each sent pain through his stomach)
Ren: (Hit Horo away trying not to look like every movement was agony but they were) You selfish Baka-Ainu!
Horo: Ren calm down
Ren: I Can't be-AGH (By now the contractions were very regular and getting to intense to handle) GOD DAM IT!
Horo: Ren are you okay? (Rushing to Rens aid who looked like hell had just froze over)
Ren: Horo I cant do it
Horo: Ren…
Horo: Yes you can come on I'll be right here
Ren: Like you were when they brought the needle in (Ren gritting his teeth at the brutality of his pain)
Horo: I promise I'll be right next to you the entire time even if I have to have the needle to (Let out a nervous smile and chuckle sweating at the thought that Ren might actually make him)
Ren: Just give me the dam needle if it takes away the pain!
Ren gritted his teeth glared at Horo then let him slip the back of his shirt up slightly to let Faust give him the needle. Ren gripped Horos hand when he felt the needle go into his spine and straightened his back feeling a scrappy pain shoot up his back. Faust took the needle out and Ren still had his teeth gritting together. Horo looked at the pained expression on Rens face before commenting
Horo: There that wasn't so bad now (Made the mistake of rubbing Rens back soothingly and received a blow to the head) OW!
Ren: I'll kill you for this! (Tried to grab Horo who tried to stay close but due to Rens lashing out that made it hard)
Faust: Don't worry Horo once the epidural takes affect he won't have the energy to kill you
Yoh: The miracle of drugs saved another life today (Smiled widely)
As Faust said after a while the drugs took affect and Ren became less violent towards Horo physically but still threatened to cut off Horos man-hood and on several occasions proclaimed that Horo was to sleep outside until the twins finished college or had children of their own. Horos tender touch and soothing voice helped Ren to calm down slightly as they counted the time between contractions before being designated the next stage in the birth.
Faust: Ren we need you to change into this before we can begin (Threw over a hospital gown)
Ren: I hate hospitals…
Horo: It will all be over soon
Ren: (lifted the gown up and looked at it) I still hate hospitals
Horo helped Ren change into the gown with minimal injuries to Horo. Ren was horrified to find that the gown was backless revealing his entire back end. Horo giggled quietly making Rens embarrassed blushes grow deeper shades of red. They laid Ren down on a bed and covered him with a sheet wheeling him into the delivery room. He was given another needle to numb were they were going to cut. Slowly Ren felt it working numbing his waist but it worked up numbing the top of his legs and spreading to his diaphragm. Once it spread up numbing his diaphragm though Ren couldn't feel himself breathe, he took in deeper breaths panicking thinking he was suffocating. He gripped Horos hand tightly and tried harder to breath. Horo noticed the panic and started to panic himself
Horo: Ren? Ren what's wrong?
Faust: You need to calm him down
Horo: How?
Faust: The anaesthetics must of numbed his diaphragm even though he is breathing he cant feel he is. You need to show him he's still breathing
Horo: (Placed a hand on Rens chest) Ren it's okay (Made Ren watch his hand rise and fall as his lungs took in air) See, your breathing so calm down
Faust: Its seems to be working (Ren started to calm breathing in slowly but deeply)
As they began the incision Horo went pale looking sick squeezing Rens hand this made Ren worry a little wanting to know what was going on and if anything was wrong. Ren noticed there was one of those mirrors that could be adjusted on a stand (Dentists use them, don't know what they are called) so reached his arm up and moved it so he could see what's going on. He watched as they finished the cut not really registering that he was watching his stomach being cut open just wondering how the twins were. Faust noticed Ren was watching with the mirror.
Faust: (Turned the mirror away) I don't think it's a good idea for you to watch
Ren: (Moved the mirror back) Move that mirror again and I'll rip that arm off (Glared at Faust through the mirror)
Faust: Okay then
The operation carried on with Horo taking his hand through Rens hair watching as Faust delivered the twins. They cleared away the blood though there wasn't much surprisingly and then Faust asked the nurse to hand him the tools as he worked. Ren wasn't sure what it was but the nurse seemed familiar in some odd way but he couldn't put his finger on it. He watched intently as Faust began to pull one of the twins out. He saw the head coming out first and then followed by a small body Horo too looked on with intent as he saw for the first time his first-born son. They slowly raised the form from Rens stomach attaching clips and cutting the umbilical cord. A nurse wrapped sheets around him wiping away the blood. He was so lively wriggling around slightly reaching about as he came into the world. All focus went back onto Rens stomach again as Faust began to pull another form out. They saw feet first this time, tiny little feet Horo smiled along with Ren as they saw the rest follow the 2 feet. It was their first-born daughter that came out crying obviously not liking being brought into the world backwards. The same procedure happened and the umbilical cord was cut. The nurse took the tiny little girl and wrapped a blanket around her. Tiny little tags were gently hung from their toes ready to be cleaned but first the nurse held one in each arm and let Horo hold his son as he knelt down beside Ren beaming with an endless smile, Horo held up the frail little boy so Ren could see him and raise a hand to stroke over the cheek. The nurse then took the boy back letting them hold and look at their daughter. Ren was entranced at the liveliness of her as she tried to move around reaching her arms out slightly as a newly born her movement was restricted but it didn't stop her from trying, Ren could almost tell she was going to be a wild child like Horo but she was so small and sweet looking.
The nurse again took the little girl. Her and another nurse were ready to leave the delivery room to clean up the two newly born. The second nurse turned and looked at Ren pulling down her mask and waving before hastily leaving. Ren recognised that face almost instantly, he was ready to say something but she was already gone… he figured he could kill her later when he could actually move. Faust set about sealing Ren back up when something hit Ren like a tone of bricks; he'd been cut open! He looked pale and moved the mirror no longer wanting to see the gash in his stomach. Horo stayed beside him cringing as he watched them sow Ren up. It took a while and Ren was getting impatient as always, patience was not a virtue of Rens or Horos but they remained quiet hoping to see the twins again soon. Faust finished clapping his hands together being proud of his skilled work before wiping away any excess blood and septic before covering Ren back over with a fresh sheet and allowing the nurses and Horo to wheel him back out to be put into a fresh bed after all Ren would need to be in the clinic over night ad least. Its not everyday a male goes through that procedure. Ren was given a private room so as not to raise any questions from patients and nurses/doctors that Faust didn't trust with this delicate information. All files and documents were burnt immediately leaving no paper trail that this day had occurred only the birth certificate that had Horo and Ren down as the parents of the twins. Ren was laid to rest but he found it hard to sleep even though he was tired. Ren sent Horo out to find out what was going on and to allow him to call up Yoh, Pirika and the rest to give the good news. Horo couldn't wait to let everyone know but when he rang Yohs place there was no answer and the same at Pirikas. He put down the pay phone and sighed wondering where everyone was when he felt someone slap his back. He turned to find Yoh smiling at him and a huge black eye
Horo: Hey where you been at?
Yoh: I waited out in the waiting room but went to call everyone. Manta, Ryu, Tamao, Jun and Anna are heading down to see Ren now
Horo: (Nodded to show he understood) Did you call Pirika and Lyserg?
Yoh: Yeah they are on their way, Pirikas even bringing Vixen with her
Horo: (Smiled proudly) Well what we waiting for lets get back to Ren
They both walked back to the room to see Ren who was sat up with glaring at Ryu who was requesting they name the twins after his cousins who are twins and unfortunately the fact that he wanted to name then Bill and Ben was worse considering one of the twins is a girl. Anna sat in the corner looking uninterested as usual. She never really showed interest in much unless it was about her or Yoh. Horo came in and Ren immediately warmed up. Yoh went over to the corner Anna was sitting in standing by her side loyally.
Yoh: Well look at that, Ren your glowing (Yoh laughed at his own little comment)
Ren: (Turned dark) What was that Asakura? You want me to throw you out of a moving vehicle this time
Yoh: Erm ah err not really (Yoh said nervously)
Ren: Then I suggest you take that back
Yoh: Okay, okay your not glowing
Jun: Oh but I must disagree Ren you are glowing (Jun said with a huge smile knowing Ren wouldn't do anything to her but he could glare and that's just what he did)
Horo: (Sat on the bed just behind Ren letting Ren use him as a back rest) For once I'm not on the blunt end of Rens fury (Received a jab from Rens elbow) Then again maybe not
Just then a nurse Ren recognised all to well came in with the twins putting them down in the little glass cot that was at the bedside before taking down the mask again and saying receiving a Ren style greeting
Ren: You have till I can move my legs again to run before I hunt you down you witch (Pointing an accusing finger at her)
Horo: Ren? What are you talking about and what did the nurse do to you?
Ren: That's no nurse! That's that dam gypsy girl!
(Entire room looked at her in amazement after all she is kind of the reason there's a story)
Gypsy Girl: Hey there you must be Horo (Put her hand out to Horo who shook it)
Horo: (Pulled her into a bear hug) Thank you so dam much (Released her when he heard her gasping for air)
Gypsy Girl: Your welcome now don't ever do that again okay?
Ren: What are you doing here? I said I'd kill you if I saw you again
Gypsy Girl: Come on a girl can admire her work cant she
Ren: Work?
Gypsy Girl: You know how many people I've come across that only wanted money. I am tired of greedy people whose only ambition is the green stuff it's nice to finally do something worth while (She said with a smile)
Ren: Don't you decide what wish they get?
Gypsy Girl: Nope the cookies state what's in the heart. Which reminds me I'm going to be late curing a little girls mother of cancer. You find children don't wish so selfishly farewell and good-luck you'll need it
Horo: Bye we'll never forget you
Ren: And ever do this to me again and you wont be so fortunate! (Ren screamed through the door before it shut)
Now she left all attention went to the two little guys in the glass cot next to Ren and Horo. Manta, Ryu, Jun and Yoh went to see the tiny Tao twin's heck even Anna came over to see the two babies as they quietly lay in their bed
Yoh: You guys they are just like you
Manta: Yeah they are so small
Jun: My niece and nephew are so adorable (She said with big dreamy eyes)
Ryu: You have a strong little boy and a beautiful daughter (Ryu gave a thumbs up to them)
Anna: Yeah you can tell they're yours all right (Anna said emotionlessly)
Yoh: Why Anna I think you have a soft spot after all
Anna: Can it or you'll be doing laps around this hospital till they have children (Pointed down at the twins)
Yoh: Yes Anna (Yoh said with tears running down his face just thinking about all the laps she would make him do)
Horo: (Talking to the twins while waving to them) Hey I'm your daddy, I've been waiting a long time to meet you guys
Ren shook his head to try hide his smile. Sometimes the way Horo acted was just too cute for even Ren not smile dumbly at. Yoh made baby noises and Manta babbled on about how babies are born with few myelinated axons while Ryu thought of stranger and stranger names to give the twins names like Shirley, Billy, Diana, Kurt and many more. Ren looked at his treasures as they were fussed over by the gang and Horo squeezing him tight as he watched them as well. Ren and Horo were both so proud of them and each other. Ren thought it was all worth it in the end and Horo couldn't begin to show how grateful he was that Ren did all that. Yoh and the other left them alone for a while to go get a room set up for Pirika and Lyserg at the Inn and to pick them up at the air port when they arrived. Horo set behind Ren who held both the twins in his arms allowing Horos arms to drape around him also holding the twins. The both looked at them analysing each feature as a trade of each other, each got something from each parent.
Horo: You know what he's got you eyes see (lifted his finger just under his sons eyes that were indeed golden)
Ren: And she got yours… Hopefully she hasn't got the puppy dog pout too (Ren said while gesturing with his head to her eyes that were deep blue like Horos)
Horo: So what we going to name them?
Ren: I'm not sure; this is like one of those dreams except it's real
Horo: I think we should call her for what she is
Ren: And what's that? (Ren turned to see a huge smile placed on Horos face)
Horo: A dream, I think we should name her… Yume
Ren: (Ren smiled at Horo then looked down at his daughter feeling the name fit her perfectly) Yume… my dream
Horo: Now how about this little guy
Ren: He needs a strong name after all he is the next male in line to the Tao dynasty
Horo: Okay hmm what about Horo Jr (Horo laughed at his statement)
Ren: If anything he should be Ren Jr he has my eyes
Horo: But look at him he has my cuteness
Ren: All babies are cute
Horo: So you agree I'm cute
Ren: That's not the point
Horo: True… He looks so peaceful; he's a proper little prince isn't he (Horo stating he was royal)
Ren: In that case we should name him Koby, after the prince of peace
Horo: Who?
Ren: It's a character in a book genius (Completely made up couldn't think of anything better)
Horo: Sounds perfect (Smiled) Koby it is
(Just then Pirika burst through the doors)
Pirika: I came as quickly as I could possibly get here where are they (She froze looking at them with big wet cheerful eyes awing at the tiny little boy and girl) they are so cute
Lyserg: Hey you guys (Holding Vixen who was giggling as she looked at Ren and Horo)
Jun: Miss us
Tamao: Hello again (Shy wave)
Yoh: Look who we found
Chocolove: Hey guys how's things
Horo: Chocolove… I thought you were on tour as an opening act
Chocolove: I was they are outside in the minivan
Ren: You shouldn't have (He said it emotionlessly but he didn't mean it in a mean way more positive way and meant in jest)
Ryu: All we are missing now is Faust and the whole team will be here to witness this marvel
Manta: I'm sure he'll come by soon
Pirika: So have you named them yet?
Horo: Actually…
Ren: We have (Finishing Horos sentence)
Jun: So what have you called them?
(The whole room went quiet wanting to know the names of the two Taos)
Horo: Koby our prince of peace…
Ren: …And Yume our dream
Pirika: Aww how sweet can I hold them?
Ren: Sure
Horo carefully handed Pirika the girl who she rocked back and forth before handing Yume to Jun. Horo handed Koby over to Pirika next so she could hold him then she swapped with Jun and so on. Soon pretty much everyone had held both and now the parents had them back with Horo holding Koby and Ren holding Yume. Faust did make an appearance along with a nurse to check on how they were doing.
Pirika: Oh everyone lets all get a group photo (She waved the camera around in the air)
Yoh: Sure come on everyone assembly yourselves tallest at the back shortest at the front
Anna: You heard him shorty to the front
Manta: sure pick on the little guy
Horo: Spirits and all
The room was filled with spirits and shaman gathering for the photograph with Ren and Horo in the middle with the twins, next to Horo was Pirika holding Vixen, Lyserg with Morphine, Tamao with Conchi and Ponchi, Morty at the front of the bed, next to Ren was Yoh, Anna, Jun, Pailong, Amidamaru, Chocolove with Mic behind them were Eliza and Faust with Ryu and Tokageroh behind Pirika and the others. The proud spirits of the newly parents floated above their masters with Bason hovering over Rens shoulder and Kororo sitting on Horos head. The nurse took the picture as everyone smiled and most with exceptions cough cough Anna Ren cough saying cheese. It was picture perfect as everyone even the ice queen Anna smiled for the photo. The only real evidence of the birth was the two birth certificates and that one picture.
Soon everyone except for Horo was advised to take leave, as Ren needed rest and the twins too needed to sleep. Horo was told that if all went well Ren and the twins would be leaving with him in the morning. Horo went home leaving Ren and the twins in the hospital. He would of stayed but there were no spare beds and he didn't want to discomfort Ren by sharing a small hospital bed while he had that gash in his stomach. Horo laid down in his and Rens bed that night thinking it was empty but fell asleep knowing it would be filled again and the cribs would be too.
Horo woke early and got ready to go to the clinic but not too early as Ren might be resting still. Horo eagerly got down to the clinic getting lost on his way to the room but finding it eventually. He walked in to find Ren sat on the bed fully clothed and the twins were too. Ren had the overnight bag packed up and ready to go.
Ren: About time you got here
Horo: Sorry I erm I mean I…
Ren: You got lost didn't you? (Ren asked knowing Horo would do something like that)
Horo: Not exactly lost… okay I got lost (Giving up and closing his eyes so he couldn't see the amused look on Rens face)
Ren: Well you got to sign something before we go
Horo: What's that?
Ren: The birth certificates for Yume and Koby and the release papers
Horo: OH okay (Got the note pad that was on the side of the bed and signed where Ren pointed to) Done?
Ren: Done
They both stood with Horo carrying the bag and Yume and Ren holding Koby. They handed in the paperwork at the front desk before getting a cab home. Once they arrived they walked into the house for the first time with the twins. They set them both in their cribs and sat on the edge of the king size bed side by side.
Horo: Ren?
Ren: What?
Horo: How does it feel to give birth?
Ren: Agonizingly painful and humiliating
Horo: (A long Pause) …Thank you…
Ren: For what?
Horo: Going through all that
Ren: It will take more than a thank you to get back in my good books
Horo: Oh and what do I need to do to get back in your good books
Ren: I'll show you
Ren sat on Horo lap facing Horo and wrapped his legs around him tight kissing him deeply before braking away to kiss his Ainus forehead.
Horo: Not in front of the twins
Ren: You got a sick mind Horo-Horo
Horo: And what you weren't thinking the same thing?
Ren: It crossed my mind but I'm sure Yume and Koby wouldn't mind us cuddling
Horo: Aww my Ren-Koi want a cuddle
Ren: I want a little more than that
Ren began to kiss Horo again with both twins sleeping peacefully. This is the beginning of Horo and Rens days as Fathers to the Tao twins Yume and Koby
The End
Okay there will be a sequel to Mama Ren no worries there, but it wont be started for a while okay hope you all liked the turn out