Thanks so much for the reviews – I love to know that people are enjoying this story. I have 1-2 more chapters left before the end but I've been toying with a sequel, so let me know what you think!

Chapter 24 Room to Breathe

"Hannah's been taken to the hospital. She hasn't eaten in three days."

"Oh my God," Sara said with a strained cry. "Is she alright?"

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Grissom promised as he hurriedly stepped into his clothes. "And Jason was already able to get us a temporary custody order based on this, so we're allowed to see her." Sara was out the door before Grissom but he got behind the wheel, turned on his sirens and sped across the city to the children's hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, Grissom dropped Sara at the entrance and drove off to find a parking space. He was back at her side as she walked into Hannah's cubical in the emergency room. The small room was occupied only by a sleeping Hannah and a young nurse who was fidgeting worriedly at the girl's bedside.

"How is she?" Grissom posed the question as Sara fell to the child's side, taking her hand and clutching it in her own.

"I'm sorry; I need ID before I can even allow you in here—"

"Understandable," Grissom grunted as he pulled out his wallet and his badge. He picked up Sara's purse and dug for hers as well. Handing them both over to the nurse, he waited while she glanced at the names.

"I'm sorry Dr. Grissom, it's protocol in cases like these—"

"It's alright. You're doing your job. I wouldn't expect any less, Ms.—"

"Gregg," she answered, extending her hand to shake his, "but please, call me Maggie."

"I'm Gil and this is my wife Sara. Please, tell us what's going on—"

"Hannah and I have been talking but we don't seem to be getting anywhere. She's one stubborn kid. She doesn't want to eat. Dr. Hart ordered a feeding tube. We had to sedate Hannah so that the tube could be inserted."

"Dear God," Sara said, almost breathlessly. "What have they done to her?"

"Sara, calm down," he knew she was talking about the court system and not the medical personnel, but the last thing they needed was to alienate everyone at the hospital.

"I will not calm down," she said, her voice crisp and angry. "The court takes away our child because apparently our home is not in her best interest and she ends up in the emergency room. Explain that, Grissom." She turned back to Hannah, once more ignoring the rest of the room.

"The foster parents are outside," the nurse offered. "But they weren't allowed in once the court order was reversed."

"Is there a possibility of permanent damage?" Grissom didn't care about the court proceedings, foster parents, or any other involved party at the moment. None of it mattered if Hannah was hurt.

"We don't believe so. Hannah has only been malnourished for the past three days. It was long enough to make her extremely weak but there shouldn't be any permanent repercussions."

"Her primary doctor—"

"She's already been notified. Dr. Jo is on her way," the nurse said with a smile.

"You know her?"

"She's a favorite around here. And she's my son's doctor," she added with a smile. "I'm going to let Dr. Hart know that you've arrived and give you all some time alone. If you need anything, just push the call button." Grissom nodded, grateful that the young woman was being so thoughtful and understanding. He closed the door after she left and moved to stand behind his wife. Placing his hands on her shoulders in a vague attempt to offer comfort, he gazed at the child before them, wondering if they would have ever realized their relationship if it were not for her beautiful and inspirational presence.

Not much had happened by the next day when it was time for Grissom to begin his shift so Sara sent him off to work, ready for a bit of time alone while Hannah slept.

"We'll be fine. She's about to got to sleep and I'm sure the lab needs you."

"I'm starting to think you're trying to get rid of me," he said in teasing suspicion. She smiled, offering him a kiss before shooing him out the door. Turning around, she walked back over to Hannah and sat down on the bed next to the girl before pulling out the book they had been reading. For the remainder of the quiet evening, she read, allowing Hannah take over for as long as she had the energy.

"It is no wonder that in Spanish, esperanza means hope," Sara read softly, closing the book and placing it on a nearby table. Hannah, who had been listening intently to the entire novel, looked up at Sara, excitement in her bright blue eyes.

"Could we go to Mexico?"

"Someday," Sara answered absently, ruffling Hannah's hair. "For now, I think you need to rest."

"Mama," Hannah whined, looking pitiful as she stuck out her bottom lip and tried to beg for leniency.

"Hannah, just yesterday you could barely hold your head up. You need your rest."

"Your mom's right," the nurse, Maggie, said as she peaked her head into the room. She walked all the way in, looking carefully at the monitor that was still keeping track of the child's heart rate and blood pressure. "I think she probably needs a nap too," she added in a mock-whisper. Grissom had made Hannah's nurses well aware that his wife was also to be watched for signs of fatigue.

"I'm fine," Sara objected.

"I'll sleep if you sleep," the young girl said, almost defiantly.

"Hannah, we are not talking about me—" She stopped when she saw that both Hannah and the nurse were looking at her doubtfully. "Fine," she said, throwing up her hands in frustration. "We'll both take a nap. Okay?"

"Okay," Hannah agreed in a happy, content voice. She snuggled down under the covers and leaned against Sara before closing her eyes. Sara glared unhappily at the nurse but eventually closed her own eyes and succumbed to the slumber that had evaded her for over 24 hours.

Sara stirred suddenly as she fell out of her dream and into the strange reality. It took her a moment to realize where she was; still in the same small hospital room with Hannah. Sometime in the night she had moved from the bed and situated herself in a recliner in the room. The child was sitting up in bed, giggling as Lily and Maggie created an impromptu puppet show from the various stuffed gifts people had been bringing. The young nurse realized that Sara was awake and quickly fell back into a professional stance. "Can I get you anything, Mrs. Grissom?"

"I'm fine Maggie. Thank you. Lily, I didn't realize you were here."

"We didn't want to wake you," Lily said sheepishly.

"You didn't," Sara assured them. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"Good," Hannah said with a bright smile, "Dr. Hart says I can go home soon. Are you going to take me home?"

"Of course," Sara said firmly, standing from the uncomfortable chair and moving to sit next to the young child. She was still groggy and her mannerisms a bit shaky but she remained firm, assuring Hannah that she was going home, not just leaving the hospital. They were watching Hannah eat breakfast when Grissom arrived with his lawyer and an unknown woman in tow. Jason and the woman stayed outside the door as Grissom entered, grinning at both his wife and Hannah.

"Good morning," he said before he dropped a kiss on Hannah's forehead.

"Hey," Sara said, offering him a questioning expression as she stood to meet him. He caught her in a deep, loving kiss before leaning down to whisper,

"Let's talk outside." Hannah and Lily were giggling across the room, watching with amused and delighted smiles.

"Sara, this is Deborah McLaughlin, the new case worker assigned to Hannah's case. She has an interesting view on the situation and she has some news for us. We thought you might appreciate it."

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Grissom," the woman said, extending her hand. Sara shook it but also shook her head,

"Please, call me Sara. Especially if you have good news. With the grins these two are trying to hide, I think you do."

"I've just come from speaking with Judge Warner. He sees no reason that Hannah should be taken from your care. The court apologizes for taking her in the first place and would like to reassure you that Hannah's case is closed. The paternal grandparents have no claim on the child since they have offered no support or contact since her birth."

"Finally," Sara mumbled, allowing herself to sag a bit against Grissom in complete relief. The absolute fear that she had been harboring since the day the first social worker had arrived at her doorstep melted away as a genuine smile graced her countenance.

"She's ours?"

"She's ours," Grissom answered with a smile and a nod. "The formal adoption papers are already filed. Jason did that this morning. We should be able to get them through by next week."

"How should we tell her?"

"Together," Grissom answered simply, taking Sara's hand and leading her back into the hospital room.

I'd like to thank the following readers for the recent, wonderfully kind and, as always, inspiring reviews. Thanks again to : Cuddy Cabin, Gris's butterfly, Bower, Gris's butterfly, Lady Piper1, Buzzy, CookieK2, bored-forever, SarahHutchens, csi-ds9, MYSTICAL PANTHER, Lanta, buffygirl52789, Ashleigh24, jtbwriter, forensicsgirl97, ayesha84, stwbrryCSI, phelipa, scififreakmi, anonymous01, imzadipyrgirl, tardychick, secondhandroses, Sidle Chick, hockeymom, drakien, Christieanne-Anna, royalsweetheart, CSIfreak89, djkittycat, Ladybug07. A special thanks to those who have been faithful readers and reviewers since the very beginning such as Lady Piper1, jtbwriter, csi-ds9, djkittycat, Ladybug07, Ashleigh24, SpectralLady, tardychick, and MissJorja17. If I missed anyone who has been a faithful reader, it was not intentional and know that I am still extremely thankful (and humbled) for the fact that you read and review!