Buffy didn't think of the damage that the spell she made Willow do during Chosen. Now countless others will have to pay because of her mistake. The world has only one last savior Jesse Harris, the daughter of Willow and Xander. The Last Slayer.

Rated PG-13 for language and some violence. It might be changed to R in later chapters.

The Last Slayer


L.A. 2023

The boom of a shotgun reverberated throughout the dark alley. The only light source was from the continuous flash from the shotgun. As the gunfire stopped a lone teenage girl emerged from the mouth of the alley.

She had shoulder length black hair, with red streaks in it, and she wore all black. As she strapped the shotgun to her back holster, she took off at a dead run. After a second what looked to be werewolves stepped out of the alley. The demons had thick grey fur all over their muscular bodies, and gleaming red eyes.

The leader and biggest of the pack of three wolves, stopped at the mouth of the alley. After a moment of sniffing he and the others ran in the direction the girl ran to.

'Come on Jesse pump those legs' the girl thought to herself. Hearing the Weres' behind her gave her the motivation she needed. Panting heavily she knew that she wouldn't be able to out run them. Ducking into a narrow alley, she dropped her shotgun and reached into her duster and pulled out an all silver sword.

One of the beasts broke from the pack and followed her down the alley, only to get stabbed in the leg. As the beast howled in pain it fell over. Before the monster had a chance to rise, she flicked her sword at it's head, ripping it's head off its shoulders.

Hurrying forward she was confronted by another one of the demons. The beast swung a shovel-sized paw at her. Her eyes widening, she back-pedalled from its razor sharp claws. "Oh just great!"

Stepping back towards the wall, she jumped back when the creature attacked, its claws scraping against the brick surface, it's claws ripping through the wall and knocking the monster off-balance. Pushing off the wall, Jesse lunged forward, thrusting the sword hilt-deep into the monster's throat.

Blood spewed out of the newly made wound and the were demon screeched as she dragged her sword out before keeling over to the ground dead. Flipping over the demon's corpse, she rushed to the next monster.

Only when she stepped out of the alley the other Werewolf was gone. Sensing a demonic presence behind her, she shot out a back heel kick that slammed into her would-be attackers stomach, the impact of the contact rattling her leg.

Jesse spun around to face the demon only to catch a backhander that sent her crashing into the wall. "I don't think so!" she yelled out as she shook her head clear, spun around and thrust her sword at the Lycan only to see her sword blocked and sent clattering to the ground.

"Oh this just gets better," she groused as she ducked beneath a clawed attack. Thinking quickly shejumped intoa back flip and snatched up a near-by metal trash can lid. Her eyes widened howeverwhen shetried to use the lid as a shield only for the beast's claws to rip through the metal like scissors through paper. "Oh crap!"

Instantly she changed her plan, did a spin, and thrust the lid's newly sliced off edgeacross the creature's throat. Panting heavily, she watched as the monster dropped to the ground, in a thrashing heap and died.