Her love is drowning me

Chapter 7

( Every hurt, Every memory)

Rei smiled as Minako teased Usagi about her eating habits. Of course it didn't help when Mianko brought over such yummy treats. Who could resist not to have a taste, or two, or maybe five even? Why Even Ami herself enjoyed them, just not as many as Usagi indulged in. Ami broke up the conversation with a quick question, " Has any one study for the final tests that are coming up in the next few months? You know, it's very important! We have to pass in order to get in to a good university. ", She said in a ' as-a-matter-of-fact- kind of tone.

Ami's concerned blue eyes drifted from face to face, awaiting answers she already knew were coming. They counted on her for her skills, which was more so her brain and wise personality. She was the one that helped everyone in their time of needing to study and pass classes with good grades. Or in Usagi's case, grades that are decent enough not to completely flunk her. But over the past two and a half years, she had noticed a change in her princess.

There was a sense of change in the blonde heir to the throne of Crystal Tokyo. Their little snow bunny had grown up abit. Not just in the change of body, which matured and filled in all the right places. But the courage that grew within her during battles. The strength to get back up and continue fighting. The wanting to do better, and doing it because she is in fact smart. Her laziness subsided just enough, but little by little it would disappear as she aged.

As deep as she was in thought, she started to go over everyone's changes that happened over the change of time. Minako was even closer to her dream of becoming a world famous chef. There was a university that studied in that specific line of work, that extended an invitation to the brunette beauty once she completed high school and graduated. Her hair grew out to her lower back, and her tough exterior melted to a more calmer take on life.

She didn't change in the matter of chasing after boys of course. Ami doubted any of the girls would, but their bond and their sense of duty was something they would hold on to. Regardless where life took them, even if they walked separate paths. They would eventually meet up again at the end of the road.

The shift of topic moved to Rei, who was preparing herself to take over the shrine. Her grandfather wouldn't hold up much longer. Something which bothered the priestess each passing day. She knew she would have a hard time, the day that he would pass on to be with her parents. He grew more sick every month, no matter how hard he tried to put up a ' everything is fine ' face. She knew he wasn't, she made it her mission to make sure every minute in his life was filled with love, laughs and joy before he passed on.

Rei had trimmed her hair recently, having cut it to her back side. Wasn't much of a change, but it lightened the weight that was her hair. She also took up modeling, and acting. Though she didn't know how she was going to juggle the shrine, and her career. Although outside help wouldn't hurt either, and she knew she was going to need it.

Mina wasn't seen as much to the other scouts disliking. The blond volleyball player had taken up sports and being a movie star to busy most of her time when she wasn't in school. She decided to get a head start on everything, more cautious to failing than anything else. She was able to meet male movie starts, much to her liking. Got to travel some what, which took time from school work. Though she found ways to make it up on the road and took time away from her hectic career. Her producers promised her fame and fortune.

Which there was always a down fall to all the perks. Ami herself had plans to go to a university where she could study up more on getting her doctor's degree. Her dream had always been to help others, and it helped to have a mom that was in the same medical study as her. Meaning she could have extra help along the way to a hard road. She let her silky blue hair grow out enough to reach near her elbows. Lately in which was always tied up in a ponytail or braid. She never did like her hair in her face.

As for out favorite cat duo, they hadn't changed. They always stayed on top of their scouts and watched over them like good guardian that they were. They took pride in their warriors. Luna and Artemis worked hard to get the girls where they were today. But as they grew up, they began to learn things on their own without needing much interference from their guardians.

Little did they know of the change that was coming fast. It was something that none of them were prepared for. An event that would take place, that they weren't entirely properly trained to deal with. They almost forgot Mamoru for a short while, being as he was so busy in America to even call once in awhile.

They all understood in some ways, they would all get to that point in their life soon than later. They would have to face challenges that would push them to their limits.

Ami stood up slowly, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear, " Hey guys, you know what we haven't done in awhile? We should get everyone together and go out for some cheese cake and maybe even a movie. Just a little break time before we get slammed with finals. ", She said softly as she covered up her own concerns. Something she wouldn't voice, because she was one of the people they counted on to stay strong through the toughest of times.

A small grin tugged at Minako's lips as she stood up, " Yeah! That sounds like a great idea! We don't get to spend too much time together. Not like we use to anyways. It'd be nice to hang out and just relax without being troubled with a fight from the nega verse or any other evil aliens out there. What do you say girls? ", She replied as she looked over at Usagi and Rei.

Usagi smiled as excitement rushed through her, she stood up quickly and pulled Rei to her feet, " You don't have to ask me twice! Let's go! On the way, we can buzz Mina on her cell and have her meet up with us. We'll have the whole gang together! ", She said excitedly as she jumped up and down before standing still. Her baby blue eyes sparkled with joy at being able to be with her friends. For a short time, she would forget her worries, her problems…her nightmares. She would pretend that nothing bothered her, until she got back to her empty home.

Rei inwardly groaned at the thought of Mina joining them. After the last run in she had with her, it didn't end pretty. She knew she couldn't avoid her for long, they were after all on the same team and had to fight evil to protect their futures, the people of earth and their princess. They would have to set their differences aside then.

Ami giggled at Usagi's enthusiasm for food and fun. She hoped her princess wouldn't changed much, she loved her the way she was. Nodding her head at the other three girls, they retreated from their seats on the couch and headed out the front door to enjoy their early afternoon. The sun was out and high in the sky. A light breeze blew in from the east, sweeping leaves from the ground and pulling them in along with it's journey.

Four girls walked the streets of Japan, unbeknownst of any evil lurking to destroy them. They were watched carefully to a certain distance, as they shared jokes and laughed with each other. One of the four girls pulled out a pink cell phone, her fingers pushed down numbers on the object in her hand. This person of interest had two blonde pig tails, a pink tank top with a heart shaped print on the front, surrounding by diamonds. Blue hip huggers that stopped just slightly at her ankle and pink heeled sandals that complimented a new pedicure.

A low growl escaped the predator's throat as it watched the young women disappear into the distance and further themselves away from danger. How long would their peace last? They were much too fickle to think their futures would be bright and blossoming. Fickleness tended to cause people to trip over their own two feet into trouble awaiting them.

Instead of returning back to it's temporary home. The evil decided to go back to watching the soldiers in question, trying to find any traces of weakness it could use against them.

A fifth young lady joined the other three fifteen minutes later during their walk. They mad a pit stop to the bus stop to catch the next one to the city. As they waited they started up conversations of the old days they remembered fondly. Then of the days they didn't' want to go back to. One of the brunette's who was slightly shorter than the other patted the shoulder of the blue haired book worm. The reason for thinking that Ami was a book worm before even examining further was quite simple.

You could always find her in a book store, she was always studying everywhere she went and always carried books around. As the bus arrived and made a quick stop in front of the young ladies. They yanked away from their conversations to pull out their money and walk into the bus. Not two minutes later the bus doors closed and was zooming down the street towards the city.

A set of green eyes narrowed as it took in the scene and conversations that were over heard during the wait. A nasty snicker rumbled in the throat of an unknown being before they disappeared in thin air to report back to base with information collected.

….To be continued…..