Dark Passion

Chapter one

The sky was dark and covered by gray clouds. The whole sky seemed evil that night and no stars were left after the dark clouds devoured them. The only light that shone was from the full moon.

A young girl walked down the street after having an argument with her parents. An sudden breeze passed by making the girl shiver. She was lost and didn't know where she was. The girl looked down the street and saw the whole sidewalk was empty. She was the only one there. Or so she thought. Then she felt someone behind her and turned around. There was nothing.

Her heart beat frantically and she turned back around and came face to face with mystical amber eyes.

"Hello, are you lost?" asked the stranger. He had exotic red hair and a cross shaped scar on his left cheek that showed he was tough. His voice was smooth and husky.

"Yes...um do you know how I can get back to Sherman street?" asked the girl not taking her eyes off his face.

"Yeah, how bout I take you there?" he asked. He smiled sexily at her and she melted. She couldn't move. She was hypnotized by that one smile.

"What's your name?" he asked while taking a step closer to her.

Her heart went even faster. She thought she would pass out any second.

"My n-name i-is Y-y-yuko,"the girl stuttered.

"I like your name Yuko." The way he said her name made her think maybe she should forgive her parents since they named her.

"T-thank you. What's yours?"

He gave her a wicked smile and leaned down towards her. She closed her eyes expecting a kiss but instead he moved to her neck. Fangs pierced through her skin painfully. She screamed a heart wrenching scream and started to struggle. But his soothing voice appeared in her head.

'Relax. If you do you'll feel nothing but pleasure.'

She listened to him and relaxed and soon her body was filled with desire as she pulled his head closer, urging him to suck harder and longer.

He smirked against her neck and did as she pleaded until gradually her heart stopped, not one blood cell spared. He let go of her waist and she fell into eternal darkness. He licked his lips and started to walk away into the shadows.

"By the way, the name's Battosai."

A young girl sat in a secret temple and looked at her wall filled with the various weapons needed to kill a vampire. She fingered her favorite knife which was more like a dagger with a blood red "K" on the hilt. Her eyes held nothing but hatred.

'You ruined my life. But one day I will find you and kill you Battosai the Man Slayer. My family shall have their revenge.'

A/N: Hello fellow Rurouni Kenshin lovers. Me and Aoshigal4eva hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I guarantee that the following chapters will be much longer. We already have chapter two written so all we need is for you to R&R. Well! What are you waiting for?