Mog: Chapter 3 is now up. I still don't own.
Avoiding the Inevitable: - Of the Past and More Movies
Previously on Avoiding the Inevitable---Yami pulled pizza out of the oven and dumped it none to carefully on the plates.
"Let's eat."
---And now---
Seto eyed Yami, and began eating slowly. "So... what have you and Yugi been up to recently" was Seto's lame opening line.
"Trying to adapt to having separate bodies." Yami answered through a mouth full of food.
"Oh, that... I was surprised; you probably know that since I took off like a scared rabbit after that duel." Seto added, hoping Yami would perk up a bit if he remembered the incident.
"Yeah...well I wasn't expecting much less." he said shoving pizza in his mouth. Seto avoided saying 'What's that suppose to mean?' and said:
"So, you're from Egypt then, probably didn't get blizzards there did you?"
"Nah. I rained a lot though. By the way. You looked good tonight" Yami said, getting up to get more cola "want another drink?"
"Yes, thanks" Seto said, feeling slightly better. "You were really a pharaoh?" Seto asked when Yami came back. This was the part that always bugged him, Yami didn't seem... snotty enough to be an ancient ruler.
"Yup. Not that I enjoyed it much. I was 16 when they made me pharaoh so my high priest Seth did a lot of the work for me. Then Ryou's yami was responsible for my death on my 22nd birthday"
"Yes, Ryou has a yami too, and Marik... but they are both pretty messed up in the head." Seto said, before realizing how tactless it was. Maybe it was better if he just kept his mouth shut. "You were murdered?" he tried again. Yep. He should keep his mouth shut.
"Yes I was murdered. So was Seth. When I was making a public announcement on my birthday, he snuck past my priests, killed Seth with a knife to the back then slit my throat and pushed me over the balcony. I was the equivalent of 67 stories up" Yami said calmly, quite happy to talk about his past. "All that because I kept saying no to him" he shook his head. Seto stared at Yami in horror, how could he be so calm about it?
"Oh... that was cowardly of him... um... said 'No' too what..." Seto didn't know how to respond, so he changed the subject.
"I wouldn't sleep with him. He couldn't accept it. My dearest friend was killed because of my stupid actions. If Seth hadn't been killed then... Well never mind, it is in the past"
Seto looked at Yami sympathetically. Gozaburo had abused him and Mokuba badly when they were children, but he had managed to protect Mokuba for the most part... Yami must have felt the same way about this 'Seth' person, who was killed. Seto had lost his appetite and felt at loss of words, painful memories kept coming back to him of Gozaburo, and he kept visualizing Yami being pushed off a building. "What time is it? Seto asked.
"It's nine o'clock" Yami said, looking at the clock.
"Pretty late, Yugi and company probably couldn't reach us because of the blizzard..." Seto pulled out his laptop, checked his email, no mail, then began typing hurriedly, working on Kaiba Corp usually blocked Seto's painful memories. Yami got up and walked into the living room, he could still be seen by Seto. He sat on the floor cross legged and closed his eyes. The millennium eye appeared on his forehead as he contacted Yugi and the other yamis, checking how everyone was. Seto eyed Yami suspiciously, that puzzle; could he actually talk to Yugi? He typed harder and faster.
Yami came back in smiling. "Yugi and the gang are at your house with Mokuba, who says "goodnight big brother!" Ryou and Marik are trapped in the mall and Bakura and Malik are raiding the cake store"
"Nice... poor Ryou, he always seemed stressed out... at least Mokuba is enjoying himself, I don't usually let his friends spend the night..." Seto looked over at Yami "Do you have a spare bedroom I can use? Or I could always sleep on the couch... I wouldn't mind"
"You could sleep in grandpa's room, or mine and I'll sleep in grandpa's room, I was going to turn the living room into a makeshift bedroom though"
"Living room sounds good; we could always finish the Ring..." Seto said with a smirk.
"Hell no!"
Seto resisted the urge to chuckle, asking another question that came to his mind "Do you have any extra pyjamas? Wait..." the difference in size was a problem; even Yugi's grandpa was short.
"You could wear Yugi's dad's old pjs."
Seto didn't ask what happened to Yugi's dad in case he was murdered as well, but thanked Yami for the offer. Seto looked back at the screen, he probably wouldn't get much sleep anyways, and he had work to do. Yami ran off to get the pyjamas and cam back in a very long very old Thin Lizzy shirt. Seto raised an eyebrow, but took the pyjamas, and changed in the bathroom, then resumed typing, pleased the clothes fit him. Yami was moving the sofas out of the way for something.
Seto mumbled "Need help moving the couch Yami" while still typing furiously.
"Nope" he smiled back at Seto he then closed his eyes and a couple of mattresses appeared in the space, "Tada!"
Seto jumped. "How? What?"
"Magic!" he laughed then walked towards Seto and closed his laptop. "It can take care of itself for a while" Seto eyed Yami, magic; he wondered if he would get use to him, he allowed Yami to shut his laptop; he wasn't really getting any where. He could always come back and continue working when Yami fell asleep. "You deserve a couple of days vacation"
"Vacation is for weaklings" Seto grumbled, sitting down on the left mattress. "Another movie?" he asked.
"You wanted to watch the ring? So we shall." Yami said, "for tonight, the films are completely your choice" Seto smiled grimly, planning to take full advantage of the privilege and choosing movies that Mokuba had told him were terrifying. He put the Ring into the DVD player, and continued where they left off. Yami pulled the blanket around him and clung. Seto sat, leaning his back against the back of the couch. They had saved the creepy little girl, the movie must be almost over by now, but the little boy said that she wasn't gone.
"Meep." Yami said, his head disappearing under blanket.
"What's wrong Yami, the movie is done... Gah!" The scene was burned in his memory forever, the girl crawling out of the TV and messing up the stupid mans face.
"It will haunt me" came Yami's voice from under the blanket "next?"
Seto shrugged, "they made several updated versions of it, it's a classic" or so he heard. The internet taught him some things. Seto tried shaking the picture from his mind. "No phone calls though, eh Yami? The telephone line is dead" Seto said, rummaging through the DVD collection. "The Birds?" pretty old, but Mokuba said it was good and freaky. Seto started the movie.
Yami's voice sounded again, "I didn't know we still had this"
Seto sighed; scaring Yami wasn't that much fun. He took it out, searching the DVDs for another disc. "You chose Yami, I really don't care which one we see..." he leaned back against the couch, looking at the ceiling.
Yami came out and looked at the DVD rack. "Let's watch the sixth sense. I can handle that"
"Never seen that..." Seto put the disc in and leaned back again, trying not to get drowsy.
Yami sat next to Seto and leant against him. "It's good"
A shiver went down Seto's spine, but he tried to act use to body contact, and sighed "Hope so..." half way through the movie Yami was still curled up next to Seto, his head on Seto's chest. Seto tried not to move, even when the movie ended, he didn't want to disturb Yami, he looked so peaceful.
Yami opened his eyes and yawned, "Man, I fell asleep"
"Yes, it's 1:30" Seto stated, yawning
"Jesus. Why didn't you wake me? I would have moved"
"Well... I... Some people get all cranky when you wake them up..."
"Oh okay." Yami slid off the couch and onto the mattress. He pulled a black band off his wrist and tied his hair into a ponytail with it. He pulled then blanket around him "night Seto"
"Night..." Seto waited until Yami's breathing was deep and even, and then he snuck into the kitchen, turning his trusty laptop on. Yami rolled over in his sleep and muttered something about Seth. Seto was glad that Yami hadn't woken up, he was typing furiously again. Poor Seth, Yami certainly missed him, it must be hard for your life to be taken away, and then you are forced to learn to survive in a new world. Yami rolled over again, and cried out in his sleep. Seto's eyes flickered from the computer to Yami; he decided he must be having a nightmare. He continued typing. He screamed, and then started to cry, while still asleep. Seto jumped up, and walked slowly over to Yami, to see if he would wake up.
"" he muttered. Seto kneeled over, and put his hand on Yami's shoulder, to see if he would wake up. When he didn't, he tried a trick that worked on Mokuba when he had had a bad dream.
"It's ok Yami, this is Seth, and I'm alright" Seto whispered into Yami's ear.
" killed" Yami continued to cry out, tears flooding down his cheeks.
"Yami, I'm fine... there's no pain, I'm fine, I'm fine..." Seto wondered if Seth in Yami's dream really was ok, and if the trick would work.
"No please...leave him alone! No...Bakura no!" instantly Yami's eyes snapped open. Seto jumped back, hoping to be hidden in the shadows, he suddenly wished he had left Yami to his nightmare. Yami curled into a little ball and wept some more. He relived that moment almost every night. He just cried more.
Seto stared at Yami, a wave of sadness swept over him. "It's just a dream Yami, its ok..." Seto said, awkwardly patting Yami's back.
"Seto?" he whispered. "Thank god your here..." he mumbled into the blanket. Seto smiled at Yami, it was a small one, and Yami probably couldn't see it. Yami got up and went to the window, but you couldn't see out of it for snow. Seto got up, and joined Yami by the window.
"It could be worse..." he said, staring at the window blankly.
"There could be no one here." Yami leant his head against the glass.
"I wouldn't like my soul sealed away unless Mokuba's was too..." Seto frowned, looking over at Yami. "So Seth's spirit was lost..."
"Yes." Yami sighed, "He was a good man. He just wouldn't tell us enough wouldn't talk to us, so we couldn't seal his soul. None of us apart from me knew him well enough and I was dead. Seto, thank you for being here. It just helps. It really..." he said, "you look so much like him..." he trailed off.
Seto stared down at Yami. "Who do I look like?" he was curious.
" look like Seth, you two were the spit of each other but...he had brown eyes"
"Seth... the high priest..." Seto murmured "What a coincidence. Some people need the solitude... I respect Seth for that I guess; he must have been a strong leader..." Seto put his hand on the window, it was icy cold and a shiver went down his spine. "I never found out who I was related to, me and Mokuba never knew our real parents for long" he sighed, still staring into space. Yami looked up at him and smiled weakly.
"You even act a little like each other; he was a lot more open with his thoughts though. I miss him so much...but no one had access to the millennium rod so we couldn't seal his soul. Bakura believes that his soul survived but it can't have"
"Nothing to seal it in, Bakura's a fool" Seto growled, trying to see how long he could keep his hand on the icy cold window.
"Its not that, he said he can feels Seth's presence in someone"
"Like he possessed someone? A multiple personality? A reincarnation?" Seto pressed his hand harder against the glass, thinking about spirits and 'the sixth sense'
"A reincarnation… namely... you. This why I don't believe him"
Seto jerked his hand away from the window. "Can't be true." he said. "I would know... how could I... I belong here..." Seto felt very uncomfortable with the idea.
"I know it can't be. I would be able to identify Seth in anyone"
"That's right." Seto let out another sigh. He mentally scolded himself for getting worked up in the first place. "I'm going back to bed..." he muttered, taking his laptop from the kitchen and setting it on his mattress.
Yami stood by the window. "It can't be you. It just can't." he muttered. Seto waited for the laptop to turn on, his desktop was a picture of Mokuba, more recent then the one in his card locket. He was sitting on a statue of the Blue Eyes White Dragon at Kaiba Land. He was laughing.
"I can't be Seth because he didn't have a little brother." Seto said matter-of-factly. Yami turned and ran up the stairs, into the attic and out onto the roof, it was still snowing but not as heavy. Seto jumped to his feet, and followed after him. It was more of an impulse than a thought through plan. Yami was standing on the edge of the roof with his eyes closed. He mumbled something and fell silent again. Seto walked up next to him, and stared at the surrounding buildings. The city was rather beautiful in a way, covered in ice, cold hard and strong. Yami took a step forward so he was balanced on the edge.
"Yami..." Seto growled, his eyes snapped to Yami. "Watch out, it's icy"
Yami just stared off into the distance, and then moved to take another step.
Mog: Oooo. My first cliffy! I'm so proud! REVIEW OR DIE!