Emotions-Part 6
Wow. I said it would be a short wait, but I guess it wasn't. Sorry. This chapter never sounded right when I was writing it, so I temporarily gave up on it, and worked on other stuff. Now, I'm back, and I hope you are back for this final installment.
Her heart wasn't hurt. It wasn't something you could get over in time. It wasn't as if someone kept stabbing your heart over and over again. That had been with Gabrielle, who she had thought was her true love. How wrong she was. This was a slow dull aching, taking over her heart a little bit at a time. Making it numb, slowing down her heartbeat. It felt as if someone was beating it with a mallet, and she knew it was only a matter of time till it broke. When it fell, it fell hard, and recovering would be hard to do. It didn't matter how artificial her heart was; it was cracking up inside.
Rommie's brown eyes locked onto his blue eyes. His eyes were different. Not full of mischief and cockiness. His eyes were large, full of determination and sadness. She couldn't stand him looking like that. Her breathing was hitched, just watching him.
Before, she had only been a computer, ordering people around. She hadn't gotten close to her crew, even her engineering team. The relationships between her and her crew had been professional. Then, she had lost everything except her captain. The leader, who always knew what to do. She admired him for that, even to the extent of having a crush on him. But now, the only crushing was that of her heart as she watched him flinch with pain.
It was because HE came along. A group of salvagers trying to reel in Andromeda for a price. He had been the cocky mudfoot engineer with a lopsided smile that made it hard for anyone to stay mad at him. He had treated her as if she was one of the galaxies rare treasures. Like she was a living person; asking her questions as if he were a doctor. Which, in some ways, he was. Treated her like she was more than a machine.
He had made her a body to experience in. Gave her emotions that she still couldn't get the hang of. Like this feeling right now, and the tears wanting to trickle out. But she was an avatar of a warship. Warships don't cry. He had given her life, but now he had to die.
She thought that her love with Gabrielle had been something special. But just like her school-girl crush on Dylan, it hadn't meant a thing. Staring into his puppy dog eyes that understood what was going to happen, she couldn't help but break down.
Warships weren't supposed to cry. They weren't supposed to fall in love, either. That was the difference between a warship and its avatar. Her shoulders started shaking as unshed tears took over, pushing their way into the front for release. Tears split down her pale cheeks, leaving silver rivers dripping down. And in an instant, she felt arms envelop her in a hug, whispers in her ear that it was going to be okay. She wouldn't have believed what the voice was telling her, if it hadn't been his voice. His voice, that could always make her laugh. If he said it, it must come true.
Looking down, she saw spikes of dirty blonde poking everywhere and tickling her chin. She smelled the herbal scents of his shampoo. She could feel his strong arms wrapped around her, and she could even feel the Magog eggs shifting around his gut. He looked up into her eyes, and she saw the twinkle in them, shinning bright. She saw the Harper smile. Not the cocky lopsided grin, but the full out smile that showed off his dimples. Her heart wrenched into her stomach, just looking at the miracle that Earth had spewed out, with a genius brain, quick comebacks at the ready, and a heart of gold.
Over bright blue eyes were staring into equally over bright brown eyes, soft with an unspoken agreement. It was like he was starring down into her essence, her very soul. He knew every inch of her, programmed every emotion into her. Then he must know what look she was giving him now; love. He gently kissed her lips, a soft promise of things to come. It was a few minutes, but she wished it would keep going, but he did need to breathe. It was like the last kiss before the end of the world, which in some ways, it was. She was monitoring the larva, and she basically saw the eggs start wiggling around, like a baby kicking. He winced in pain. The time was coming.
The goodbyes had been done. All of the crew he had known for so long had gotten some alone time to say goodbye. Beka was a wreck, who couldn't stop crying. Trance was distant and quiet, staring off into space. Dylan was trying to keep up an act, but they all saw through it. Tyr was an enigma, and it was hard to read how he was taking this. Rev would lock himself in his room and pray all day. When the Andromeda got a message saying Hohne, one of the true geniuses in the known galaxies, had been murdered, the Andromeda had gone plummeting through space, intent on stopping this war, once and for all. It seemed all types of beings from the galaxies were rushing there, wanting to get a part of the winning sides glory. But none of the crew's minds were on that. They were focused on this little beauty before her.
Harper winced again, holding his stomach. It was deadly silent in the Observation deck, only Harper and Rommie were there. She watched him stand in front of the glass, the stars twinkling behind him, just like his eyes used to. Now they were only empty; watching.
His blue eyes were wide, not of surprise or fear, just seeing life. It looked like there was a light sheen of something covering them. Tears? No, that can't be. Harper never cried. The same can't be said about her. They both knew the time had come.
She backed up, raising her force lance. Their eyes locked, and she felt like her world was crumbling around her. She had offered to do it, wanting the last few seconds with her creator. This felt horrible. She had done the same thing with Gabrielle, who she had only known a few days. How long had she known Harper?
The force lance started to shake as her body did. Everything dissolved, as her knees gave way. She landed in a quivering lump on the floor. She knew Harper would have come to her, but he was doubled up in pain, as the eggs started to hatch.
Unknown to both of them, Tyr had been in the shadows. He hadn't wanted to pry into their business, but the rest of the crew weren't sure she could go through with it. He saw that it was time. He stepped out of the shadows, fixing Harper with a look full of pride, which meant a lot coming from Tyr. Harper locked his eyes with him, nodding. Rommie's face was buried in her arms, oblivious to everything now. Tyr raised his own force lance, keeping his stare with the boy. He deserved that much. The permission in Harper's eyes were enough for Tyr. He walked a little closer, and Harper whispered, "Please take care of Rommie, and the others."
Tyr nodded once, sharing the understanding between them. Seeing that Harper was ready, he fired. It was one of the hardest things Tyr had to do. Harper didn't scream in agony, only gasped, then fell to the floor. Tyr couldn't move, his mind still on the human that had gotten under his skin. He heard Rommie's sobs in the back of his mind, but he was numb. Suddenly, his mind snapped. He tore his gaze away from the ex-blonde laying in a pool of his own hot blood, and to the broken woman who used to be so strong. He hugged her, and let her cry onto his shoulder. He vowed to keep the dying promise of his fallen friend. And Rommie's soul howled into the black night for her lost love.
Well, I hope you liked it, but I know it was sad. I'm not sure if I like the ending, but I had in mind to kill him since I started this fic. Sorry, I love the angst. I also know you guys wanted a Harper/Trance story, but I have a lot of other stories with them, and I didn't have many with Rommie. If you want some of my Harper/Trance stories, please go read my other stories (it will say if it's a Trance/Harper story in the summary). I am going to change those though, because I don't like how the plot is going. The only Harper/Trance I'm proud of is Tricked, Harper's Destiny, Echoes, and Stain Perfection.
I'm gonna tell you a short story, if you are still reading. I'm in Creative Writing in school, and we write little one page stories, and stuff like that. Well, I'm pretty well known in my class now, because in every single story, from the beginning of the year, I would always kill off at least one character. I just have a sick, twisted, demented mind. I killed off my main character, a green man, and even an inanimate object (a light bulb). So, I guess my 'status' sort of seeped into this. I hope you liked it though, for the drama.