Hobbit Concert

I do not own any of the characters in this story. But I did write the songs, so don't steal :3

Teebeard, Merry, and Pippin had been traveling for over a day. The two hobbits lay, bored to death as Treebeard droned on.

"I...like being an...ent and...being old because...it gives me...character..."

"Thats GREAT Treebeard. Really." Merry yawned. Pippin suddenly got excited.

"Merry!"he cried. "Wouldn't Treebeard like to hear some music as he,er,talks?"

Treebeard looked thoughtful.

"Why...I think...that I...might..." he said slowly. Pippin flashed Merry a smile.

"I think I know a good one:

Grab a pint of whatevers coming

Cast away any fear

Because Bilbo Baggins birthday

Is almost, almost here!

Merry smiled and joined in.

Start the celebrations

Dance on all the table-tops

"Oh...dear!" Treebeard exclaimed. "Thats...not so...nice..."

Merry and Pippin stared up, confused.


"Oh, thats right! Your a humoungous tree!" Merry cried. "Lets try something else, Pip. I know one!"

The air is thick

And the ale is sweet

"I don't...like...alcohal..."

And the WATER is sweet

Place it on the table as you dance

"Ta...bles!" Treebeard cried. Merry groaned. Pippin laughed.

"How about this one?"

Good Friends

Good Times

But now we depart

"Thats...so SAD!"

I promised myself

I will not die

I will not fall

In the midst of war-

"Given...our situ..ation..I don't...think thats too...apropriate..."

Time to clean up

The fireworks we blew up

Or Gandalf will blow up

In anger

"Thats...a mean thing...to say..."

I got a splinter

From a table


"Is there NO pleasing you?" Pippin asked. "We wanted to do a nice thing and sing for you, but you're making it IMPOSSIBLE!"

"Yeah! Just listen and smile!" Merry cried.

"I want...you boys...to notice...I'm a...14...foot...tree...who can...drop...you in...any moment..."

The hobbits were silent.

"Want to be quiet, Pip?"


So they just sat back and listened to him.

"Did...I tell...you of the...time...my...bark started...to...peel?"