Hi guys, what's up? phew this one took awhile, seemed like it atlest. Anyway, I'm in the middle of a problem, I can't decide wiether to change the title or not. I was think of; She will be loved; Dancing In the dark, do you guys have any ideas. this is so bothering me!

Chapter 2

Saito strolled the streets of Tokyo, smoking a cigarette in his mouth. "Damn weather." He smothered his cigarette on the bottom of his shoe with his free hand. He tilted his umbrella to find a woman collapsed on the ground. He hesitated for a moment, thinking it was not his concern, until he heard. Silent moans and sobs, he couldn't stand the sound. Especially if he heard it coming from a woman, he sighed and walk up to the woman's weeping form. He stood next to her, "What the hell do you think your doing out here? Can't you see it's raining?" She did not reply, just kept her eyes shut while the tears continued to fall. He leaned down beside her and looked at her face. His eyes widened only slightly at the familiar face, "Well if it isn't Battousai's girl."

Kaoru recognized the man's voice, "What are you doing here?" She moaned in between her coughs and sniffles.

"I asked you first."

She hesitated, she didn't want to tell HIM every thing, and he was the person she wanted to see her crying, "Kenshin," She finally spoke, "Kenshin left again…."

"And you think this is how you can get him back, your dumber than I thought." There was a moment of silent between them. Saito cursed under his breath, his crude remarks weren't working. And her sobbing only continued, "No wonder he left, she's so annoying." He leaned his umbrella over her, while the rains drops fell on his head.

Kaoru's eyes creaked open, she wasn't getting wet… She turned her head, seeing that Saito had leant her, his umbrella letting himself get soaked, "What are doing?"

"Get up, you'll catch a cold." Saito grabbed her arm and hauled her to her feet. She stumbled only once regaining her balance, luckily Saito's grip had caught her, "Look, when he gets back you can cry all you but not when I'm around, got it?" Saito released her arm. She fell into shook, was he trying to comfort her? It wasn't helping but she needed someone.

Kaoru fell onto his chest, in shook Saito dropped his umbrella. She griped his dark blue uniform into a fist, "He said he wouldn't again, he promised, he lied." She drove her head into his shirt, "He lied…." Still in shook Saito looked down at the wailing girl, he felt this torso muscles contract, what the hell is she doing? He questioned what his next move should be, he wanted to just pull her off but knew that it wouldn't stop her bawling. He honestly didn't know what to do, he had never had this happen. Not once did someone wish for him to comfort them, he lacked experience. And being as anti-social as he was, he didn't know what to say. Slowly his raised his hands and placed them on her back.

He stroked her back awkwardly, "Ssshh, let's get you back home."

She lifted her head off from his chest, "I don't want to go back without him." She was shocked to. Where she thought she would find ice she found warmth.

"You mean alone?" She nodded dimly, "Well then let's go." He pulled her back gently and picked up his umbrella. Kaoru watched as he headed back to her dojo, "Don't just stand there, I said let's go." He turned his head to look at her, she hadn't moved. He sighed, "Fine." He threw the umbrella, "There happy? Now let's go! I'm already soaked." He continued walked. Kaoru lifted the object over her head. Shortly after he heard her footsteps behind him.

"Why he is doing this?" She lifted her gaze from the ground to the tall man, "This isn't the Saito I know." She finally gathered the courage to speak, "S-Saito?"

He cooked his head back, "Yes."

She stuttered trying to put a sentence together, "W-well, I-I was wondering-"

"Kaoru!" They both turned to find Yahiko and Sanosuke, smiling in relief of course that faded once they saw Saito, "Kaoru there you are!" Yahiko ran up to her.

"Hey Jou-chan, we've been looking every where for you." Sano followed behind Yahiko, but in front of Kaoru and facing Saito, "What are you doing here? Scum like you shouldn't be around here." He clenched one of his fists together.

Saito glared back, "Watch your tongue Sagara. Your risking being beaten again."

"You didn't beat me! Using cheap shots like that-"

"Cheap shots? That's what you call it?" Saito chuckled, "I could have sworn it was because of your own stupidity to challenge someone that is out of you league."

Sanosuke cracked his knuckles begging to fight, "Out of my league, you? Well let's just test that theory right now."

Saito grinned mercilessly pulling on his gloves, "You're not even a warm up for me, but since I have time…"

"Stop it!" Kaoru shrieked making the two men restrain their fists, "Stop it, both of you! This is not the time for your childish games, we have to find Kenshin." As tears swelled up in her eyes, guilt spread across the two men's faces. Eventually they dropped their fists, "There's no time, we have to find Kenshin." She could feel her legs trembling under her, "We have to find, Ken….shin…" Finally they collapsed altogether, but thankfully her small apprentice was there to catch her.

"Kaoru!" Yahiko tried shaking the girl gently in his arms hoping she would respond, "Kaoru, Kaoru!" She was unconscious, running a high fever, "You idiot, you got yourself sick!"

Sanosuke quickly turned around, "Yahiko take her back to the house, now!" Yahiko nodded and gathered the girl in his arms. Convinced that Yahiko was far enough away that he would not hear the conversation, he turned back to his rival, "Why do I feel like you have some part in the reason why Kenshin left?" He did not reply, "You do don't you? I suggest you stay away from Kaoru, she doesn't need your crap now." Finishing his threat Sanosuke turned to help carry Kaoru back to the dojo. Saito glared after them, until they disappeared from view. He picked up the umbrella the girl had dropped and opened it, "Why would I?"
Fan reviews:

NightmareSelene: yeah i know, i'm sorry i didn't know i did that until after I loaded it. I'm such a dork

Lathayan: thank you!

Shiro: mission accomplished, thank u!

rikuo: yeah it's my fav. couple pairing though. ty!

Clemen: God bless u 2!

Alexis Barnes: Glad you like it!

ShadowVixen: thanks for the comment

(blank) : Sorry but that one made me laugh!

thank u for the reviews, everyone!