The two legends stood in front of each other, swords gripped tightly in their hands. Standing in the hailing rain, drenched completely in the middle of the night. Both men had only had two things on their minds: 1. How they would kill each other and 2. How they would not allow themselves die. Knowing that it would cause the one they cherished pain. Neither said a word, knowing that the only response they could make would be, questioning if they were really prepared to do this. No, they couldn't ask such an obvious question. Although they had many different judgments on how the world was meant to be run, they at least shared one common passage. This fight would no doubt be the last one, a fight to the death.

He stood only 10 feet from his opponent, his katana drawn at his side. He had tossed his reverse blade sword hours ago, acknowledging that he would be killed if he did not use a normal sword. He stared fiercely sweating slightly. Fighting off the Battousai, every second, was extremely difficult. He would not let HIM out, his rival wouldn't care which of the two he fought. But he felt as if he had to fight as himself, Kenshin Himura. Kenshin who Kaoru had accepted and Kenshin who had loved her. As a rurouni he was bound to no one. Moving from place to place with no relations. Until he came across someone who accepted him for being the legendary manslayer, Battousai. She hadn't feared him like the others; she actually opened her house to him. He had finally found a sense of peace with her, peace that had been torn from him. He was willing to break his promise to himself, 'never to kill again' for her sake.

And the other, the one known as the Mibu Wolf. She was also his motivation; he couldn't stand the thought of her being with him. He would only bring more tears to her sweet emerald eyes. Battousai was the one who lift her in the first place, but without his heartless acts he would have never felt this way for her. Kaoru…. She gave him warmth, love and devotion. Even though at first she'd known how cold and cruel he was. He was grateful to her; she opened his eyes to see what there was to life; other than fighting. Yes it was true that his wife Tokio, had shown him love devotion it was different than the one Kaoru had given. Tokio's devotion was a type of love that was almost obligated for a wife to give. Not Kaoru however, he didn't expect anything from her, but she gave him everything. And not once expected anything from him. This not only confused him but he realized she had accepted him. They were not friends or acquaintances but strangers brought together because of Himura. He wanted, needed her warmth and gentleness and was going to show no mercy to get it.

Kaoru eyes widened as she read the letter that was laid on Keshin's futon:

Dear Kaoru,

I realize that I had just got back, I'd hoped that I would never have to engage in another one. I'm sorry to tell you that under these circumstances, I am forced to fight another battle, but I promise that this will be the last. I am aware that this will cause you great pain, I'm sorry but we can't go on like this. This must be decided now, or it will be later dealt with and causing you even greater pain. Don't worry I swear that this rurouni will come back.

Yours truly,
Kenshin Himura

Tears ran trickled her cheeks and splashing onto the piece of paper. Smearing the words, "They think this is fair?" She crumpled the paper and threw it down to the floor. She quickly lift the room and ran towards the front gate. She was stopped when someone grabbed her wrist from behind her.

"Jou-chan wait!" It was Sanosuke, with a concerned look on his face, "You can't stop them now. They've made their decisions."

Kaoru struggled to get her wrist back, "What about my decisions?" She turned to face him, tears still running down her face, "Am I just supposed to be the prize?"

Sanosuke grip became gentle, thinking of a way to comfort her, "They're too afraid to let you make that decision, because they know by choosing one of them you will suffer having to lose the other."

"And this way is any better?" She pulled on her wrist finally breaking free of Sano's grip and continue running, "I won't lose them!"

1 Month earlier

It was a hazy morning with a slight drizzle. Kaoru patiently sat on the porch of the Kamiya Kashin dojo, waiting for her rurouni. It was still weird of her to think about, HER rurouni. She had known for a long time, that she loved Kenshin. Never confessing to him, until now that is. She knew that once she saw him it would spew out of her. Praying that he felt the same of course, but it didn't really matter as long as he knew. Kaoru Himura She liked the sound of that, one way or she would in time make him love her. I hope your watching father, your daughter has finally found someone.

"Kaoru!" A voice came from inside the dojo. Yahiko came around the corner, "Kaoru! All of Kenshin's things are gone!" The rain started to pour down even harder.

Horror spread across her face, No that's not possible! She abruptly stood up, "He wouldn't!" She sprang off the porch and ran towards the gate.

"Kaoru wait!" Yahiko shouted running to catch up, "I'm coming too. I'll look around town to see if anyone has seen him." Kenshin, you better not have lift. Kaoru woon't be able to take it.

"Kenshin, Kenshin…" Kaoru's sandals got stuck in the mud causing her to stumble and collapse to her knees. Her blue silk kimono was filthy, but that was the least of her problems. "Kenshin, you promised you wouldn't leave" She pushed her fist into the mud, "KENSHIN!" Her heart sank into the deepest part of her chest, beating furiously. The ribbon that kept her hair up fell to the ground causing her wet black raven hair to drop around her face. She lifted her hand to pick up the blue ribbon, it had been the same one she had leant to Kenshin when Jinei challenged Kenshin. Ever since then it had always been precious to her. She pulled it to her chest, her heart ached every time he did this. Lift every now and then, then coming back expecting her to be okay. Sure she loved the company of Yahiko and Sanosuke but she always felt something was missing when he wasn't around. Now she wasn't sure if this feeling was going to be permanent.