
When you're gone

Ayane Selznick

Standard Disclaimers Applied

Genre: Romance/Drama

Rate: T

Summary: He's leaving and it's all because of her. Problem is she's the last one to find out.

Author's Note: I've been thinking of SasuSaku and RyoSaku (POT) when I heard and saw the lyrics of When you're gone (Avril Lavigne). This is set in AU.

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BoldItalics – Lyrics


I always needed time on my own

I never thought I'd need you there when I cried

And the days feel like years when I'm alone

And the bed where you lie

Is made up on your side

They've been longtime best friends. People sometimes see them as siblings. The brother always protected his sister while the sister always took care of her brother. But they weren't biologically nor bound by blood. They're just friends— best of friends.

Their relationship somehow survived despite the boy's hidden affection for the girl. He loved her more than a friend but the girl always looked at somebody else. She only went to him when she's heartbroken, when something wrong came up or when she needed his help most.

One day, during the time in their college, the boy found out that the girl he loved most became his friend's girlfriend. It was one of the times that the boy blamed the girl's simplicity and carelessness. She easily falls in love to whoever gave much attention to her. And the only person she didn't fall in love to was… to that him… who risked everything to give everything to her.

The boy locked himself up in his dark room. He threw his things on the floor and sprawled on his bed. His hands found his sheets and it curled into fist. It was painful to always learn that she never belonged to him. That she always belonged to someone else. He risked his life everyday for her and yet he was rewarded with just a bunch of "thank you" and "I'm glad you were there." He wanted to hear something like "I love you". It doesn't matter if it sounded selfish.

They fought about that issue after class, in an isolated area in their campus. They were raising voices at each other, defending themselves and their beliefs… but mostly their hearts. They were both in pain and they try to fend off that feeling by yelling at each other with hurtful words. But it only added holes in their hearts.

The girl told him how she'd always want to settle things on her own but whenever the boy finds out about it, he'd definitely come and save the day just like a super hero. She told the boy that she couldn't be spoiled forever and it pained because it's a proof that he never believed in her strength. The boy defended himself and told her that he did those things because he was trying to prevent a bad outcome where she'd always come to him to cry on to and he's just getting tired of it.

He met a heavy slap across his cheek from her. He never thought when those words flew out of his mouth… he never meant to say it even. But the damages were done and she started crying. His words were painful. But it was even more painful to watch the girl he always protected to cry because of him. His heart ached. He just hurt her.

When you walk away

I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

She ran away but he could still hear her sobs as she left. How he wished he could turn back time and stop himself from telling hurtful words… he really wished it would happen. But their bonds snapped because of his words and her immature decisions. He always forgave her childish behavior.

In fact, he missed the times they spent their days together. When they were children, they used to go out on streets and ran like little idiots they always were. They even call out their playmates to play with them but they'd surely end up in one team on her demand. They wouldn't notice the time and then out of nowhere her mom would look for her. It was his job to walk her home so her mother wouldn't worry too much.

When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

And make it okay

I miss you

Back then, she was childishly animated. Her face and actions freely expressed what she feels. Even if he closed his eyes he could decipher what she'd do next. She wasn't entirely easily read, only he could do that. But he wasn't entirely proud of it, because no matter how much he knew what she'd do, he still couldn't understand her.


I've never felt this way before

Everything that I do

Reminds me of you

And the clothes you left

They lie on the floor

And they smell just like you

I love the things that you do

The girl threw herself on her bed. She had been tired throughout the day. After having a verbal fight with her best friend, she had a fight with her boyfriend. They broke up afterwards because she couldn't stay longer with someone who couldn't understand her.

That's right.

All she wanted to have is someone to understand her. She always believed that no one could, even those she called parents. But there's always somebody who would beat her beliefs; someone who always showed when she needed him most. But she was fed up with all that knight-in-shining armor tactics. Besides, wasn't he just her best friend?

She noticed that after high school he became serious. Her issues were just the same, only this time, it became matured. Her problems worsened but all thanks to him, everything was solved. Apart from her problems, she would feel the weight of his longing stares, his meaningful words and most of all, his warmth, which he could only share, whenever they're alone to have "best friend talks."

When you walk away

I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

It felt like her world was already perfect every time he's there but she must admit that even when he's nowhere in sight, she would terribly be worried. She was afraid that anybody would find out her feelings for him. And she was even more afraid of their strong relationship that might fall down because of her. She was just afraid, so she built walls.

She created hindrance.

She loved someone else.


When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

And make it ok

I miss you

That one fateful day, she, Haruno Sakura, received shocking news from Naruto.

Uchiha Sasuke, her longest best friend, will leave Japan in an hour.

Sakura couldn't point what kind of emotions emerging from her. She even became deaf for a moment despite Naruto's worried calls. She didn't understand why Sasuke would leave just like that.

There's no reason for him to leave, she thought.

She even thought that he'd gone really far if his reason was her boyfriend. Sakura didn't like the idea of him getting jealous because of her boyfriend. She wanted to believe that he do those things because he's Sakura's best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

But the emotions in her heart burst out like raging fire. Why does she felt this depression all of a sudden?

"Sakura? Hello?" Naruto was still on the phone.

"Naruto. Where's he now?"

"Of course he's in the airport."

"Pick me up."

Then she hung up.


We were made for each other

Out here forever

I know we were

Yeah, yeah

And all I ever wanted was for you to know

Everything I do I give my heart and soul

I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me


Uchiha Sasuke stood by the huge glass window with his things beside him. Last night, he had a talk with his brother who was residing overseas for family business. He told his brother, Itachi, that he needed to be somewhere to clear his mind. Sasuke confessed that he's messed up and he needed Itachi's help. Truly, Sasuke never wanted to ask help from his brother because Itachi never asked his help. Not even once. He felt his pride diminish even for just call. But Itachi was kind. He told Sasuke that he could come by anytime he wants.

But Itachi was just too surprise when he heard Sasuke telling him that he'd leave Japan tomorrow. Itachi knew exactly why Sasuke acted the way he was. He didn't mention though because he knows his little brother's temper.

As Sasuke looked at his watch, an hour left before his flight, he thought of her.

He loved her. He knew but he was just too scared to tell her. Her constant longing for partner breaks his heart and it always made him think that it'd cause her a lot of trouble when he confessed. So he acted like a good best friend he always was and told himself to be satisfied when they got the chance to be alone.

He'd done anything all for her sake, all to get his love reciprocated but nothing happened. She stayed the same.

Sasuke thought why he was even in love with her in the first place or why he even chose to be devoted for her. He wanted to clear everything when he's finally out in Japan.

But, the thought of leaving everything behind…

…of leaving her behind…

It kills him.


When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear will always get me through the day

And make it ok

I miss you

Naruto and Sakura arrived at the airport.

Sakura started searching for him. He was going to Europe - to his brother. Her heart was racing. She was praying to all the Gods that she could make it in time. She wanted to tell him so badly, she wanted to stop him.

She wanted…

She wanted…

"Sasuke… Sasuke… where are you?"

As much as she wanted to scream she tried to control herself. It was already embarrassing for her to be looking around in the airport with her panicked state and her tear-stricken eyes. She continued looking until she reached the station where his flight should be waiting.

There she finally saw him walking towards the flight attendant to give his plane ticket.


Sasuke became frigid.

Sakura was relieved to get his attention and was even more pleased to have stayed for few minutes. She grabbed all the courage she could as she started walking towards him.


Sasuke didn't look back when he spoke, "What do you want?"

Her lips quivered. "I want you so stay."

A pause. Then he shook his head.

Tears cascaded her cheeks. "Why?"

He never responded.

The flight attendant wanted to intervene but she chose not to. The girl seemed so many things to say.

Sakura slowly closed their distance. "If you're leaving because of me, then please, I beg you… don't do it."

He felt he needed an outburst. Her line of thought was foolish. But all he did was turn around and glared at her. "You've hurt me too much."

Her eyes widened.

Sasuke continued, "I'm tired of waiting, Sakura. I'm tired of everything you do. I've always… I…" He ought not to say what he wanted to say.

"What Sasuke?" Her voice trembled. "You've always what?" She bit her lip. "I regretted all the things I've done till now Sasuke. But I would never regret when I came here to stop you."

He was silent.

"And I will be bold to tell you that I was afraid to let you know what I've truly felt for you."


"Sasuke, I love you."

It was the longest minute of her life when she waited Sasuke to tell her something in return. She really wanted to stop him to go away… away from her, because he meant a lot for her. She had confessed, he knew, but all the things she did back then… it would need a lengthy explanation.

Sakura could no longer stop her tears and her wobbling knees until she fell on the floor.

She felt defeated.

She felt torn.


Sakura could hear his footsteps moving - more like coming closer – until he was standing tall at her.


She looked up to him.

"You really are annoying."