
Ayane Selznick

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto Masashi.

Author's Note: This is made due to my boredom and inability to write for WSIG, SS, and SS 2 (Why, because the CPU that I used to work with my fanfics was surrendered to my dad's officemate to clean up the virus). And so, here comes a one-shot SasuSaku drabble. This is a semi-AU fanfic which does not relate to the fanfics mentioned above.

Summary: Our mind kept producing imaginations and illusions in dreams or in daydreams. In fact they go in and out of our minds every time. But what are these illusions intended for? Does this give a sign?


Normal POV



Ha… ha… ha…

Succession of soft thuds can be heard within the thick forest. The reflexive movements of the boy tell that he was indeed in a rush. Dashing from one thick branch to another, he did not give himself a time to rest. All he could think of is…


Running away was not his option, but if he did not choose to escape, it is certain that he will be killed.

Ha… ha… ha…

Must… get… away…

Even in darkness under the gleam of the moonlight, he sprinted out of the country's broken walls finding it would be safe if he was away from that freak.

The snake-freak.

Before he fled from Otto, he had researched inside Kabuto's laboratory. Rummaging all the creepy bottles and folded papers, he found a very interesting data, in which he believed was the biggest secret in Otto. He scanned all the writings in that paper and before he knew it, he had clutched the paper so tight that it looked like it would be torn into pieces.

Anger and huge frustration filled his whole mind and soul when he found out that he was, indeed, just a tool – a container actually, to fulfill Orochimaru's goal.

The goal to learn all the jutsus in the world and destroy all the Five Countries.

That bastard will use his body to be able to use the Sharingan, but weren't there two Uchiha's left for him to choose? Why him? He noticed a small note under the word Sharingan.

"Failed to get Uchiha Itachi. Other living member, Uchiha Sasuke – second option. "

And that was the most powerful punch in the gut when the words echoed in his mind realizing that Orochimaru was not able to get that man's Sharingan and that concludes…

Orochimaru is weaker than my brother!

Gritting his teeth, he promised to himself that he would never ever resort to seek power to the snake-bastard.

Next thing he knew, he woke up from someone's persistent annoyance – shaking him wildly. When he was about to shout on him because of ruining his only rest, all he could do was to stare right in front of his eyes.

Sparkling green.


He jerked when the person in front of him called out his name, "Sasuke-kun…"

And they took him for shelter.

After months of detention, Konoha regained their trust to him although not fully. He was aware of all the mistakes which caused trouble to the village. Godaime enlightened him to all the things that he was not yet aware of. And now, he accepted her offer to go back to Team 7 and work with them under her authority…

In short, he returned being a Konoha Nin.

He had hoped everything could go back to normal but Naruto's constant strange behavior and Kakashi's way of restricting him proved that they were still unaware of his dire need of family. But the girl, his only female teammate, Haruno Sakura, hasn't changed. She was still looking at him with those lovely eyes, asking him if he would be okay, and during at missions especially when he's wounded she would be there to heal him. There were times he would push her away, but she kept coming back.

Persistent person…

Above all that, he was glad. He was glad that the Haruno Sakura he once knew, the strong one, did not change. And he was satisfied.

Years later, the former Team Seven had reached different levels and now they reached the level that they thought they wouldn't have.


It doesn't matter who would be the captain or the member but as long as they stay in one team, together with some batch mates they know, everything would be alright.

Killing is the only thing that Uchiha Sasuke knew from the day his clan was murdered by his older brother. And through all that missions he went through, somehow, his path lead to somewhere else.


A person is destined to be killed either from his good qualities or from his devilish acts. In his missions, all that they killed were the kind of people who really deserved to be killed. They do evil things so they shouldn't exist and for that matter they have to be distinguished.

But the point of Uchiha Sasuke's realization was he has no right to take someone's life using his hands.

Although his work told him so, still, he has no right to do it. Though every time he does it there was something inside him dies. His wholeness would die upon slaughtering each flesh, splattering of blood, and the stench of human body decaying before they will take their leave.

This is the life of a ninja…

But there were times that he wanted to take another step for another path just so he would know that he is in fact alive.

All he had to do is to look right beside him. And when he did, his world will shine above him.

"Are you alright, Sasuke-kun?" The pink haired woman asked.

She was always right beside him and yet he was still unable to notice her. He knew she was always there, but he always thought that she has nothing to do with him, other than being a teammate that is.

"Yeah I'm fine." He would say and then he continued trudging the way back to his home with his team right behind him.

And she was still right beside him.

Days after, Otto Nins came to declare war against their village. They were there protecting the village, the people and the ones they loved. He, on the other hand, protected not only the village but also himself. He was aware that the leader of Hidden Village of Otto was still on a hunt for his container. He must have had a replacement after Sasuke escaped the country. Nevertheless, that freak was still after the Sharingan.

They fought hard not wanting to be defeated and even if they withdrew the battle, where would they go?

Fortunately, the Hidden Village of Suna came. He must have forgotten that this village was allied to the Suna. The Kazekage weren't there, but the trustworthy sister of Gaara was the one leading the troops for Konoha's back-up.

He thought it was an easy way to win, but the longer they fight this battle more people would die. And they die because of one man's selfish desire to acquire his container.

Some time later, he was face to face with the man who started everything, Orochimaru.

"My dear Sasuke-kun…" The way he pronounced all the s in his name irked him.

"Damn you Orochimaru! Don't think I'll ever get back to you!" He shouted back, pointing accusingly at the person he hated the most. Or maybe the second person he hated the most.

"Why do you think so?" Orochimaru responded while hissing like a real snake.

That earned curious glances from the Godaime, the Jounin teachers of his batch mates, Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura.

"Because you're far weaker from my brother! You think I'm a fool to go and seek power from you? You're an asshole! I won't let you have me and this body for the sole purpose of obtaining all the jutsus in the world!" He screamed out his last word and harshly regained his breath afterwards.

"Hmm… so be it… Sasuke-kun… if you're not going to be mine then I shall EXTERMINATE EVERYONE IN THIS VILLAGE! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I will force you to be mine even if I have to hurt you!"

"Bastard!" The blond-haired shinobi yelled at the same time dove at the giant summoning snake right in front of him.

"Naruto! GET BACK HERE YOU IDIOT!" He screamed while everyone around the area scattered when the giant snake attempted to sweep them all.

He jumped back and dodged the incoming wave of attack.

Then all of a sudden he heard a female's scream.


The scream, particularly the voice, sounds familiar that the immediately turned his head towards the origin of the voice. His eyes widened.

"Poor girl, she was not able to dodge my attack and is now whimpering under my strength!"

The woman has been bleeding for an hour and due to all the villagers and shinobis she helped hours ago, her Chakra started to eat up all her strength.

Orochimaru grasped her neck tighter and she continued to retaliate in attempt to free herself from the man's grip.

Sasuke gritted his teeth once again and without thinking, he dove straight to Orochimaru who was standing atop of the snake's head.

…to rescue the only family who had understood him…

…who had believed in him…

…who had loved him…


He saw her eyes sparkle with her tears and slowly fall down to her cheeks. The world stopped.

The very last thing he saw and heard was… her smile and… his name


In a matter of seconds, Orochimaru break her neck.


That annoying, ear-splitting scream jolted him back to reality. He almost leaped out of the red banister of the bridge when his blond haired idiotic loudmouth teammate shouted directly in to his ear. With widened eyes, he immediately reverted from the daydreamer state to the stoic, genius, hot-tempered one.

And to give that blond a decent payback, he glared him murderously at the same time crackling his fist.

"How…" Sasuke started dangerously, "dare you… shout in to my ears…" He continued walking towards Naruto who was instinctively stepping back when he was stepping forward.

"DAMN IT SASUKE! Kakashi-sensei is already here and you're slipping away! You're going to dreamland, man! C'mon, I wake you up!" Naruto reasoned out but this does not affect Sasuke's intention to kill.

"You didn't have to shout on me, moron. So I'll give you a very decent…"


Sasuke stopped halfway to Naruto's head when Sakura yelled at them. Naruto was already blocking the incoming attack but to his relieve it never came. He blinked twice and noticed Sasuke's fist retreating from the mid-air. Then when he turned to Sakura he was about to give her a hug but begun saying…

"Thank you, Sakura-chan! YOU SAVED"


A powerful hit on his head stopped him before he completely hugged her.

"It's your fault in the first place! If you didn't shout into Sasuke-kun's ear this won't happen!" She scolded, flushing pretty due to her worn out temper.

"But you didn't have to hit me like that!" Naruto reacted while nursing his now swollen head.

"You deserved to be hit, idiot."

"C'mon kids, we don't have time to be playing around. Let's start heading towards the training grounds before you guys kill each other." The white haired Jounin, Kakashi-sensei, said while rummaging his small pack to get the orange book.

"YAY! Another training to become a Hokage!" Naruto happily shouted and started walking with Kakashi towards the training grounds, leaving Sasuke and Sakura behind.

Sasuke shook his head for a moment and then looked at his palm. He was still the 12-year-old Genin. And he's still with the Team 7. He looked around the area and noticed that this was the team's meeting place. Here, they would usually wait for their oh-so-late sensei to start off their morning by doing Class C or D missions.

In short, they were just starting.

He was interrupted once again by Sakura's worried look and sweet voice.

"Sasuke-kun, are you alright?" She looked into his eyes worriedly and wondered if he really was fine. He looked like he's mind was going back to dreamland.

He looked back at her and quickly found the bridge floor interesting. "I'm fine…"

"You sure? It's so unusual to see you like this…" She was going to continue explaining but Sasuke immediately retorted.

"Don't worry, I said I'm fine." He didn't mean those words to be that harsh but he did notice how her eyes turned disappointingly.

"Ahh… yeah… okay." She smiled at him, though not wide, and started walking past to him following Kakashi and Naruto's tracks.

When she was about to leave, several succession of flashing images came to his mind and the very last image he saw was Sakura's unforgivable death. To his reaction, he immediately grabbed Sakura's wrist.

"Sa!" She turned forcibly to his angle when he pulled her wrist and…

The strangest thing in the world happened the moment Sakura looked directly to his face…

Uchiha Sasuke smiled at her.

"Sorry about that." His hand left her wrist and on to her hand. When he felt her hand, he immediately squeezed it a little to feel that she's alive and safe. "Let's go…"

Sakura could only nod at him but her face plastered with a very shock expression.

Sasuke-kun is holding my hand!

And she smiled.

The End

Author's Note: Yeah I know, very lame, sappy, mushy and so impossible to happen. I told you, this happened because the CPU is somewhere far away from my working area and I can't continue writing my fics! DAMN IT! Ahem, excuse that behavior I just couldn't contain this frustration any longer.

I finished some linearts, too hours ago. Then inked all my almost forgotten SasuSaku artworks… and that makes it… 11 artworks to be scanned and colored. Sigh… if only we have a scanner. Glad my cute little brown hamster, Raticate, makes my day cheerful… She jumps out on my palm just to grab the curtain! Aww isn't she cute?

But I realized something maybe this is how I should sacrifice my time (since it is Holy Week). There is no pRO neither works to accomplish. But heck! All holy acts aside, I'm getting insane here! Really insane!

Oh geez get me to the doctor now… err no, not the doctor… give me Itachi now!