Hi Guys!

Sorry it has been a few months since I last updated, as you know, there was a death in my family recently, so haven't really had the energy to write anything, plus with Graduating too.

Anyway, I have managed to write the next chapter into the instalment of The Lost Potter.

So without further ado, please enjoy!

The day finally came to an end, and everyone was clearing up for the night and saying their goodbyes. Peter finally approached Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore, would we be able to speak alone for a few minutes?" said Peter.

"Of course Peter, come, let's move out into the hallway" he said as they made their way upstairs closing the door behind them.

"What is troubling you?" asked Dumbledore tentatively to Peter.

Peter began to sigh and sat down on the bottom stair of the large stairwell running his hand over his face and hair, his shoulders slumped. "I have been, having strange dreams, this was before Harry came to live with us, but now that he is living with us, I've been having them every night, mostly about Aunt Lily and Uncle James. Do you think there is more to Harry and I sharing each other's dreams?" he asked.

Dumbledore stroked his beard and looked thoughtfully at Peter. "A connection between siblings is very common in Wizarding families, but cousins…it is very rare. How do you feel in these dreams?" he asked waiting for Peter's reaction.

"Happy, sad, sometimes very scared, and strangely enough…. protected" he said as he looked up into the old wizard's face. Dumbledore's face then turned serious and then a look of sadness passed over it as he reached inside his cloak and took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Peter. "I contacted a few of the Ministry officials concerning the deaths of your parents, mainly regarding their cause of death, this file never reached the laboratories at the hospital, as your mother was a witch, a wizard pathologist was brought into the case. Peter…I am afraid from these findings…they were… murdered. The spell that was used to kill them was indeed what you saw from your memories…. The green light…it was the Avada Kedavra. I am so very sorry," he said as Peter let the parchment fall from his hand.

At that moment the kitchen door opened to reveal Harry and the others making their way up the hallway. "Hey Pete, wait until you see the new invention the twins came up with, it's hilarious" said Harry laughing as he looked over at Peter and Dumbledore. Peter looked up and grabbed the parchment trying to hide the tears and shouted, "Maybe later huh guys?" and ran off towards the gardens. Harry's smile dropped as he looked at Dumbledore as he shook his head in dismay then as the others seemed to slink off back to the kitchen. "Professor?" said Harry as Dumbledore passed Harry. Harry looked towards the back door and looked out as he saw Peter sitting on top of the wall looking out into the distance as the sun dipped behind the buildings. "Hey, is there room for one more up there?" said Harry jokingly as he began to climb up the wall. Peter didn't look down at him as he began to scoot over next to him. He looked over the parchment that was laid out on his hand and handed it to Harry. As Harry took it from him confusingly, he managed to glance over the wording briefly, as he sighed. "God, I'm so sorry Pete," he said as he reached out his hand and put it on Peter's shoulder. Peter's shoulders slumped. "I was hoping it wouldn't be true, that…they had died that night in the fire, but…. murdered, that was never a thought…. God why is life so unfair?" he said, with pain through his voice.

"I never got a chance to know my parents, not properly like you did, if this means what it really does, then Voldemort found out about our Mums being sisters and knowing that if I had been placed with your family she would have been able to help raise me in magic, or to eliminate every person in our family, for his sheer satisfaction…. He might have ever known that you existed, that is why you might have remained safe all these years with Aunt May and Uncle Ben" said Harry as Peter looked over at his cousin.

"You know how Voldemort is…do you think he killed them? Or one of his followers?" said Peter as he stared at the parchment in his hand again.

Harry looked down at the wall again and took his glasses off, sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his two fingers. "I honestly couldn't say…maybe it was one of his followers…but the dates don't match…. Aunt Rose and Uncle Daniel were killed, twenty-four hours after my parents and I was delivered to the Dursleys. Voldemort would have already vanished…. so it couldn't have been him."

"One day…I will find out the truth, I swear," said Peter solemnly.

Harry glanced back at his cousin with a look of sympathy. "Don't try to make promises to yourself, that you may never be able to keep Peter, believe me, I would know" he said as he jumped off the wall and moved back towards the house, leaving Peter alone with his thoughts.

An hour or so later, Harry, May and Peter portkeyed themselves back to the Parker household. May fussed over Peter until she eventually gave up as he went upstairs to his room to study for a while, when Harry really knew he was going patrolling around the city.

Harry lay in his bed staring at the ceiling and the photos around his room, he reached over to the box he had found in the attic and pulled out the two long cases, clicking them open, he reached for the two wooden wands, running his fingers over the fine woodwork, he closed his eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep, hoping to regain any memories from the past.

"Now, now Harry, this is not a toy," laughed a woman with reddish blonde hair, as a small baby with black hair grasped a wand, giggling up at his Aunt.

"Lily, my little nephew here is too adorable to discipline" laughed Rose Parker to her sister as Lily reached across and took the wand from Harry's small fingers and replaced it with a black toy dog.

Lily stroked Harry's head as he looked up at his mother, giving her a toothless smile.

The next minute a little boy with black brownish hair rushed in through the back door, covered in mud as he tried to sneak past his mother. Rose Parker looked down at her son and raised her eyebrows at her son's appearance. "Peter Michael Parker, where do you think you are going, young man?" she said trying very hard to conceal her rising smile. Lily looked over at the young boy and put a hand over her mouth, stifling a laugh. A younger Peter grinned over at his Aunt. "It was Uncle James' and Daddy's fault, Mommy, they decided to make mud pies for dinner but then the mud puddle exploded, well I think it was them I'm not sure"

"What happened exactly Peter?" said Lily exchanging a worried glance with her sister.

"We were playing mud pies, and I was really happy…and then the mud came flying up in the air like magic." he said showing them and making whooshing noises to demonstrate what happened.

Lily and Rose moved closer to Peter, as he stood still caked in the mud, stooping down to his level "Did I do a bad thing?" he asked his lip starting to tremble.

Tears shone in Lily's eyes as she looked at Peter with utmost pride, as did Rose.

"Of course, you didn't sweetie," said Rose reaching down and hugging him. Peter looked on confused at his mother and aunt as they shooed him off upstairs to get changed.

Harry awoke his hands gripping both wands tightly, beads of sweat running off his forehead as he sat up gasping for air. The memory had struck a cord with him, if his mother was a witch, as was his aunt it was possible that Peter was also a wizard, with powers.

Four hours later Harry sat staring out of his window, waiting for Peter to return home. He began to doze slightly by the window ledge, when he heard the sound of a web being shot across the roof and awoke to see Peter crawling back inside his window. He grabbed his own wand, and headed down the hallway to Peter's room. He knocked lightly just as Peter opened the door to him. "How was patrolling?" said Harry sitting down on the desk chair, as Peter pulled a t-shirt over his head. "A few burglaries, nothing too serious, to be honest the city has been too quiet, this past week. So what did you want to talk about?" he said sitting on the edge of the bed.

Harry went on to tell him about the memory as Peter listened in rapt interest. "In the past few weeks, has anything out of the ordinary happened to you? When you became angry or scared?" said Harry, as Peter immediately remembered the incident with the bullet freezing in front of him.

Peter nodded and filled Harry in on the robbery and as if he had willed the bullet to freeze all on his own accord. Harry smiled then looked at Peter's confused face. "What does this all mean then?" he asked. "I think, you're a wizard Pete" said Harry plainly and calmly. Peter raised his eyebrows in surprise. "But that's impossible, surely I would have noticed something sooner, displayed more magic when I was younger?" he said as he got up and paced the room. Harry watched his cousin silently as it seemed to all fit into place.

"Why don't we do a simple test, here take this wand, it belonged to my Dad, I want you to aim the wand at that book over there on your nightstand and repeat after me, Wingardium Leviosa, the most important part is the pronunciation of the word and the manoeuvre of the wand, remember to swish and flick, like this" said Harry showing him, his mind casting back to the first year class he had with Professor Flitwick.

Peter stood and started at the book then back at Harry as he put out his hand and passed his Uncle's wand to him. As the wood fell onto Peter's palm, he gripped it tightly, a warm feeling spread through him, and the lights dimmed a little in the room. Harry watched in awe, remembering the first time he had held his wand for the first time and felt the magic running through him.

"Ready?" Harry asked as Peter nodded and stared at the book, trying to imagine it in his mind's eye. "Remember to enunciate, Wingardium Leviosa" Peter closed his eyes then opened them concentrating solely on the book, the air around him seemed to glow as he moved the wand in the direction of the book on the nightstand, and he heard himself speaking the incantation. When he opened his eyes, he saw Harry sitting next to the nightstand and then following his gaze upwards, there was the book hanging in mid air. He immediately dropped the wand in surprise as the book fell onto the bed. Looking back down at the wand he picked it up and handed it back to Harry, who was also sitting there in shock, but then a smile grew upon his face. "Congratulations Pete, you did it"

"What does this mean now?" he asked as he sat down on the bed, still trying to get his mind round what was happening to him.

"I'm not sure, we would need to contact Dumbledore of course, he would know more and give you advice on what to do" Harry replied.

Peter nodded again. "I guess we better get some sleep it's been a long day" Harry immediately knew that Peter was still in shock and decided to give his cousin some space to think things through, his life had changed so quickly within the last few hours. What confused Harry the most was the fact Peter had never displayed any powers during his childhood, maybe the trauma from his past had dealt a part in him losing his magical abilities. All Harry could do now send a letter to Dumbledore highlighting what had happened. Hoping that he could give himself and Peter the answers.

A few days later, Harry and Peter travelled into the city to work, after Harry had finished delivering the papers for the Bugle, he and Peter made their way around the city taking in the sights. School was starting in two weeks time and Harry wanted to pick up a few souvenirs for Ron, Ginny and Hermione. By the time they headed back it was already lunchtime. As Harry and Peter entered the house with their shopping, they were surprised to find Ron and Hermione sitting in the living room with Aunt May.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" he replied happily, as he smiled at his three friends

"We've come to collect you, we're going shopping in Diagon Alley and we thought it would be a good idea for Peter and your Aunt May to come along" said Ginny.

Peter nodded "That would be great, did you guys travel here on your own?" he said a grin on his face. Ron shook his head, "I wish! Mum has become so sneaky she has even put up wards around the fireplace, to stop us from flooing over here when we want. We are meeting them outside Eyelops" he said laughing. Harry and Peter took the teacups from the table and took them into the kitchen. "So, Aunt May, how about it, a trip to Diagon Alley?" said Harry as she placed the rest of the uneaten biscuits and cakes back in the pantry. "I'm afraid I won't be able to come with you both this time dear, I already arranged to meet one of my old friends Martha for some lunch, it's been such a long time since we last met." Harry smiled. "Oh well, maybe next time" he said as he patted her shoulder. Peter ran upstairs to get some more money from his wallet, as Harry watched him place the dollar bills in his wallet. "Pete, I forgot to say, we will need to go to Gringotts Wizarding Bank to exchange some money first" he said as Ron, Hermione and Ginny reached into their pockets for their sacks of Floo Powder. Harry immediately went over to the fireplace and removed the small sack that sat on the shelf and poured some into Peter's palm and his own as he put the sack into his pocket.

"Ginny why don't you show Peter how it's done" said Hermione as Ginny smiled and walked into the fireplace, as May stood at the kitchen door, eager to watch was about to happen. "Diagon Alley, The Leaky Cauldron!" she shouted and threw the black dust at her feet as it erupted into green sparkling flames around her as she disappeared before their very eyes. Peter's jaw dropped, as he looked at Harry and the others. Harry, noting his cousin's surprise turned and said. "It's easy" as he watched Hermione disappear next, Ron following behind her. Harry walked into the fireplace and did the same, as May looked at Peter one last time as he threw the black dust at his feet and shouting "Diagon Alley, The Leaky Cauldron!" with a look of dread on his face, as he vanished before her very eyes.

Peter felt himself falling, as he hit something with a thud. Lying on his back he looked up to find Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione's soot filled faces peering back at him with a look of amusement on all of their faces. "How was the trip?" laughed Harry as he helped pull Peter up as he began dusting off his clothes. "Ha ha" he said sarcastically as the girls and Ron tried to console themselves. "It's weird, you looked a lot like Harry back there, when he was travelling by Floo the first time" said Ginny, as Harry smiled back at her. "Yeah Pete, but at least you managed to land in the same fireplace, I, at least didn't, I ended up a few blocks away from here" he laughed as they made their way out of the Leaky Cauldron, into the early afternoon sunshine as they made their way down the small cobbled streets towards Eyelops.

Standing outside, was Molly Weasley, as she flicked her wand at her son and daughter, muttering "Scourgify" as the black soot disappeared from their faces and clothes. Then seeing Harry, Peter and Hermione, she did the same, as Peter looked at his clothes then back at Molly. "Thank You Mrs Weasley" he said smiling at her. Molly Weasley just laughed "We couldn't have you going back to your Aunt May covered in soot now could we?" she laughed as she ushered the small group down the small streets towards a large white building known as Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

In the next chapter, Peter makes a decision that will affect his life, and those around him. Harry and the others go back to school; unaware that Snape has been made Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and a new Potions teacher has been hired.