Lover's torment
'Trunks, Trunks are you there?' bellowed Goten as he made his way through the huge Capsule corp. mansion determine to find company for his misery.
'Goten!' screamed Bra, 'Stop yelling. Trunks isn't here.' she said, moderating her own tone slightly, 'He is hardly ever here now that he is the president of Capsule corp.' she said, 'If you really want to talk to him go to the office, just stop yelling.' She said, 'I have a headache.'
'Partying all night?' wondered Goten.
'No! Well, yes I was at a party last night but no I was not drinking. I don't drink! I have enough trouble fighting off boys when I am sober, I don't even want try to fight off boys while drunk.' Declared Bra.
Goten shrugged, 'I am not very found of the stuff myself.' It was true. Goten avoided it religiously, 'I like being in control.' Very true as well except of course when he is with Trunks. Than the Saiyain Prince ruled supreme and controlled everything. 'Which apparently is something Paris has a problem with.'
Bra arched her eyebrows, 'What happened?' she wondered, 'Did you try to tell her what to do and what to say? Come on Goten, a girl would have to have pretty low self-esteem to let any guy do that. Not that Paris could do with a few pointers.' She mumbled the last part mostly to herself.
Goten gave a look of indignation towards Bra, 'Don't be absurd. What do I look like?' he demanded, 'A chauvinist pig? No, I wouldn't let her blindfold me.' He said.
'You what?' Bra cried in wonder.
'I wouldn't let her blindfold me.' Repeated Goten in a slightly annoyed tone. 'She wanted to blindfold me as part of… how old are you?'
Bra rolled her eyes. 'Old enough.' But quickly added, 'But you don't have to go into details. I think it's pretty clear what the two of you were doing. Go on.'
'Well I wouldn't let her do it and we started arguing and one thing led to another and I am not sure how it happened but she dumped me.' Concluded Goten, in a depressing tone of voice. 'I mean, just like that. She dumped me!' uttered Goten.
'Sounds to like the break up was more than just you trust issues.' Said Bra indifferently.
'Thanks for the sensitivity.' Sneered Goten.
'What did you expect me to say?' wondered Bra, 'I hated Paris. I am glad you two broke up and besides I have eyes and ears as well and can use them rather well. I have seen the two of you start to argue over petty things and heard them escalate into World War III after I quitted the room to give you space. I have seen the way you two drifted apart and I have heard you complain to my brother that you didn't look forward to your dates anymore.' She stated, 'I am just surprised you two took so long to break up.' Bra owned, 'You guys were beginning to act like a married couple who lingered on for years despite knowing full well that there was nothing left in there relationship for one reason or another.'
Goten thought for a minute, 'I suppose you are right.' He acknowledged with a sigh, 'We have been together for much longer than perhaps we should have.' He thought for a minute more, 'You are right. It was about time we broke up but…' he sat down in a defeated posture, 'I just don't want to be lonely.'
'Don't talk like that.' said Bra in a soothing tone, trying to keep down the anxious hopes that were spring up in her heart, 'I am sure you will find someone else. Someone you really, deeply love, with all your heart, mind and soul. Someone who truly deserves you and loves you as much as you love her.' She smiled, 'Who knows that person might be standing right in front of you.' She added pointedly.
'You are right.' Agreed Goten, 'I shouldn't give up hope, but…' his face fell again.
'But what?' wondered Bra.
'Marron is already going out with Trunks.' he whined, 'I can't break up their relationship. Besides what if Marron doesn't like me. I tell her that I like her, she tells me that she doesn't and runs of to tell Trunks. Than I don't get the girl and I end up losing my best friend as well. Bra is there something wrong?' he asked innocently as he surveyed Bra's scrunched up face.
'You're an idiot.' She said and ran towards her room, barely being able to hold her tears in.
Goten wore a confused face till she was out of sight than he smiled a quiet smile to himself, 'Silly Bra. Do you really thing your love for me is not returned?'
When Trunks returned home it was very, very late. So late in fact that nothing but the security robots were stirring. He made himself to his room but found to his great dismay that it was already occupied. Goten was sprawled all over his bed. Being in no mood for anything other than sleep Trunks walked over to the bed and tilted it sideways. Goten rolled of the bed and hit the floor hard. 'Hey what's the big idea?' He demanded in annoyance.
Trunks said nothing but quickly undressed and brushed his teeth and lay down on the bed. Leaving just enough space for Goten if he wanted to stay. As it turned out, Goten did want to stay. So he climbed back on the bed. He wanted to take. But found to his dismay that Trunks was already snoring. Resolving to wake up really early so that he caught Trunks before he rushed off to the office Goten to fell into a deep comfortable sleep.
Trunks woke up screaming. 'What, what the hell is the matter?' demanded Goten as he was jerked out of his sound sleep.
'Nothing.' Said Trunks, 'I was having a nightmare.'
'A nightmare? What was it about?' asked Goten in a tone of concern. Trunks looked away and mumbled something, 'I didn't catch that.' said Goten.
'I said I dreamt that I was chained to my desk and made to do paper-work for the rest of eternity.' He said as his cheek over-spread with red. Goten burst out laughing. 'Stop it.' cried Trunks, 'What the hell do you want anyway?' he demanded in annoyed tone of voice. He really didn't like being laughed at.
'I am in love with your sister.' Goten blurted out. Trunks gave him the so-what look, 'No I mean I am really in love with her.' said Goten, Trunks gave him the are-saying-what-I-think-you-are-saying look, 'I love her in the way that I just want to rip of her cloths…' Trunks look changed to do-you-have-a-death-wish-look, 'never mind. But the point is that I do love her but some how all I seem to want to do is torment her.
'Torment her?' wondered Trunks.
'Yes, you know, make her suffer and stuff like that. I don't know why. I never knew I was that much of a sadist…but there you go.' Goten stated. 'What do I do?'
'Nothing.' Said Trunks, 'Every love is different. Maybe yours is meant to blossom with lover's sweet torment.'
Goten blinked a couple of time before saying, 'Lover's torment? Did you just make that up?'
'Yes,' said Trunks as he hung his head, 'Yes I did. O leave me alone. It's late, I am sleep and its my sister you are talking about.' Trunks reminded him.
'Fine.' Said Goten, 'Looks like this is something I have to figure out for myself.' He said with a sigh. 'I just hope I do it before I really mess things up.'