"Before the meal commences, I must inform you of a late arrival joining our first years. She will be sorted into a House before we eat. So, Miss Evans, if you wouldn't mind placing the Sorting Hat on your head" Dumbledore spoke the final words quieter to the girl stood close to him.

James' jaw dropped as he saw those bright emerald eyes, her fiery red curls trailing down past her shoulders... she was easily the prettiest girl he had ever seen!

"Oi, Remus, is that your friend?" he asked in a whisper to the boy sat beside him.

Remus grinned and nodded "Yeah, that's her"

The girl looked very nervous as she sat down on the stool and placed the Sorting Hat upon her head.

"Hmm, very clever indeed.. brave too, unafraid of a challenge... loyalty seems your greatest virtue... hmm, where to put you?... I know! Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat declared and the gryffindor table roared with applause.

Lily removed the Hat and took a seat by Remus, although how he had known she'd be Sorted into his House was beyond her.

"Hey Lilz" he greeted, giving his close friend a hug much to the enjoyment of Sirius who tried to supress laughter. Did Remus fancy her or what!

"Hi Remus" she replied with a sweet little smile that made James' heart melt. It was, infact, only as he was staring at her that she noted him and Sirius.

"Not going to introduce me to your friends?" she inquired

"You don't need to know them" Remus chuckled, earning a roast potato being launched at his head by James and Sirius at the same time

"You do need to know us" Sirius grinned "I'm Sirius Black, and this geek over here is James Potter... but the least said about him the better"

"cheers Sirius" he grumbled, with an expression that made Lily giggle.

"Anyways, moving swiftly on... I'm Lily Evans" she introduced herself, seeing as she assumed Remus wasn't going to do it for her.

"Nice to meet you, oh-pretty-one" Sirius grinned, being ever the charmer.

"Flattery will get you nowhere" she chuckled, feeling in a good mood for once.

"Remus mentioned you were ill before school started.." James began

"urg, don't remind me" Lily groaned "Appendicitus and then the flu... joy of joys for a summer, isn't it?"

"Sounds alright to me" Sirius joked, earning several laughs from those listening to or a part of the conversation.

"So anyways, Evans" the idiotic Mr potter smirked "Are you and Remus together or what"

"Two things:" a cold note had enterred her voice "Me and Remus are just friends..."


"And do not ever call me Evans!"

"Sorry Evans"

What else could she had done at that moment but empty her goblet of pumpkin juice down the stupid wizards front?