A/N: Okay…I know…it's been a long time since I last updated any of my crappy stories…so sue me. Any who, I've been working on my other stories lately, but this new story of mine has been driving me crazy! I just had to get it started! And, some of you hadn't known this, but I'll tell you anyways. This is the sequel to "Until Death, Do We Part?" So, if you hadn't read that yet…WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? GO READ THAT STORY! I'M SERIOUS! YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND A FRICKEN THING IF YOU HADN'T READ IT! GO AWAY! SHOO! GO READ IT AND REVIEW!

Disclaimer: Nah, don't own it…but I do own my boyfriend…oh yes…

Another A/N: I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU! GO READ, "UNTIL DEATH, DO WE PART?" I'M SERIOUS! Any who, any who. This is the much fluffier sequel to that story, barely any angst and it mostly revolves around Chrono and Rosette's now very complex relationship.

Gunfire rang out through the clouded skies of the dark October nights of New York. Sure, it was cold, but that didn't bother the chase occurring on the eerie alleyways.


The area around echoed the swift chirp of laughter and then a squeal of joy. In the distance, thunder roared and lightning flashed. Some time to be on a mission.


What a great time to be on a mission!

The woman's habit didn't slow her down in the slightest, considering the slits of the fabric near her legs. Her ammo pack swung harshly around the woman's stomach, considering her constant running. One of her brown, leather boots splashed into a puddle, but that didn't stop the pace of the woman's running. Bowing her head quickly to miss a clothesline, her short, blonde hair flew up and snagged the wire, but was released when she tossed her head back and fourth. Gaining back her footing from her almost narrow stumble, the woman's blue irises scanned the deserted ally.

Sighing softly, she shoved her loaded gun back into its holder. "Bloody demon." She mumbled.

Hi! My name is Rosette Christopher. I'm a exorcist. Weird job, you might say. I don't care. I'm a weird person who grew up in a weird lifestyle. Specially after being claimed to be a sleeping demon's possession, to see my brother killed in front of my very eyes, seeing my fiancée be killed by a demon who called me, "Love," to have some of my life taken away from me by my reincarnated brother, taken hostage and thrown into a demon world to help gain my demon's brother the ultimate power, and to be possessed. There's a lot more, but that's only a brief example of my life. I'm apparently twenty two years old now and have a somewhat of a boyfriend…well, I would actually say we're somewhat close to being married, but…I can't do it yet…there's something I have to do first.

Giving a last glance at the dark, wet ally, she heaved a heavy sigh and splashed her booted foot into a puddle. "I came here to get a job done!"

You may be asking yourself, "Why the hell would I be in a dark ally doing a mission that somebody would never do?" Well, to tell the truth…I'm very pissed off right now…

"You stupid bastard!" Rosette screamed out to particularly no one, only to have her words drowned out by rain falling down abruptly from the cloudy, gray sky.

Oh yes…very pissed off…

Angrily, she threw her ammo pack off and onto the ground harshly. Rosette's soaking blonde hair covered parts of her blue eyes, but she glared at the heap on the ground nonetheless. "Damn you, Chrono! This is all your fault!"


The demon before me grew rigid stiff as his dark purple hair shifted in front of his crimson gaze. I heaved a sigh and twirled my index finger around the table slowly, "I know what you're thinking, Chrono…but it's what I want to do!"

Chrono's blood red eyes flashed fiercely on a sudden impulse of anger, "You know what I'm thinking? Rosette! What are you thinking?" He stamped his foot hard on the tiled kitchen floor.

"Listen, I think that the poor guy disserves a second chance! Chrono, didn't you get a second chance? I just think that if…" I stopped when I saw Chrono scowl deeply.

He ran a hand through his hair shortly and took a deep breath as if trying to calm himself. "No one like him disserves a second chance, Rosette…and it's not like I asked for one."

The tall human looking demon stopped and said nothing. I gaped slightly at him, "Are you saying…that you wished that I didn't wake you?"

Chrono's eyes widened abruptly as he waved his hands out in front of him, "No! No! Not at all, Rosette! I just…"

Picking a grape from the bowl in front of me, I chucked it at Chrono. "Chrono! What I'm saying makes sense! Not like yours! Now, I'm going to find him no matter what! Everyone disserves second chances!"

Chrono looked as if he was going to say something, but stopped to duck to the ground when I chucked one of his most favorite glass cups at him. "HEY! I LIKED THAT CUP!"

"THEN GO BUY ANOTHER!" I screamed.

My blue irises darkened when Chrono stepped in front of me, blocking me from moving anywhere. "Where are you going, Rosette?"

Maintaining what calm I had left, I moved a hand up to his cheek and cupped it, lowering it down closer to my face. "I think you already know the answer to that question…"

With a swift movement, Chrono was knocked out on the ground. Snorting slightly, I grabbed my coat, guns, and clothes; locking them tightly in an already prepared suitcase.

Chrono woke up quickly from his short black out to hear a car roaring away. "Great…back to the Order…"

End Flashback.

So here she was. She was currently living at the Order and fulfilling out her job while finding what ways she could to complete her mission of finding Aion.

Rosette lowered herself to the ground slowly and sat in a puddle, not minding if she got wet, since she already was wet… "All I want is to give him a second chance…"

The woman's words swirled around her in an invisible pattern, wondering why the demon didn't disserve a second chance. Chrono was given one. So shouldn't Aion? The blonde woman believed that if Aion were to grow up in an area away from his previous birthplace, then he might not be the corrupt demon he was before he died.

It made perfect since to Rosette Christopher.

Sighing with the slightest of ease, the blonde nun moved forward to grab her wet ammo packet with the gun hatch hanging loosely on it's side and re-hooked it around her stomach. Hope was not all lost to find this bloody demon…

"You have got to be kidding me!"

Sister Kate shook her head, "No, Chrono. I'm sorry, but she isn't here right now."

Remington looked over from his present location of standing in front of the window to look at the very disturbed demon sitting in a chair ahead of the headmistress's desk.

"Chrono, she asked for a mission so we gave her one. It's not like it's the end of the world."

Chrono frowned and crossed his legs before mumbling, "It is to me…"

Sister Kate cocked an eyebrow, "You can find her very easily if you just…" Sister Kate stopped brusquely by Chrono's sudden rage.

"I will not turn into my appearance unless at the most direst of needs, Sister Kate. Now if you don't mind, I am going to find Rosette now." Chrono just about broke the door when he slammed it shut.

Sister Kate cleared her throat slightly before looking up at the Minister. "Father, we must really do something about him…"

Remington grinned, "It's not like we can get rid of him, Sister. He's like family…only…he's not…something like that!" Remington's grin disappeared, "Rosette is in love with him, as is Chrono to her…they're just scared to admit it to one another. His purpose of bugging us is to make sure Rosette is alright." Remington took his blue eyes off of Sister Kate to return staring out the window.

The headmistress nodded in understanding, "I swear though…he could be a tad bit nicer to us…"

Rosette roared with laughter in her old Ford truck as she rounded a corner with a slight spin and then halting it up with the breaks of the vehicle. "I have you now, you ass hole!"

The demon's wings were situated horizontally as it hastily glided loosely throughout the city. Not many people wanted to be out in the rain, so luckily, the demon had not been spotted. The beast from hell held a feature that resembled a grin as it looked behind him.

No nun.

Suddenly, gunfire exploded out into the clouded, gloomy skies and the demon fell to the ground. Hissing with pain, the demon stumbled to get up, oblivious to the fact that it's right wing had a semi large hole piercing through it.

It screamed out into the rainy skies when it raised it's horned head to come face to face with the cause of his wound.

Rosette stood ominously in his way. Her booted foot was clenched tightly on top of the demon's wounded wing and had him trapped with her holy gun locked and loaded right in its face.

The woman sighed and threw her blonde hair behind her shoulder, "You know…you were a lot of trouble to get to. I swear, if it weren't for the fact that you had killed more than ten people in the past few days, I'd have given up!" Lowering her quite cheerful expression, her face glowered with anger. "…But I'm not known to be giving up on killing a murderous bastard like you!"

The demon squealed and struggled under her foot's grasp, "Please! Please! Have mercy! HAVE MERCY!" The demon continued squealing until it was finally silenced by Rosette's gun.

The human looking demon looked up from the road, his slightly pointed ears tingling with the sound of gunfire. Slowly stopping, Chrono grimaced as he came across a red light in his Ford truck.

His crimson irises glanced across the street, finding that he was all alone in this October night. "Why the hell is it red when no one's coming?"

Chrono's frown turned into a slight grin when he stepped on the gas pedal…only to run into a semi truck. Cursing slightly, Chrono lurched forward and banged his head on the horn as his Ford twirled away from the on going semi.

"This is why I prefer flying…"

The blonde woman grimaced at the blood splattered on the walls of the narrow ally. This was going to be bothersome to whoever had to clean this mess up. Walking away, she came across a phone booth and placed in two quarters and punched in some numbers.

"This is the Magdalene Order, how may I help you?"

Rosette sighed softly, "May I speak to Father Remington?"

"We're sorry, but the Minister is not here right now."

Her eyebrow rose, "Where is he?"

"That's classified information, Miss."

"Classified information my arse…"

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Hey, listen! Can you send a clean up crew down to…" Her blue eyes skimmed the streets until she came across a sign, "Fifty Fourth Street, down into the ally near the coffee shop across it?"

"May I ask who is calling?"

"Sister Rosette Christopher."

"Ahh, yes…Sister Rosette. They'll be there in five."

"Yeah and…can you do me a favor?"

"Why certainly, Sister Rosette!"

Rosette scowled, "Right…can you…ask Sister Kate where Father Remington went? I really need to talk to him."

"Will do."

There was a click on the other line.

Rosette placed the phone back to it's connection and left the phone booth and headed back to where she parked her old Ford. Gasping slightly, she saw another truck that resembled hers in complete wreckage and catching on fire.

"Holy…" Rosette started forward, but paused once she saw a figure move inside of the truck. She stepped forward, but jumped back once the door to the truck was kicked open and a shadowed figure ran out.

Rosette watched the person run in place for a moment as it looked around for something, but then turned a corner and was gone.

Rosette snapped back from her dazed features. "HEY! WAIT! YOU!" She ran down the road the shape went, but whoever it was, was gone. "Ah, man…"

She pouted briefly, but was flung forward by the sudden explosion of the car. Both the sky and her vision darkened as she shut her eyes and fell into unconsciousness.

Chrono ran down the streets of New York, pausing when he had no clue where he could go. Someone far away watched him, but he paid the person no mind as he ran down the street again.

He had to find Rosette before she did anything incredibly stupid!


"Do you think she's dead?"

"Don't be a dumb ass! Of course she isn't dead!"

"Who is she?"

"You think I would know that?"

"…Well, yeah!"

"Hey! Come look! There's a girl here!"

"A girl?"

"Let me see!"

"Great! Now a crowd is forming!"

"Isn't that a good thing?"


"Maybe someone can help her!"

"Hey, does she need medical attention?"

"I don't know…we just found her."

"Enough! All of you! Leave at once!"

"Y-yes, Sir!"

Rosette twitched when a cold hand fell down to her neck.

"Rosette…wake up."

Slowly her eyes opened and she shook her head with a slight smile, "Oh no…please don't tell me another dead person is visiting me again…"

The tall man before her grinned, "Bingo."

He helped her up to her feet. Rosette stared at the purple-eyed man with a nervous appearance, as she looked him up and down. "What's the purpose of this death visit now? First, Joshua. Then, the Lady Magdalene. And now you?"

Aion grinned, "It's fun to taunt the living with our pointless riddles of fortune."

The blonde woman looked around her surroundings. It was dark and eerie in this so called death land. The only bright things were Aion, whom was outlined with a faint silver glow that matched in with his white clothing and the numerous floating globes around them. Rosette noticed that she wasn't glowing.

"May I dare ask where I am?"

"Hmm, yes you may. Welcome, to the Spirit World." Aion announced rather lamely.

Rosette laughed nervously as she glanced around, "You mean…like Hell?"

"Something like that."

Moving out of the way of a white glowing orb, Rosette watched it float on aimlessly. "This is like when Chrono died."

Aion nodded and watched as several others floated by them. "Yes…Rosette, we do not have much time to speak."

Rosette frowned, "Why is that?"

"You can't stay here."

The blonde woman frowned, "Am I dead?"

"No…I'd say that Chrono's collusion with the semi left you knocked out on the streets."

"That was Chrono's car?"

Aion rolled his eyes; his glasses fell down to the end of his nose when he did so. "You two are so stupid! You pass by each other and don't even notice. Of course that was his car!"

"Oh…well you don't have to be mean about it!"

"Stop wasting time!"

"Okay! Then start talking!"

"Yes, as you know…I am dead." Aion stated bluntly. Rosette nodded as Aion went on; "You came here since you have a very strong connection with the dead…"

Rosette grimaced, but nodded again.

"And so I must say that you are a complete idiot."

Rosette gaped, "That's all you wanted to say?"

"How could you ever want me back after what I have committed? Rosette, you are a very smart person…but you can be so incredibly stupid! Do you know what I can do when I'm back?"

"I know exactly and that's why I have conceived a plan!"

"And that is…?" Aion asked dully.

"To not let you ever know about Pandemonium!" She chirped out cheerfully.

"And that's it?"


"…And how do you explain the mysterious wings and horns and fangs and claws and…" Aion left it at that.

"…Um…we'll just say you're special! You'll never know about Pandemonium! That doesn't mean that we can't tell you that you're a demon!"

"Uh-huh, and what does Chrono have to say about this?"

"He…doesn't really like that idea…"

"Because he knows that sooner or later I might..."

Suddenly, Aion and the gloomy world all disappeared as a person with crimson eyes jolted Rosette awake.

A/N: And that's it. I'm sorry that it took so long to get this out, but I've been REALLY, REALLY busy. I would've updated the Lines and How They Fell sooner, but I haven't even started their new chapters yet. Yeah, yeah, so sue me! Any who, all I have to say about this new story is, I have a great plans for this! And…if any of you dare to take my story, I will personally kill you. There will be no lawsuit or trials; I'll just kill you. I mean it! NOW PRESS THAT PURPLE BUTTON AND REVIEW!