I Cry Tears Of Blood

Chapter 1: And Now I Wonder

I often wondered about Ryou. How he could cope with losing his father so easily, never having known his mother, having a psycho living with him ... I guess it's just natural for him to say, "Oh well, let's move on."

I could never do that. If my father died in a cave-in accident in a tomb, I'd freak out and/or mope around for days on end. Not Ryou. Sure, he wasn't exactly happy about the whole thing, but he took it better than I'd expected. Much better.

I'd always pitied the poor guy, and seeing as he needed a friend, I moved into his life. We'd never been close, but I soon changed that. See, I was the new kid in school, and I (having never been in a public school before) had alot to learn.

So this is where my story starts. On my first day of school. Standing helplessly at my locker. Looking patheticaly clueless. And I, Marik Ishtar, despise looking pathetic.

Ryou walks up to a boy, a few inches shorter than him, standing in front of a locker, looking lost.

"You need help with that, Marik?"

The darker boy nods and Ryou smiles.

"All you have to do is use your combination. I won't ask you what it is ... just turn this knob to the left, then right, then left again. Then pull this thing up."

Marik frowned, "Sounds so simple ... your description is very detailed."

Ryou grins, "Oh come on. What else is there to know about a locker?"

The shorter boy succeeded in opening the locker, "HEY! Thanks."

"No problem. So ... what's your first class?"

Marik groaned, "Some thingy named Math ..."

"Me too! Then I have Science ... "

"Hey! So do I!" Marik grinned. "I think we have the same schedules."

Ryou looked pleased, "So we do ..."

And that's how I ended up eating lunch with him. And discussing homework. And making plans to go to each others houses for tutoring me because I couldn't make heads of tails from this ... school.

Ryou unlocked his apartment's door and tunrned to Marik, "I warn you ... my yami doesn't like strangers."

Marik grinned, "Does he bite?"

Ryou turned to him and said in a mock-grave tone, "Occasionally."

Marik walked inside the overly-neat apartment. The carpet was spotless, the walls white, not a spec of dust to be found anywhere. Marik was a bit frightened of this excessive cleanliness at first but soon made up his mind that he too would excercise this method of life.

The two boys walked over to Ryou's room which was also spotlessly neat. Marik looked over the British boy's belongings and turned to see Ryou looking at him with an anxious sort of expression.

"I like it here. Very ... clean. And white. I like that."

Ryou grinned, "Great."

He walked over to his desk and took out the necessary supplies. Marik sat next to him as Ryou started explaining what sounded to him like mumbo-jumbo. And after three hours straight, Marik still did not understand the concept of simple Algebra, or Geometry, or square roots for that matter. After hearing Ryou go through the process for the millionth time, Marik threw his 'notes' in the air.

"When am I going to need this, Ryou! Answer me! What do I care that the Americans won the Revolutionary War! Why should I give a shit that Kings Play Chess On Fine Green Salads!"

Ryou looked at him with patient eyes ready to explain EVERYTHING all over again when they heard another British voice.

This one though, was darker and deeper than Ryou's, "That's the spirit! Power to the people! We're created equal!"

Marik grinned at the wild-haired boy leaning on the doorframe, "A government of the people! By the people! For the people!"

The taller boy grinned also and joined the game, "I have a dream!"

"Pythagorean Theorem!"

"Liberty and Justice for all!"

"Can you hear me now!"

"Honor, Family, Tradition, and Donuts!"

"Viva Mexico!"

"We will rock you!"

"Domo Arigatou!"

"Pi times circumference!"


"John Han-Cock!"

As the two crazy boys disolved into a fit of giggles Ryou frowned, "ENOUGH!"

Marik sighed and looked at him, "Chill out, I'm sick of all this 'learning'. I think I'll take a rest."

Ryou looked a bit sad, "But you've only one one problem."

"That's okay! I've only got 49 left! Anyway, the only reason i got to school is because Isis makes me ... she's the only one who can make me do anything ... Oh my Isis ..."

The messy-haired boy cheered, "You like Linkin' Park?"

Marik grinned, "They're awsome!"

They left Ryou for Bakura's room.

Bakura threw himself on his bed and reached under his bed for his CDs. "I LOVE Crawling!"

Marik shrugged, "I like Points of Authority."

Bakura nodded, "Me too. What other bands you like?"

"Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Three Doors Down, Limp Bizkit, Metallica ... lots more. I just can't think right now."

Bakura grinned, "What about the Backstreet Boys?"

"EW! Hell no."

"Britney Spears is hot."

"NO WAY! Nasty taste Bakura ... yuck!"

"Come on ... her songs are fun ..."

Ryou scratched his head as he struggled with a math problem. Soon he heard Bakura's stereo full blast with Britney Spears' song Toxic.

He walked over, annoyed and opened the door, "Can you guys keep it down-?"


Ryou's eyes narowed as he saw Bakura and Marik dancing on Bakura's bed, and laughing, and just having wild fun.

"I'm trying to concentrate!"


Ryou covered his ears and slammed the door closed. "I'll never get any work done here!"

He started gathering up his things.

Marik sighed as he saw Ryou sitting on the stairs, doing his homework.

Marik walked over and sat next to him, "Hey?"

Ryou kept looking for something in his backpack. He answered flatly, "Hello Mr. Ishtar."

"MR. Ishtar! Now I know something's wrong! Are you mad at me?"

"I might be if I KNEW you."

"Oh come off it! You know me ... I'm your friend ... c'mon Ryou ..."

Ryou looked away, "I was supposed to teach you enough that you could survive tommorow in class."

"I'm sorry. Maybe we should go to my house. isis is always there to whip me staright in line."

Ryou looked into Marik's eyes, "You really love her ... your sister I mean."

Marik nodded, "Yup. She's the coolest girl in the world. And that's to say something ... I disklike girls ..."

Ryou's eyes widened, "Are you ... well ... um ..."

"Yeah, I'm gay. Always have been."

"Whoah ... "

"Yeah I know. So how about it? My place ...?"

Ryou sighed and looked at his open book, "I don't know."

Marik poked him in the ribs, "The evil monster command you! Say yes ..."

"Stop Marik ... I still don't know ... It's late ... "

"It's six-thiry! C'mon ..."

"It's late ..."

Marik tickled Ryou, "Say yes!"

"Marik ... stop ..."

Marik pinned Ryou to the wall, "Yes!"

He continued to tickle Ryou mercilessly until Ryou was laughing uncontrollably.

Marik suddenly stopped, "Last chance to say yes!"

"Fine! Yes ... yes ... we'll go."

"Great! BAKURA!"

Ryou looked dismayed, "He's coming too?"

"Sure! I mean, it wouldn't be the same without him ..."

Ryou fisted his hands as he looked at the floor, "No ... It wouldn't be ..."

A/N: Kay yeah ... I hope I didn't give too much away too soon. The fact still remains this is going to be a weeeeird story. "winks"

Yep ... insanity is a factor in the story ... nothing to be afraid of ... nothing MUCH anyway ...

So yeah. Any ... thoughts on it? R&R PLZ! You pplz are the only thing that keeps me goin'!

"sniffle" So yeah, R&R!