a/n: A cute little fluffy bunny-plot. Hope you like!

Buenos Noches

A cool ocean breeze drifting in the open window woke me around 3 o'clock AM. Well, not so much that as my baby daughters shrieking their lungs out. Josephina and Carmen. God graced us with not one baby girl, but two. Jesse's babies. Our babies. Born on April 28th, 2015, like little angels, bringing incredible amounts of joy into our already perfect lives. I cannot even begin to describe how happy Jesse was.

Their wailing intensified, rousing Jesse from his slumber. I groaned and kissed him gently before pushing the covers back and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. Jesse's warm hand closed around my wrist and pulled me back under the red bedspread. His inky-black eyes were loving as he said quietly,

"Querida. Stay here. I will go."

"Jesse," I said, as he slipped out of bed and moved towards the door, "this is the second time tonight. You deserve some sleep."

He looked back and smiled, flashing his perfect white teeth, "Mi querida, I do not mind."

"But Jesse..."

"Susannah. Go back to sleep."

I sighed and stared at the ceiling, watching the moonlight cast shadows along the smooth surface. The screaming from the next room quietened almost immediately. A soft smile curved my lips. Jesse loved his daughters so much. They were going to be such daddy's girls.

I heard Jesse's smooth voice coming from the nursery. Curious, I wrapped my robe around myself and tiptoed down the hallway. The moonlight made everything look silvery and ethereal, as if a mist was just settling softly on all the flat surfaces. I peered around the doorframe of the nursery.

Jesse stood, cradling both Josephina and Carmen against his strong chest.

"Mis dos niñas preciosas, papi te ama mucho," he whispered, softly kissing each beautiful little girl gently. He swayed slowly, and Carmen gurgled quietly. "Son dos angeles mandados del cielo. Mis niñas especiales."

My heart swelled and I let a happy sigh escape me as a lump formed in my throat. Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes, and began to flow, unchecked.

"Ojalá que crezcan felices y con buena saludquerida," Jesse noticed me as I let out a particularly loud sniffle, "I thought I told you to go back to sleep."

"I heard you talking," I murmured, swiping a sleeve across my cheek, trying to dry the overflow of water.

"Querida," Jesse leaned over and kissed my cheeks, my eyelids, my lips. This, of course, caused my tears to fall faster. He was so perfect

In Jesse's arms, Josephina began to squall and wave her tiny fists around, hitting Carmen, who also started to wail. I pulled Carmen from the crook of Jesse's elbow and, rocking slowly, cooed at her softly.

"Hush, my love. Mommy's here. Don't cry…"

Her small pinched face relaxed, the creases in her tiny brow smoothed. Her loud wails turned into gentle whines that quietened as she burrowed into my chest and stuck a thumb in her mouth. Her breathing slowed as she fell asleep. I carried her to her crib and laid her inside its pine bars. She looked like a little angel, curled into a tight little ball.

Jesse came up behind me and I startled when I felt his breath on the back of my neck. His strong arms wrapped around my waist and he leaned in to kiss me softly on the neck.

"Go to bed, Susannah."

I turned in his arms and kissed him on the lips gently with as much love as I had in my entire being. I pulled my lips from his and, with a last kiss to each of our sleeping daughters, I walked softly back out into the hall. I stopped short as, once again, Jesse's smooth voice emanated from the nursery. I looked back to see Jesse reach into two cribs and smooth two locks of hair from two brows, and kissed two identical little girls.

"Mis bebitas bonitas…Buenos noches, chicas."

a/n: Aww. Jesse's a perfect dad! Review, please!

PS Thanks to anyone who reviewed my other one-shot, Proposal! You made me feel special!
