Title: Wolf Demon

Authors: Dragonfly and Inky Heart

Summary: Harry finds himself in another situation that he won't be able to walk unscratched out of. During the summer he finds himself turned into a wolf demon and not just any wolf demon either. His is a submissive one and in need of finding his dominate. Just who might his dominant be? It will be all revealed in the story so read.

Rating: This story will be rated in the upper R ratings. There will be a warning when a sexual scene will pop up so do not worry about that. There will also be male pregnancy involved. You have been warned. Bwahahahahaha.

Note: I am finally back, bwahahaha. I am sorry to all my veiwers for my extremely long absence but I am back for good. I'll be ubdating at the very least once a week, if not more. Well I better let you all read the chapter now since it has been a long time eh?

Harry woke up early the next morning feeling strangly refreashed and rested. Sitting up while, still clinging to Draco's cloak, he looked around sleepilly before remembering everything that had happened the other night with a sight. Running a hand through his hair, he unconciously pulled the cloak closer before a small smile graced his lips while he relished in breathing in the other's scent.

It was simply a wonderful feeling, to feel so safe and secure even if it was just from the scent from the cloak. Shaking his head at the thought, he stretched out a bit before dully noting that he needed a bath, though that could wait until he could see Draco again. A lazy smile graced his lips at the thought before he laid back down again and curled up with a small yawn. Meanwhile Draco Malfoy was being woken up in a completely different manner.

"Psst... Master Malfoy, wake up. You have a visitor..." The voice was annoying, buzzing in his ear. Draco rolled over in his bed, clearly not a morning person. "G'way." He mumbled, yawning. "Please, sir... Mister Malfoy."The house elf said, trembling. He didn't want Draco to get angry with him, he slowly stepped away from the bed as Draco eyes fluttered open, narrowing.

"Who is here this early?" He snapped now sitting up in his bed, uncomfortable from the feeling of sleeping in his clothes. "Professor Snape." The house elf said quietly.

"Mm..." Draco said now pushing himself up from his bed. "Clothes." He snapped at the house elf, which trotted off to get fresh new clothes for the young Malfoy. Changing into them quickly once he had recieved the clothes, Draco once again fixed his hair into perfection. Leaving his room he was greeted by Snape, who was leaning against the wall with a stern look gracing his face.

"Mr.Malfoy. Mind explaining this?" He held up the letter. As Draco headed for Harry's room he slowly began explaining, pausing at times feeling awkward. Snape repeated I see, I see... a lot of times causing him to feel awkward a bit more. After a while a bottle was pulled from Snape's pocket when Draco told them that they were approaching the room. A potion of some sort. Draco nodded towards the guard, who opened the door slowly.The site that greeted them was Harry Potter jumping to his ffet before suddenly retreating to the corner of the room, cowering. Draco pushed open the door a bit more though he used slow and careful movements in order to not scare his mate anymore.

"Harry?" Draco asked gently as he entered the room slowly with Snape following behind him, rolling his eyes. "Could you hurry this along Mr.Malfoy? Its Potter for goodness-" he stopped, remembering what Draco had been explaining to him prior to entering the room.
Harry, who was about to respond to Draco froze as he heard Snape. He whimpered softly before cowering a bit more into his corner before suddenly moving underneath the closest desk muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again.

Draco quickly started to head towards Harry, but Snape put a hand to Draco shoulder. "Stay over there for a bit." Snape stated firmly. Draco frowned but nodded, moving over to the other corner of the room, leaning against the wall watching as Snape headed towards Potter carefully.

"Potter." Snape said now frowning deeply, holding the bottle in his hand. The bottle contained a purple looking thick liquid. "I made something to hide what you..." He paused to glance at Potter, "Have grown. It would only last you the day though... to get through your classes." Snape slowly un-screwed the top of the small bottle, seeing Potter wouldn't most likely let him near him. Slowly, Snape tried it, stepping towards the boy.
The reaction that came out of Harry was almost instant as he cowered underneath the desk more, going in all out hysteria.

"Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry...please don't." He begged as he curled in himself. "I promise to be good...please don't." Harry stated, tears running down his cheeks.The reaction that he had recieved caused Snape to pause before shaking his head.

"Mr.Malfoy..." He called over the young man, who slowly headed over. "Here." Carefully, he handed Malfoy the small bottle. "You try it."

Draco nodded, taking the bottle in his hand. "Harry." He cleared his throat again; it was going to be a bit till he was use to saying that name. "No one is going to hurt you." he whispered now moving towards the boy. Harry shivered in fear for a few moments more before nodding his head.

"Okay Draco." He stated softly before looking at the potion. "It's not posion is it?" He sqeaked with unease suddenly before looking down silently. Draco let out a small laugh, as Snape narrowed his eyes. "Of course it isn't Potter." Snape snapped causing Draco to narrow his eyes, the grey darkening as he looked at Snape. Turning back to Harry he offered a small comforting smile.

"No, it's not. It might taste a little funny... and the affect might hurt... a bit." He frowned, "But it will make them go away." Handing Harry the bottle, he offered another small smile, hoping that Harry would take the potion.
"O..Okay." Harry stated softly before taking the potion in his hands. He sniffed at it for a moment before finally downing the potion. It took a moment, before the effects took place. He winced as the appendages finally were forced back inside of his body, taking a grand total of two minutes to complete.
Draco's own body was tense as he watched while Snape seemed to soak in the glory that his potion had work. After he watched Potter for a moment he glanced to Malfoy before bringing up the topic that really needed to be examined.

"Mr.Malfoy... I believe I should take Potter back with me. This place... isn't the safest." he paused glancing around, "As you know. I'll make sure he is watched over, and you two can... meet up back at School." Draco frowned immedately as he turned to Snape, his voice holding bitterness.

"I was waiting a long time to get him here! I am just not letting you take him away." He snapped. "You can meet up at School. Which is coming close. I advise you to get your books ready. I'll wait out in the hall. Don't expect me to wait long." Snape added, ignoring Draco's statement. If the boys knew what was best for them this was going to be the best choice of action to take.

"I don't want to leave." Harry stated, not wanting to leave Draco now that he finally felt safe and secure for once in his pitiful life. He didn't know what he would do without Draco. He shivered at the thought before moving to cling onto Draco tightly now. Draco paused for a moment in thought, a pale hand moving through Harry's hair.

"Well, he has a point. This place isn't the safest." He said, "School's in a couple of days." Actually, a couple of days sounded like forever to him. Knowing if he was away from Harry to long, self-control would fly out the window, he would destory anything in sight.

"But I don't want to go." Harry stated softly, not letting go of Draco as he moved closer to him. He didn't care that the place wasn't safe as long as he was near Draco, though he silently knew that this was the best option they had. A hard knock on the door signified Snapes impatients, Who was pacing back and forth in front of it.

Draco narrowed his eyes at the door, a small growl of annoyance coming from deep in his throat. "Well, you're going." Draco tone had gotten a little snappy from his usually soft tones. He wasn't going to let Potter destroy all of what he use to be, even though it seemed impossible at the moment having Harry this close. "Come on. Snapes waiting."

"Fine." Harry stated with a sigh before groaning. "All my stuff is at the Dursleys." he stated softly with a shudder. He really did not want to go back there to get it. He sighed to himself as he got up, knowing that he should do what Draco had told him to do.

"I'll send someone to go get them. Give the durleys a bit of surprise." Draco said, pausing, a hand placing on Harry's cheek, body moving close. He would pounce on Harry that very moment if it wasnt for Snape or his self-control. "Jealousy issues remember... I don't want to see you near anyone like this." His thumb brushed over Harry's bottom lip again. Another hard knock was heard upon the door.

Harry nodded at that as he looked up at Draco before sighing softly. "Can I have something that at least smells of you?" He asked before blushing at how weird the request probably sounded now. Draco let a smirk grace over his lips, and nodded. "You could always take that cloak... I have many others."

"Mr.Malfoy..." Snapes voice was faint through the door, as he knocked once again. "Okay. Thankyou." Harry stated with a smile before moving to grab the cloak and wrapped it around him. "I'll see you at Hogwarts then." He stated with a small smile now. Draco nodded, "Of course." Draco moved towards the door, opening it revealing a irritated look upon Snape's face. "Thank you Snape."

"Professor Snape, Mr.Malfoy." He reminded him, "Ready Potter?" The proffessor asked. "Yeah." Harry stated before hesitantly moving over to Snape. He looked at Draco a moment longer before sighing. This was going to be a long few days. Draco let a small smile spread over his lips. As he looked at Harry.

"O.K, enough of this." Snape said feeling a bit akward, "Mr.Malfoy see you at Hogwarts soon. Come on." Snape said walking down the hallway, towards a port key he had created to the Malfoy Manor from hogwarts. Harry looked at Snape hesitantly before running over to Draco in order to give him one last hug. "See you at Hogwarts." He stated with a smile before moving over to where Snape was with the port key. Draco smiled, and nodded. "Can't wait." He whispered, "literally."

"O.K." Hesitantly, not wanting to get near Potteror touch him shince he didn't know how he would react, Snape grabbed a piece of the clock that was wrapped around Potter as his hand reached out, clamping down on the book which was the port key. Soon, it began tugging them towards it, porting them to hogwarts. Meanwhile Draco called one of the house elfs in to arrange to get Harry's things at the dursleys. "Yes, Master." The house elf quickly ran off to do the task.

Hmm, well there is the new chapter. Another one will be posted sometime this week or next week, I promise. Gives everyone a pinky promise thing. Well off I go, Review please and hopefully not too many people will yell at me for my absense.