Title: Wolf Demon

Authors: Dragonfly and Inky Heart

Summary: Harry finds himself in another situation that he won't be able to walk unscratched out of. During the summer he finds himself turned into a wolf demon and not just any wolf demon either. His is a submissive one and in need of finding his dominate. Just who might his dominant be? It will be all revealed in the story so read.

Rating: This story will be rated in the upper R ratings. There will be a warning when a sexual scene will pop up so do not worry about that. There will also be male pregnancy involved. You have been warned. Bwahahahahaha.

Harry sighed as he rubbed in some ointment into yet another cut he had received from his uncle. He had been beaten up, yet again, and he couldn't do anything about it… No, that was a lie. He could do something about it if he wanted to but lately he just felt so, well to put it lightly scared. He was also extremely jumpy, as if he knew something was going to happen yet he didn't know what it was yet.

"Stupid nerves." Harry muttered as he finished his task, wincing as he stood up in order to do the afternoon's chores. Aching all over, he began to start the task of weeding the garden's in silence, his mind escaping him for the moment.

Now if you looked at Harry now, you would be able to notice how much he had changed over the summer. His hair had grown slightly longer, though not much. Harry's skin was as pale as milk, though he was tall and strong. He was about the height of 6'3, having finally gone through his growth spurt and was a lot stronger from all the chores he had been doing. Despite all of these, he uncle still managed to beat him up and beat him up good as well. Harry never broke though; at least he didn't show it if he did. He wanted to appear strong though often times he just wanted to curl up in his room and die.

Well you two weeks till he would finally be back to Hogwarts. At least he would be able to look towards that and his birthday, which would occur tonight. Maybe for a birthday present he would be able to be taken away from this…this hellhole, though he doubted that that would happen.

"Harry Potter, come in here right this minute and start dinner!" His Aunt Petunia hollered at the young wizard. Flinching at the sound of her voice, Harry stood, muttering a soft 'Yes Aunt Petunia's under his breath before dusting his dirtied oversized jeans off.

Taking a deep intake of air, Harry shook his head before entering the house. Eyes were downcast towards the clean floor as he made his way into the kitchen.

"We are going to have important guests over from your Uncle's company over tonight. You know what that means." Petunia snapped, waiting to hear Harry's response.

"That I am going to cook dinner to perfection then go up to my room and be as quiet as a mouse." Harry recited holding back the urge to roll his eyes. Petunia sent a sharp glare towards him before Beginning to get what she could ready.

Harry watched Aunt Petunia leave the kitchen before whipping up a dinner, all the while managing to sneak a few things into his pockets to nibble on later. Setting the table about half an hour before the supposed guest was supposed to come, Harry sighed in slight relief. Everything was set and he most likely was going to be safe from another beating now. Washing up the pots and pans he had used, Harry then walked to his room silently. Oh how he wished that someone would be here to actually care for him but like that would ever happen.

Shaking his head at the thoughts, Harry entered his bedroom then laid down on the nice warm small bed. Looking up at the ceiling then over at the clock, Harry noted that he would be 16 in approximately five hours.

"Happy early birthday to me." Harry mumbled to himself before nibbling on a few crackers before looking at Hedwig's empty cage sadly. He had sent Hedwig to Ron and had told her to stay put for the summer and she had. HE was completely and utterly alone and there was nothing that he could do about it. Trying to rid himself of those feelings, Harry silently curled up in a ball and soundly fell asleep.

Harry's dreams were surprisingly nightmare free this night, until he felt a sudden chill. This caused Harry to stir and eventually wake up. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Harry noted that the time was blurred. Blinking, he realized that his glasses had fallen off at one point. Groping around blindly, Harry finally found his said glasses and pulled them on. Blinking a few times he looked at the clock again and noted that it was 11:58.

"Hmm…2 minutes to my lonely birthday." Harry muttered under his breath. Shaking his head, Harry rested his head back on his pillow before warily sitting up and hugged his knees to his chest. He just couldn't fall back asleep now. For some reason he knew that something big was going to happen but what? He was probably just being paranoid right? Well whatever he was feeling he was sure that it couldn't be too bad.

Half a minute left till he would turn sixteen. Man how fast did time fly by. Pretty soon he would be back to his home, Hogwarts, and would be surrounded by his friends once again. He silently wondered how much they had changed but shrugged the feeling off.

10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2...This was it…yes this was it. 1...0

Harry had to bit back a sudden yelp of pain as he body began to shift. What was happening? All he knew was that it hurt like hell. He managed to hold back his yells for only a while, not wanting to wake anyone in the house especially the guest that was sleeping over. He would be killed if he did that…but he wasn't able to hold in his screams any longer as his body began to shift in change. It was so painful, so painful in fact that he didn't notice their guest, a young man, suddenly run into the room.

It was only but a moment before he was engulfed his warm arms and was suddenly pulled out of the room, still screaming in pain. The next thing he knew both himself and his personal belongings had be apparated into a house, obviously someone had sensed the change that was taking place in him and had transported him here. It took a while longer for his body to stop convulsing before he was finally able to breath on his own without the intense pain. Blinking, he noticed that something fuzzy yet stick with blood was wrapped around him. Not only that but he had bloody shrunk and appeared to have no muscle

With a soft groan, Harry managed to find that the fuzzy wet sticky thing was a tail. He had remembered reading about this over the summer, but had never expected this to happen to him. He was a bloody wolf demon and a submissive one too. That must mean that if he had a dominant that the dominant must have known that he was his mate even before he transformed.

Shivering in shock, Harry looked up at the male who had taken him here. "Welcome to Malfoy manner, your mate had requested me to bring you here Mister Potter. Good day and good luck..." The male stated oddly before turning and walking off, leaving Harry to his own demesne.

Please read and review. The next chapter will be posted up shortly.