Author's Note: I think I took a pretty long time updating… or did I? Thanks to everyone who reviewed! Hahaha, update just for you!

Disclaimer: Me thinks this is getting really annoying… I do not own the Teen Titans… yet.

Slade observed his young apprentice on the monitor, pounding his fists and screaming, like a toddler throwing a tantrum. The novice deserved to be punished for such pathetic behavior, but he deserted the idea. No need to make him hate being a villain more when he had just started to taste it.

Watching Robin yell at the high heavens, mumbling words and blaming himself, reminded the mastermind of himself when he just started his work as a mercenary. No one was born evil, anyway. But being hired to kill people as his job, he soon learned to harden up. People died everyday, he just took their life probably a couple of years earlier. Robin needed to understand this. It was harder for him, for he had to kill his friends, but there came a day in every villain's life where you had to sacrifice those you care for, for the greater good.

The greater good of gaining control.


"Raven! Where are you?" Cyborg called across of Titans Tower, or what was left of it. It had been precisely 20 minutes since he had been woken up by Raven screaming into the communicator, him gathering his stuff closest to him, running out of the Tower just before it fell, meeting Beast boy and Starfire, and finding out his other friend was missing.


"Friend Raven! Oh, where have you gone?" Starfire tried to choke back her tears. She had a good reason to cry. Their home was destroyed, one of her remaining friends was nowhere to be seen, and she still had no idea what was going on.


"Rae? Come on! Speak up!" Beast boy checked the crevices of the huge pile of rubble that had once been Titans Tower. He thought that Raven hollering from the communicator was her idea of a joke, but there was nothing funny about seeing falling chunks of debris from the ceiling of his room.


Raven woke up with an awful pain in her leg… and every other part of her body. She opened her eyes, but only saw light through small cracks on the… oh no! The Tower! Everything came rushing back to her… Robin… the blinking light… the Titans… the Tower… wait, the other Titans! Where are they? Are they alright?

"Rae! Where are you?" It was Cyborg's voice. Thank goodness.

"Cy! Down here!" Speaking was harder than she thought. She was under a heap of wreckage, after all.

"Rae! Hang on, we're coming!" Now it was Beast boy. A sudden flash of light made her squint, then the familiar features of a green T-rex.

"Friend Raven! You are unharmed?" Came Starfire's worried tone.

She was about to nod her head, when the pain in her leg came back. It was still under an enormous rock. It seemed to be a simpler job, for Beast boy only needed the strength of a gorilla to lift it off. A terrible shock awaited them.

Her leg was not how it used to be, that being a big understatement. It was bloodied, broken and twisted, her bone almost sticking out. It looked ghastly. Gasps went from the mouths of their teammates. Starfire instinctively tore a portion of Raven's cloak to wrap around her injured leg. While Cyborg, trying to keep calm, gently picked her up when the Tamaranian finished bandaging.

"We gotta get you to a hospital, Rae." He said, putting her on horse Beast boy's back. While Beast boy dashed towards the city, Starfire carried Cyborg as they followed their teammates.

Raven tried to keep from crying; the dreadful hurting in her leg was too much to bear. She watched the reactions of her teammates when they saw it: Beast boy looked scared, Starfire seemed like she was about to throw up but then held it back, and Cyborg appeared sympathetic and worried. But more than the appalling pain her leg, she couldn't forget the sadness Robin was causing her. It certainly looked like him, but how can that be? Robin was their leader, their friend. The things he promised, he wouldn't break them. She knew him enough to know he'd rather die than to betray his friends' trust again. But still, it was unmistakably him. Somehow, Slade must have found a way to make him turn back again. Even though they believed he was safe, that nothing would make him deceive them again, something did. He looked exactly like he did when he became Slade's apprentice: the snarl he wore on his face, the familiar attire that indicated his treachery, the mask that was raked upwards, two wicked, curled, almost claw-like extensions accenting his brow, giving him an almost predator-like stare. Except that instead of looking unwilling to fight, it was almost like he actually enjoyed what he was doing, namely, blowing up the Tower and killing them.

Her friends were hesitant and quiet, and Raven could tell they were eager to ask her what exactly was going on. But seeing her injured leg, they knew they had to wait. And she was grateful towards them for it.

They crossed the boundary of Jump City, and Raven wondered where exactly Cyborg's idea of a hospital was.

"BB, stop right over that building." Cyborg instructed.

Beast Boy turned to half-human half-horse form, so he can still carry Raven on his back and talk at the same time. "Dude, that's not the hospital!"

"No, it's not." Cyborg replied. "It's my uncle's laboratory. He's an expert on robotics, like my dad."

Starfire put him down, and he took Raven from Beast boy's back.

Raven was horrified. He can't be serious… can't he?

Cyborg seemed to have read her mind, as he shook his head sympathetically.

"I'm sorry Rae. There's no saving your leg anymore. There are only two possible solutions: amputation, and I'm sure no body wants that, or a replacement."

She nodded, unsure of what to make out of everything.

The rest of what happened was a blur to Raven. She remembered being introduced to Professor Robert Stone, her leg being treated and examined, and being somewhere that resembled a hospital operating room.

"Raven, I'm still not sure of what the results may be here, but I'll try to do whatever I can. Are you ready for any consequences?" Robert Stone asked her. He was probably in his late forties, with a shaved head except for tufts of graying hair at the sides, and solemn but gentle black eyes behind round-rimmed spectacles.

He seemed to be a kind man, Raven thought. She answered with a weak "Yes" knowing she didn't really have a choice.

"Okay, here we go." Robert injected her with an anesthetic shot.

"We'll be hoping for the best, Rae." Beast Boy said, giving her a little smile.

"We will always be present, Friend Raven, whenever you are in need of our assistance." Starfire followed, squeezing her hand.

Cyborg said something, but Raven didn't hear it anymore, as the chemical made her drowsy. It was chloroform.


"That was excellent work, Robin. Brilliantly executed." Slade said upon Robin's arrival to the lair.

"Thank you, master." Robin made a half-hearted bow.

"In fact, it's worthy of a reward. Don't you agree?"

Robin's eyes were snapped open. A reward?

"Yes, Robin. I believe a mighty warrior such as yourself deserve an equally superior name.

"Robin was the name of the undisputed hero you once were, who fought for justice and truth. It stood for the hero who protected the innocent and defended the weak. The hero who roamed to city streets on patrol for crime. But is not appropriate for the villain you have become now.

"Therefore, I shall give you a more suitable identity."

He motioned for Robin to come closer.

"Robin, once of the Teen Titans, do you solemnly swear to obey my every command, even until the death?"

He was taken aback by the unexpected question, but he answered with what Slade wanted to hear. "Yes."

"Do you swear to fight by side forever, despite all the consequences that follow, and never depart from your position?"


"Do you swear to uphold my alliance and carry it with you wherever you go?"


"Therefore, are you truly prepared to be my apprentice, Robin?"

There was a slight hesitation on Robin's part. He breathed deeply. "I am."

"Now, you need a name that suits your daunting demeanor. A name that strikes fear and anxiety to all those who hear it.

"From this day forward, I rename you Legion, whose value amounts to an army of soldiers in the battlefield. I send you forth to wreak havoc and destruction whenever I bid you to do so. I require you to be vicious, dishonorable and ruthless to all opponents. Do not displease me.

"From this day forward, you are Robin no more, but my apprentice.

"Your first order as Legion is to never let this moment pass from your memory. Because today, we have just made history.

"You are dismissed."

He got up to leave, but Slade wasn't done yet.

"One more thing, apprentice…"

Slade turned his back on him.

"From this day forward, you will refer to me as Master Deathstroke."


Raven woke up, no longer feeling pain in her lag, but numbness. She instantly what happened.

"Operation was a success, Rae." Cyborg greeted. "Uncle Robert said your leg will feel numb for awhile, as your body is not yet fully connected to the new mechanical limb."

"Friend Raven, I see you have awakened." Starfire went in the room, carrying a food tray. "I have brought you herbal tea and brownies, which I have baked myself. I have considered learning to make a most favorable pastry, in order to make you feel cheerful in your condition."

"Thank you." Raven said, gratefully taking a bite.

Gorilla Beast boy suddenly appeared carrying a huge stack of books.

"Hey Rae! I got these from the library. Your favorite authors. Okay, A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Wish List, Artemis Fowl, The Supernaturalist… and whole bunch of other books!"

"Thanks, BB." After Beast boy put the books on the table, Raven's curiosity poured out.

"Cy, where's your uncle? I wanna thank him… for, um… this."

"Resting. I don't think it occurred to you, but the operation lasted for 19 hours. At least it paid off. Wanna see?"

"Yes. Very much."

Starfire helped her sit up. Cyborg threw back the blanket that was draped over her. A small gasp came out from her mouth upon seeing her new leg.

It was the same slender shape and size, but the robotic parts were obvious. It was much like Cyborg's, only the main color were different shades of purple.

"Cy, it's… it's… remarkable. How does your family come up with this?"

"Years of studies in robotics. I was gonna be a scientist myself, but the accident made me an experiment instead."

"Oh." Raven said shortly. "It's amazing. What's it made of, anyway?" She fingered her new limb.

"Fiber-glass and steel alloy. That's why it looks pretty impressive, not to mention that it's nearly indestructible. The latest in robotics technology. This is more advanced than those in N.A.S.A. itself." Cyborg couldn't help brag, despite the current situation.

"Now, now, Victor. No use being cocky." Professor Robert Stone said amusingly from the doorway. "How are you feeling, Raven?"

"Much better. Thank you."

Robert Stone briefed her on the mechanical leg.

"A couple more days, or hours maybe, you might be able to operate on it, if you are persistent enough. It will work just like your biological one when you get used to it. I couldn't help myself, so I also installed a few gadgets. This button activates a built-in tracking device, while this switch triggers a wide variety of what we call 'a high-tech army knife.' Turning this knob will generate a laser beam hotter than the surface of the sun, and this… this is a new feature."

Stone made a keypad surface appear, and punched in a series of symbols and a rocket emerged at the soles, with a screen showing increasing numbers. Robert turned it off and faced Raven.

"That was a high speed rocket, and it is capable of going up to 27.5 miles per second. Even Victor doesn't have it in his system. But I don't think you always need to go that fast, so you can adjust the speed. The code changes every 13 minutes according to a pattern. The data you need to operate it is in a compartment at the heel. Additionally, the limb is also reattachable.

"Also, the solar batteries may be replaced by fuel-powered ones. But I suggest you use solar as long as you are in the daylight, to save the fuel.

"I think that's about everything you need…"

"How about blueprints?" Cyborg interrupted.

"Ah, yes. Always the detective I see, Victor. Well, I figured blueprints might be of use to you someday, so I made two copies, all original. One for Raven, and one for myself."

He handed Raven the sheet of paper, which she tucked inside one of the only possessions she saved: The Book of Azar.

"Thank you, professor. Thank you, all of you. For everything. So I guess I owe you enough to tell you exactly what is going on."

"I believe that I should leave you all alone now." Professor Stone exited quietly. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to approach me."

As the door closed, all eyes turned to Raven.

Author's Note: Ooooh! Is that a cliffie? Haha! I'm so evil! Was it good? Great? Or a disappointment! Let me know what you friggin' think!

Professor Robert Stone: I made him up as I know very little about the comic origins of the characters.

A Series of Unfortunate events, The Wish list, Artemis Fowl, The Supernaturalist: I adore these books. Enough said.

Haha! And with the "Raven new leg" thing… all in good time. As usual, because I hate know-it-alls, don't come 'round bombarding me with medical theories, for I have no idea what I just put in there except for the fact that the fastest rocket available in N.A.S.A. has a speed of 27.4 m/s, so I made Raven's 0.1 seconds faster. Hehe

As for renaming Robin, it was one thing I told myself I would never change from the plot, even when this fic was just a couple of chapters long. The first suggestions of his new name were 'Mayhem' or 'Havoc' but I thought that 'Legion' sounded equally superior. I also learned it was the name of some demons in hell put together, which also means 'multitude' so I stuck with it.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings…