Disclaimer: I do not own the Incredibles. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this for no profit.

A/N: Let me explain genes for those of you who have no knowledge of genetics. There are dominant genes and recessive genes. Dominant genes always overpower recessive genes. In this story, the super gene is a recessive gene, meaning it will only show up in a person who receives a super gene from each parent, meaning both parents would have to be super. I hope that made some sort of sense. Anyway, on with the story! Also, I have heard that Bob's surname was Golden before he had to go underground, but I'm sticking with Parr because I like it better.

Forbidden Love

Chapter 1

"Due to fear of superhuman dominance, Congress has passed a legislation banning supers from marrying supers. This will hopefully settle any worries that the everyday public has concerning— "

Helen Truax angrily turned the television off. 'How dare they?' she thought. 'Everyday public indeed. They just want to make sure that we know that they still have the power!' However, what else could be expected? They were politicians after all.

Helen sighed. At least she didn't have anything to worry about. She had eyes for only one man. Bob Parr, her boyfriend of six months, was truly one in a million. He was handsome, kind, considerate, romantic…she could go on and on extolling his virtues. She had fallen for him from the moment they met and had kept falling every moment they spent together. He was the only man for her.

'Is that exactly true?'

She hated that thought, but she could not deny it's truth. She had tried for months to get Mr. Incredible out of her head. She couldn't even think about Bob because fantasies of him would morph into Mr. Incredible and vice versa. Every time she met him as Elastigirl, she felt her heart flutter. But she didn't love him, did she? Of course not, she loved Bob! She couldn't be in love with two men at once!

'It doesn't matter. Even if I did love him, there's no future for us thanks to this new legislation. I can live happily ever after with Bob.'

"Hey, Incredible!"

Mr. Incredible, a.k.a. Bob Parr, smiled. "Hey, Frozone."

"Man, did you hear about that new bill?" the ice-hero asked.

"Yeah, I heard about it. Doesn't affect me though," he replied.

"Are you sure?" Frozone asked.

"Helen isn't a super."

"I wasn't referring to Helen. I was talking about Elastigirl."

"I don't know what you're talking about," the super strong man answered.

"I've seen the way you two look at each other."

"I love Helen."

"Well that's good. Cause you have no future with Elastigirl according to the government."

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