Authors' Note
Yes, this is a Dark x Daisuke fic. This chapter has been updated fully now, so please enjoy the fullness that I had intended for the chapter. ; I would like to thank those that graced me with wonderful reviews, even though this was just a skeleton of a chapter before. The reviews fueled me to actually finish writing the chapter, and begin the next one. Oh, yes… Shameless plug time! My friend, The Curtain, has some awesome fics you should read! She's hard to find through the search, sadly, so there should be a link to her in my profile.
I don't own DNAngel, but I do enjoy the manga!
I have decided to place this warning in every chapter, so nobody will forget and get angry with me at the end. Symbolically, the story ends well, but really it doesn't end well. Don't expect a great ending, please.
Chapter One
Dark mists surrounded him, cutting the already low visibility even lower. It was true that the recesses of his mind were dark, and somewhat gloomy, but at least they didn't terrify him witless. He felt as if he was being hunted, but no matter where he looked he couldn't see anything that might indicate a pursuer. Daisuke gulped down a few nerves, and hoped that he was wrong.
The boy was shocked when he realized he wasn't floating, but as he moved it was clear he was on solid ground. The stone floor was cold against his feet, and he shivered somewhat as the room seemed to become colder by the second. Murky yellow lights flashed on, and shone eerily on the slimy walls of a long hallway.
"W-where am I?" He wondered aloud, only half hoping for an answer. It was the perfect climax for a B-rated horror film, and his wine-colored eyes glanced around once more. Who knew if flesh-eating zombies were going to appear or not?
As that thought surfaced, a shriek bounced down the hallway and rang in his ears piercingly. The boy froze, hoping madly that he had imagined the bloodcurdling scream. It had a familiar ring to it, making it so much worse when he couldn't place it.
When the second scream reached his ears, his heart stopped.
'Dark!' His mind shouted, 'Save him, you idiot!'
Daisuke was positive his friend was in pain, but he couldn't manage to move. He felt like a deer in the headlights, with a semi-truck hurtling at him. It was about to hit him, and his limbs wouldn't move! His mind screamed at him.
And then the spell was broken, and he was charging down the corridor. All he heard was his feet slap against the ground, and that chilled him more than the glacial air. The dim light brightened, until he could see as clearly as if it was day.
He missed the steps running downwards, tripped and tumbled. The boy ignored his aches and sat up, panting. Satoshi stood in front of him, not Krad, and stared down at him with a pained expression. Daisuke looked around the boy in search for his friend.
"Dark!" The redhead cried out, his eyes widening in shock.
Dark was encased in stone.
"Dark!" Daisuke shot up in bed, panting wildly as he fought off his confusion, and pain. He looked around his room frantically, slowly realizing that he wasn't in that horrible hall. With that realization, he realized Dark was yelling at him.
"You've been calling for me! What do you want?" Dark demanded, glaring angrily. True, he couldn't quite glare at Daisuke, but he was trying.
"I… I was dreaming," Daisuke finally managed to choke out. He climbed from the bed, instantly heading towards the bathroom.
"No shit, Sherlock! Why did you need to wake me up because you were dreaming?"
Daisuke chose not to answer, and instead sighed as he turned on the cold water. His mind wandered back to the dream… It had felt so real. How had Dark been separated from him?
"Hey, if you're finished playing with the water, you might want to go to bed," Dark remarked, his temper more subdued.
Something wasn't right… That dream wasn't right. As he climbed back into bed, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more truth to the dream than he knew at the moment. He pushed the thought away quickly.
It was a dream, not reality. Right?
"What was the dream about?" Dark asked when it was obvious that Daisuke was still mulling over the silly nightmare.
"Well…" He hesitated, and pondered the chances of being laughed at afterwards. Then again, Dark always laughed at him, so what did it matter in the end?
The redhead told his dream to Dark, a little apprehensively, and as he finished imagined his other half laughing at him. When he was didn't laugh, Dai frowned. "Why aren't you laughing?"
"Because, it's so silly it isn't funny. Go to sleep, Daisuke."
Dai sighed, rolled over, and tried to clear his mind.
"What's wrong, Daisuke?" Riku asked curiously as she adjusted the straps of her backpack.
"I didn't sleep well last night," The boy explained, leaving the reason out for obvious reasons.
"Riku, hurry up!" Risa called from across the hall.
"Okay, just a second! I'll see you later!" Riku waved farewell and trotted after her retreating sister.
"See ya…"
Daisuke sighed slightly, and hurried to leave. The dream had kept him up late last night, and although he had told himself many times that it couldn't be real, he hadn't managed to get many more hours of sleep. Dark had been unhappy with the lack of sleep, since Dai had been more short-tempered in the morning, and his jokes went unnoticed most of the day.
"Daisuke, hurry up! I have to steal a priceless necklace later!"
Daisuke raised an eyebrow someone, an image of Dark looking like a greedy old man popping into his head. That raised a complaint from Dark, however.
"Aww… It was a little funny, Dark!"
Dark snorted, "No, it wasn't."
"What are you stealing tonight, exactly?"
"Shouldn't you have been listening to your grandfather?"
Dai sighed, "I was a little busy when he was telling me."
The pair both knew what he was busy with. Emiko had decided to play with the traps, even though Daisuke hadn't had even a tiny warning. He was nursing a wonderful bump on the head for a few days.
"I'm stealing something called the Looking Glass. It's supposed to show someone's true self, I guess. I don't believe it."
"You don't believe a lot of stuff."
It was Dark's turn to raise his eyebrow, and sigh with exasperation.
"Just hurry up and grab it! I'm tired, Dark!" Daisuke cried out, and glanced around quickly.
"Hold on a second, I'm looking for Satoshi and Krad!"
The boy sighed, and crossed his arms. He hated letting Dark take over… All he could do was sit and watch as Dark did things he would never do. The museum was almost too dark to see in, and there were possible traps lining the floor. Dark, though, moved as though he knew there were none.
The Looking Glass was set out, a light shined on it and looking ripe for the taking. The necklace had long curvy lavender gems sprouting from around the mirror. As Dark stared into the mirror, an annoyed Daisuke appeared in the lens.
Dark grinned at the boy, before snatching the necklace from the pedestal. He slipped it around his neck quickly, and glanced around again. Daisuke sighed again, and said, "Let's just go home!"
The boy turned to leave, not really ready to give up the freedom yet, but not prepared to deal with Daisuke's whining; he missed the police sitting in the shadows like a stalker. The man pulled a gun from his belt and aimed at Dark Mousy.
"Freeze!" He shouted before firing at Dark.
Dark was far from prepared when the gun was fired. He froze for a second, waiting to see what was hit. PING!
"The necklace!" Daisuke shouted.
Dark looked down, surprised to see the bullet lodged in the mirror of the necklace. A small crack appeared, another appeared and another. Finally, it broke.
"Ahh!" Every nerve was on fire, molten lead seemed to run through Dark's veins instead of blood. Excruciating pain was the last thing he felt before he fainted.
Sorry! I lost the reviews I loved so much, but I couldn't get this to update any other way!