Note: This is my first fic, so be easy on it. THANKS!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inu-yasha or any of the original characters of the Inu-Yasha series. Thanks!

CHAPTER ONE: Bumping into each other

What a crappy day. First my English teacher kicks me out of class for giggling at what Kagome said and then I found out that my cat got stuck in a tree wearing my UNDERWEAR! HOW DOES A CAT WEAR UNDERWEAR! Man, can today get any worse! Rin thought to herself as she slowly trudged down the street towards home. And they say senior year is the best! HA!

Then completely out of nowhere a huge shadow bumped into her. Startled, Rin looked up into the single most gorgeous face she had ever seen. It, and it turned out to be a he, had deep, liquidy, amber eyes that unfortunately were cold and solid. They should have been warm and full of life thought Rin.

"Excuse me," the man said without looking at her. "I wasn't looking where I was going, it was my fault," Rin replied. Then he just brushed past her and continued on his way.

Wow, that was rude. And he can't be much more than 25 years old. And he looks like he has the world on his shoulders…oh well. I need to get home! CRAP! Grabbing her bag, Rin raced home, dust flying behind her.

What a strange girl…pretty though. Such warm eyes…Sesshomaru Taioko thought as he continued on his way down the sidewalk. His silver hair glinting in the sunlight, he continued thinking about his business. He often went on long walks when thinking about things. He was the owner of one of the biggest businesses in Japan, and that came as no small burden.

And then there was his little half-brother Inu-Yasha. A senior in high school, he was a big trouble maker. Sesshomaru was constantly getting calls from his school that he had done this or that. First he had glued his teacher to their chair, and then he had dyed the hair of all the girls in Physical Education Class A purple, and then he had written fake love notes to EVERY FRESHMAN GIRL from one of the famous actors…he couldn't quite recall. Maybe it had been different people…but that was just on the last year!

If Sesshomaru hadn't already had silver hair, he would have had gray hair. Hey come to think about it, that girl seemed to be the same age as Inu-Yasha…hmmm…

"HEY! I'm home! Where's the blasted cat! I hope none of you are attached to it, because I'm going skin it alive!" Rin yelled as she entered through the door of her house.

"NO! Don't kill Fluffs!" Rin's little brother cried running into the room, and grabbing her legs to keep her from going after Fluffy.

"It's ok, Dijon, I won't kill Fluffy, I will just mangle him a little." Rin said with sarcastic reassurance.

"Oh, honey! Kagome and Sango were looking for you earlier. Did you stay after school for something?" Rin's mother called from the kitchen.

"Oh, really? Yeah, I did. I'll talk to them tomorrow." Rin said to herself as she walked to her room on the second floor. She slowly walked up the stairs and then in circles around her room.

Those eyes… she kept thinking to herself as she walked in circles faster and faster. Those eyes…what is it about them that I can't forget? I feel called to them. Then having gotten way to dizzy, Rin fell onto the ground with stars circling her eyes.

"Remind me not to do that again..." Rin groaned as she rubbed her sore butt.

Those eyes…

Well, that's the first chapter! I feel so proud of myself… Please review and tell me what you think! THANKS!