Chapter 15
"I know but… who else do you know that I strong that would help?"
"Well Kouga and… well I guess possibly Ayame." Kagome thought aloud. "And maybe Shesshomaru."
"Do you think they would help?" Sachi asked, smirking, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
"NO!" yelled Inuyasha. "No way am I asking them for help!"
"Do you want to kill Naraku or what?" Sachi spoke calmly.
"Of course I do, but we don't need them! I can kill him myself…"
"Inuyasha." He looked over at Kagome. "It's our only hope."
"There must be another way. Kouga, he's just useless!"
"Is that just because he's in love with Kagome?" Inuyasha glared at Sachi as Kagome giggled. "What's the matter? Can't stand a little competition?"
"He is NOT competition!"
"Good. Then you'll have no problem working with him. Now Ayame, what does she do?"
"I don't really know." Kagome looked up at the ceiling. "She must be able to do something. I'm sure she can."
"What are Shesshomaru?"
"He's really strong."
"He's not that strong."
"And powerful."
"No he's not."
"He's got poison claws and a deadly attack called blue thunder."
"And a bad temper."
"Oh, so do you."
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Do not!"
Sachi sighed as she watched the two lovers fight. 'It's a wonder they haven't killed each other. I guess that's love. Is that what went wrong with Hidako?' She was snapped back to reality as Inuyasha slammed his fist on the table and cracked it.
The three jumped through the well in complete silence. The tense silence continued as they walked through the forest and into the village to Sango's hut. Both Miroku and Sango jumped up as they entered, they were thrilled to see Kagome alive and shocked to see her side-by-side with Sachi.
"Kagome get away from her…" Miroku moved to grab her arm but she moved away.
"Don't worry." She replied. "Yes, I know she works for Naraku. Sit down I need to tell you what's been going on."
They all sat around the table and listen as Kagome began to tell them everything that's happened. It was a little after noon when Kagome, Inuyasha and Sachi arrived as Sango's humble hut. The three took turns telling the story and by the time they had finished it was dark.
"So we are going to enlist the help of Kouga and Ayame and Shesshomaru and Kagura and Kanna and then go after Naraku. Am I understanding this right?" Sango said trying to process all this information she just learned.
"I can see how we could persuade Kouga to help us. And Ayame would do anything that Kouga does but would Kagura and Kanna really want to help us?" Miroku asked. "They have been against us from day one. How do we know that they won't tell Naraku what we're up to?"
"They won't."
"But how do you know that Sachi?"
"Kagura wants one thing and one thing only: freedom. If you offer her that she'll do anything you want."
"And Kanna?"
"She wouldn't do anything that would cause harm to her sister. Naraku would kill Kagura if he found out. So she will keep her mouth closed."
"Shesshomaru won't just help us." Sango murmured.
"No, we'll have to give him something." Kagome thought aloud. "We do we have that he would want besides Tetsusaiga. He can't have that."
"What's it Shesshomaru person like anyways?"
"Well he's proud and stubborn."
"Must be a family trait."
"Hay you…" Inuyasha started.
"It is."
"He's smart. Very smart."
"What do you mean Miroku?"
"Every move he makes is calculated, well thought out, and planned. He figures things out quickly."
"Sounds like a guy one shouldn't play games with."
"That's for sure."
Inuyasha said gruffly, crossing his arms. "He'd kill you as soon
as he'd look at you. And he doesn't care about anything or
"So he travels alone. I thought you said he has
companions Kagome?"
"He does. He travels with a two headed dragon, a little green imp, and a small girl."
"His daughter?"
"No she's human."
"Ahh. So the tin man does have a heart."
"Who's the tin man?"
"Never mind that, perhaps he simply doesn't like people to know what he feels. That could be his weakness. And he's a king, you say?"
"Well then let's treat him like royalty."
"Just ask him what could we do, within reason, in exchange for his help. We'll get what we want and he'll feel as though we respect him. He'll be more agreeable that way."
"That's very clever Sachi."
"Thank you Miroku."
"How did you get this cunning?"
When you've lived the life I have lived you learn quick or you die. So I take it we have a plan?"
"Yes, how soon can you two be ready to go?"
"We can be ready by morning, Kagome."
"O.K. Well I'll be back in the morning. I've got to go and get Shippo."
I'll go will you." Said Inuyasha as he jumped up to his feet.
"I can go alone."
"No, every time I let you out of my sight you get yourself into trouble."
"I do not."
"You do too! You went off in the middle of the night and Naraku nearly got you."
"I will be fine!"
"Not again," moaned Sachi in disbelief. "Don't those two ever get along?"
"Sometimes. I'll get you some blankets." Smiled Sango.
"Don't worry," Miroku moved closer. "Eventually they stop."
"Really…" SLAP!!!!
As Sango walked in she saw Miroku laying on the floor with a red handprint on the side of his face and Sachi red-faced and eyes wide in astonishment.
"I should have warned you about him. He'll garb your butt if you let him get to close. And it's nothing personal he does that to every woman he meets. You'll get use to him and the fighting after a while." Sachi started at her, dazed. "You can stay in the guest room. It's the second door to the left." Sachi nodded and walked to the room and went in.
Sango kneeled down by Miroku. "You just had to try, didn't you?"
"I couldn't help myself my dear." She felt a hand on her backside. SLAP!!! "Lecher." She mumbled as she went to bed.