Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing, I'm just enamored. Property of CBS, and other people, I'm sure.

Written for the Numb3rs100 community in LJ. The challenge was "fantasy." I had some fun avoiding writing my lesson plan on oil spills.

For my Angel of Fiction, because she didn't punjab me for falling headfirst into this fandom and didn't yell or protest (too much) when I started pulling her down with me. (You know you're coming, babe.) I swear I haven't abandoned you.


Sometimes Don pretends that people stop them in the grocery store to ask him to multiply huge numbers. He pretends Mom gets angry because they're asking him to jump through mathematical hoops just because he can. Don can pretend they stop because they recognize him; that he is the genius, and he wasn't on TV just because Charlie was intimidated by the camera equipment and refused to talk until Don sat with him.

Don can even pretend he's not jealous that Charlie gets all the attention. Because Charlie hates it, and doesn't know how to pretend that he likes it.