Hello everybody!
hangs head down low I am so so sorry that I haven't updated since the beginning of this year! Goodness, I'm terrible,lol. XP
I was planning on updating on time and everything but for some reason my brain just kinda went blank on this story. I couldn't come up with anything, couldn't continue it or nothing. I'd sit down to write it and then BAM! Mind goes blank, lol. It was terrible, really. sweatdrops
So, I hope you all won't like slaughter me for not writing sooner! . Hopefully my brain will cooperate with me and let me update sooner next time. sighs
Ah, but I have a BUNCH of reviews to answer! XP Whew, you people have been reviewing left and right, haha! XD Thanks! I really appreciate em all and I'll send you all a little personal pm (unless you're not a signed member of then I'll have to answer your reviews at the bottom of the chappie like I always did. ) and thank you all properly!
I'm gonna stop talking and start writing, sooo see ya later folks!
Disclaimer: I do not own Saiyuki…including the guys…although I'd like to own Sanzo so he can beat up some very annoying and aggravating family members for me, hehe
Chapter Seven
The first thing that Goku noticed when he woke up was it felt way warmer then it had been when he fell asleep last night and the sun was shining brighter through the window then it had yesterday morning.
Definitely too many things out of place to go unnoticed.
Yawning and sleepily stretching, Goku opened his eyes all the way and squeaked in surprise, making him freeze in shock with his arms straight up in the air and his eyes bulging out of his head.
He had found the culprit for the unnatural warmth and the sun shining too brightly.
Sanzo was sleeping right beside him, their faces were almost touching and his usually neat, blonde hair was in disarray, the light shining brightly off of his golden strands. His eyes were scrunched tight like he was trying to make himself sleep and the BIG point that stuck out to Goku aside from everything else about the situation (besides Sanzo being in bed with him in the first place) was that Sanzo was shirtless AND his arm was loosely hanging AROUND his waist!
Goku felt like melting into the bed sheets from embarrassment and fear at Sanzo's reaction to being this close to him but he couldn't get out of the situation unless he ran for it when he wriggled out of Sanzo's arms cause most likely when he moved, Sanzo would wake up.
Goku sighed in exasperation. What a perfect way to start the morning.
Oh, well, he had to admit that having Sanzo there, his arm around him and his warmth enveloping him, well, it felt good, very good.
Goku smiled. Sanzo looked very sweet and peaceful when he was asleep.
He snapped out of his little dream state of mind and stopped admiring Sanzo and tried to squeeze out of his hold around his waist. He grimaced as he tried to push back with his legs and all he got was a pain in his back from hitting the wall then he tried to wriggle down the bed but only wound up with his shirt around his head, strangling him.
Goku narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he mumbled from within his shirt, "This is just ridiculous."
He pushed his shirt back down, glanced at Sanzo out of the corner of his eye and turned back to trying to find a way to get out of the situation.
He was about to try slowly sliding up the bed but he felt Sanzo's arm crush him against his chest, he squeaked as he looked up to see Sanzo's eyes half open in sleep, his breath was deep as he snarled, "Where do you think you're going?"
He pulled him closer and Goku managed to strangle out a small, "Sanzo?"
Sanzo's eyes snapped open and there was a loooong uncomfortable silence as Goku beamed bright red as he was in the process of pushing away from Sanzo and he had his hands on his bare chest. Sanzo looked like he was going to explode from rage and embarrassment all at once as his eyes twitched and a low growl escaped his lips, "I'll…go now."
Goku fell down on the bed as Sanzo quickly let go of him, rolling off the bed and very quickly walking out the door.
Goku blinked, very confused at what had just happened.
He was getting up to get dressed when he heard a big fit of laughing followed by Gojyo's voice, "Ooh, had a good time last night, I see." and a LOUD crash accompanied with Sanzo yelling, "YOU PERVERT! You actually think I'd do THAT with a boy?! And what were you doing peeking in Goku's bedroom in the first place?!" and Gojyo whined, "Hakkai! Save me!" and he could hear Hakkai sniff, probably trying to act like he didn't care, "Why should I? I think you're perfectly capable of saving yourself."
Goku grinned and went to the closet, grabbing a pair of loose fitting denim pants and a navy blue shirt to wear. Preparing himself for what the day had in store for him.
Sanzo had stalked to the kitchen, still shirtless and he reached inside the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of water to drink as he plopped down at the table, rubbing his aching forehead with his hand as he wished that everyone would just leave him alone this morning for at least one time in the three years he'd been with the band but he was probably wishing in vain.
It had always been the same ritual every morning.
Hakkai telling him to work hard for the band and work on putting some more feeling in the band's lyrics this time or something to that affect and Gojyo being his annoying self to everything in a five feet radius from his person and Sanzo telling them all to leave him alone to his work, well, literally shutting everything out till they practiced singing in the evenings and even then he worked on instinct only.
Sanzo gulped down a mouthful of water as he glared at the crisp white wall in front of him. He didn't want to acknowledge any ties to anybody ever again.
He blinked his violet eyes in surprise as a pair of warm arms wrapped around his shoulders, squeezing him tightly for a moment as a sweet voice filled the air, "Good morning, Sanzo!" The warm arms unwrapped themselves from around him and Goku swiftly ran to the cabinet, grabbing a bowl and a silver spoon. Sanzo was surprised but he quickly hid it by grumbling, "Good morning? Ha! I never have a good morning. Morning's are just another stupid beginning to another stupid day."
Goku was in the middle of pouring milk on the Honeycomb cereal heaped in his bowl and he stopped, turning his big bright eyes on Sanzo as he answered, "That's a very sad way to think of it. I don't think of it that way." Sanzo was about to ask him what he meant by that when he thought better of it.
Goku set the bowl of cereal down across from Sanzo on the table and he was going to sit down when Gojyo stuck his head through the doorway, a black leather cap on his head, a lone white skeleton head on an earring dangling from his left ear and a pair of ruby red shades on as he smiled at Sanzo, "Ah, well, we're leaving ya, buddy. Hakkai is out in the car and I'm…whoa!" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Goku launched himself at him, wrapping his arms around Gojyo's neck and about pulling Gojyo down in the floor with him as he happily yelled, "Good morning, Gojyo!"
Sanzo was simmering in anger. Why? He didn't know but he didn't have very long to contemplate it as Goku bounded away from Gojyo, a glitter in his eyes as he exclaimed, "I'm going to go tell Hakkai good morning!" He zipped out of the room like a bolt of lightning and Gojyo shook his head in confusion, "That was a weird wake up call."
Sanzo sniffed indignantly as he sipped a mouthful of water out of the bottle as Gojyo grinned at him, "Aw, such possessiveness is SO CUTE!" Sanzo gripped the bottle tightly as he yelled, "GET OUT!" Gojyo laughed as he backed out of the doorway and into the hallway.
Sanzo fumed, drinking long gulps from the bottle of water as he glared icicles at Goku when he stepped through the door. Goku looked a little startled at the icy look in his violet eyes but he quickly wiped the confused look from his face and replaced it with a contented smile as he sat down across from him, chowing down on the cereal like Sanzo's eyes weren't drilling into his forehead.
This boy…was different.
Sanzo shivered as a cold little breeze from some unseen crack in the room flowed over his bare chest and he sighed, "I'm going to go get a shirt on and then I'm leaving." After he said it, he thought, "Why am I telling him this?" It's not like the boy should know every move he made.
Goku's golden eyes lit up in excitement as he happily exclaimed, his mouth full of honeycomb cereal and milk, "Ah! I wanna go too, Sanzo!" Sanzo pushed his chair in and looked sullenly at the boy, "Okay, just hurry up and eat so I don't have to wait on you."
Goku smiled, "Okay!" and started eating like the cereal was vanishing before his eyes (when it really was at the speed he was eating it ) while Sanzo walked out of the kitchen to go get dressed.
Sanzo pulled on his favorite purple shirt and left his black pants on that he had slept in last night and he looked through the pile of clothes on his bed to find his notebook and his pencil.
He wasn't surprised when he was dressed and ready to leave that the little monkey was bouncing happily near the front door, a black jacket on over his blue shirt and a big grin that about jumped off of his face with his excitement, "Hurry up, Sanzo! I wanna go to the park!" Sanzo thought to himself, 'You would be surprised to hear that he's over ten years old by the way he's acting now.' Sanzo just glowered at him as he walked past him through the open door, expecting him to follow.
And yeah, he did.
Goku grinned happily as he jumped beside Sanzo instead of walking, his arms behind his back when he jumped and swinging them out to the sides when he landed. Sanzo noted this with a cold air of indifference and he just kept on walking, feeling people's stares of surprise and ridicule on him and the boy.
What did it matter to them what Goku did? You couldn't be different without someone picking you apart for it. Sanzo just glared icily at the people passing by and some of them gulped nervously, going about their way like they hadn't seen a thing and then some of them, especially the women stopped in their tracks, staring and chattering amongst each other.
That's when it hit him.
Sanzo tensed up as a thought shot through his head quicker then a speeding bullet as he said in absolute horror, "Fangirls!"
Goku looked at Sanzo, curious as he asked, "Huh? What are you talking about?" Sanzo didn't wait around for one second as he noticed the considerable crowd of girls gathering on both sides of them on the sidewalk, "Goku…run!" Goku was even more confused, "Huh? Why?" Sanzo rolled his eyes in agitation as he grabbed Goku's hand tightly as he ran down the street, trying to not crush a cat that had made it's home on a sunny patch of the sidewalk and the homeless man who just so happened to camp in the middle of the walkway.
Sanzo looked over his shoulder and tensed up as a big crowd of raving fangirls were right behind them, screaming, "SANZO!! Come on Sanzo, just one picture! Just one kiss! Just one hug!" What's with these girls and the phrase just one thing??? Just one thing always led to another thing with them and it could last all day.
Sanzo turned a street corner real fast, slamming into the nearest door that he could find and hauling Goku through the swinging doors. Goku's eyes were round in panic as the crowd of crazed girls went rushing by the door, oblivious to the fact that Sanzo and Goku had fled inside a building.
Sanzo was breathless as he panted for air, looking down to find his notebook and his pencil still attached to his hand and well, a little monkey was attached to the other. Sanzo sighed in frustration and a little bit of relief, "Can't go anywhere without stupid fangirls mobbing me."
Sanzo pulled his hand away from Goku's as he walked into the building they had run into which just so happened to be a library. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet, searching through his cards until he found a little blue and white card with the words Library Card on it and he threw it at Goku, who looked at it like it was a scorpion about to strike at any moment.
Sanzo could tell he didn't have a clue what the thing was. He sighed as he waved him in the direction of the books as he grumbled, "Just go find you some books." Goku smiled, happily jumping up and down, "I can?!?!" Sanzo cringed at the loud, happy shout as he muttered through gritted teeth, "Just be quiet, go get you some frikkin books and DON'T lose my card! Now go!"
Goku didn't need to be asked twice as he zoomed off into the young adult's section while Sanzo ran his fingers through his golden hair in exasperation as he trudged over to the nearest table in clear eye's view of Goku who was bouncing so much that you could see his dark brown hair over the tops of the bookshelves sometimes.
Sanzo plopped down into a seat where he could keep a good eye on Goku and write at the same time. He wrote a few sentences then he would look up with one violet eye, watching the little ball of energy bouncing from one bookshelf to the other and stopping to talk with a little kid or a teenager on his merry way of gathering as many books as he can.
Sanzo felt a warm feeling spreading in his chest as he watched the boy letting go, having fun and a big, happy smile on his face.
Sanzo already had half of a page written when Goku decided to come back to the table with Sanzo, he was grinning at Sanzo from around the pile of books he had in his arms and Sanzo just raised an eyebrow in amusement, "You like to read or what?" Goku plopped the books down on the table, sitting across from Sanzo where he snatched the top book off of the pile and nodded his head at a high rate of speed, "Yeah!! I love reading! Although I only got to read the language books at the Orphanage and a few books my friend, Sky had."
Sanzo quickly caught the quaking of Goku's voice when he had reached the end of his sentence and he asked, curious, "You had a friend named Sky?" Goku bit his lip, looking down at the table as he nodded quickly, "Yeah…but not anymore." Sanzo was going to go on, ask him what he meant by that statement but he stopped himself, deciding that if the boy wanted to talk about it that he would and he quickly turned back to writing on the almost finished paper.
Goku didn't speak for a long while, his golden eyes darting through the pages of the book he was reading until he surprised Sanzo with squealing in glee and well, surprising almost every person in the library as well, "AH! SANZO! The guy in this story acts just like you except he's a Buddhist monk and he's trying to save the world from these evil men and, erk!" Goku's eyes about bugged out of his head as Sanzo leaned across the table with lightning speed, slapped his hand over his mouth and growled, "Shut…up…now." Goku nodded his head and mumbled a little noise through Sanzo's hand that sounded like an okay.
Sanzo sighed in frustration as he glared at the young boy across the table from him, "This is a library. You don't SCREAM in a library and you don't YELL in a library! You whisper in a library." His eyes narrowed as he waved his hand in front of him, "Get it?"
Goku looked a little uncertain but he grinned and nodded his head, whispering, "I got it!"
Sanzo sighed in relief, "Good."
He went back to his writing and he couldn't help but cringe as Goku started moving his chair back and forth on it's wooden legs, making the old chair creak and squeak in the stifling stillness.
He narrowed his eyes and snarled, "Look here, I have almost had it up to here with…!"
He didn't get to finish as his cell phone started screeching out a Jazz tune that literally had everyone in the library's attention.
Sanzo growled, annoyed as he flipped his cellphone open, "Yes?!"
He felt his mood get even darker as he heard Hakkai on the other end of the phone, "Hello! Sanzo?"
Sanzo gave Goku one last reprimanding look which went by unnoticed by the little monkey who was back to reading his book intently and he whispered into the phone, "Yeah, it's me, Sanzo. What do you want?"
Hakkai sounded a little nervous as he went on, "Well, it seems like we have a little bit of a change in plans. We need you to sing well…right now actually."
Sanzo felt like his eyes about popped out of his head as he screamed, "WHAT!?!?"
All of the heads in the library poked up to stare at him in silent fury at his outburst and Goku looked a little concerned, Sanzo looked a little more stressed then usual as he snapped, "I'll be there as soon as I can! Bye!" He hung up the phone and he rubbed his forehead with his fingers, "This isn't my day."
Goku was about to say something when Sanzo snapped, "Rent your books out and let's go. Hurry!" Goku didn't argue as he scooped up his big pile of books and carried them to the front desk where the librarian checked them out for him.
As Goku stood at the desk, he couldn't help but glance over to the doors where Sanzo was impatiently waiting for him, his fingers itching for a cigarette and his face etched with stress and strain.
Goku didn't want to see Sanzo look like that. He hated it.
He didn't like it one bit. No not at all.
WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I'm sooo sorry but I'm gonna end the chappie there.
I hope you all don't mind and it won't drive too many of you crazy but I don't have the time to put in a singing scene with Sanzo sooo I thought I'd end it here and start up the next chappie with Sanzo singing and then some big, big news in the next chappie sooo I'll try really really hard for you guys to get the next chappie written sooner then this one.
I'll try really, really hard cuz I don't want you all to have to wait too long for it so I'll try my bestest! hugs all of you Thank you all for sticking with me although I haven't been writing as faithfully as I should! I hope you'll all stick with me till the end of this cuz I will get it all written someday, haha XD My goal's to end the story by Christmas, so yeah…
Well, I'll see you all later! Bye!!
AH! I'll answer the people who don't have accounts here, reviews and pm all of you who do have accounts here, okee?
Sooo, here's some answers to your reviews!
Goku-Chan : Whaaa! T.T I'm sooo sorry that you had to wait such a long time for me to update the last chappie and this chappie too. bangs head against the wall I feel really bad for not updating sooner. . But I'm glad you liked the last two chappies and I hope you like this one too although it is a small one this time. I hope you like it!!!
Yit-Ha : Well, I'm glad you like the pairing! I think SanzoxGoku is a very, very cute pairing! Love em to death, haha Ah! And you made me laugh with your last review,haha! XD Nope, I wasn't dead in a ditch somewhere, haha! Although if I keep on not updating soon then I might be dead somewhere from a crazed fan, lol
But anyways! I hope you like this chappie and keep on reading and reviewing my story!!!
T3 : I'm glad that you liked both of the last chappies I wrote! It makes me happy! I hope you like this one too although it's terribly short. . And I'll try to update more frequently from now on, I sure will try my hardest!
But I hope you'll keep on reading and reviewing my story! I always like getting your reviews so please keep em coming!
Haha, thanks dude for cheering me on. .
SomeoneSpecial : Well, I hope you like the chappie and thank you for leaving a review! I appreciate it!! bows
Maria : YaY!! I'm glad you like my storyline and the relationships! (I like em too! SanzoxGoku and HakkaixGojyo are two of my favorite yaoi couples) Ah, and they'll have a performance in the next chapter! And the songs will be from real group's songs cuz I suck at writing songs, haha. XD
But thank you for your review and I hope you like the chappie!!!
Hikaru : Thank you, thank you! bows and bows again I'm glad that you like my story so much!!! And I hope this chappie will satisfy ya for a while so you won't start throwing stuff at me O.o So far no one has, haha XD
But anyways, thanks for all of your compliments and your review! I appreciate it!!
S'Star : Thank you! I hope you like the new chappie!
Chris : Sharp??? O.o Sharp objects??? gets scared and holds up a big shield lol, please don't kill me! I'm too young to die! XP Haha! You're the first person who actually threatened to throw something at me, haha!
But yeah, I'm glad you like my ficcie so far and I hope you keep on reading my story!
I'll send the rest of you pm's later sooo I'll see ya then! smiles and waves