This is a one shot parody thing. Remember to review.

Samara was having a party in her well. Samara was the host.

"Do we want Britney spears or Gwen Stefani"? Samara screamed.

Everyone yelled "Britney Spears". The song Toxic was blaring out of the CD player.

Samara was dancing with Noah. When she got an idea. She started to climb out of the well. She got into Rachel's TV room. Rachel started to scream "Leave us alone you little bitch".

"Rachel I'm not going to hurt you I want you to know that I'm having a party in my well and you are invited".

Rachel replied "what about Aiden"

"He can come to if he wants". Samara said.

Rachel yelled "Aiden do you want to go to a party".

Aiden walked into the living room and saw Samara. "Leave me alone" he said.

Rachel told Aiden about how Samara invited them to her party. They both said yes. They climbed into the TV and jumped down the well.

Noah walked over to Rachel and said "Rachel what are you and Aiden doing here did she kill you".

Rachel replied "no she invited us but we have to leave in a few hours".

The party was fun but soon Rachel and Aiden had to leave so they climbed out the well and climbed out the TV.

The end.

I know it was very short but I hope you liked it. Review and I might make a sequel.