When Lily arrived in her empty dormitory there was a tawny owl waiting for her. She untied the scroll and immediately recognized the flowing script.

Your next counseling meeting is tonight in the old Charms room on the fourth floor at seven. We both know that it is time to get your emotions under control.

-Albus Dumbledore

Lily scowled and made the parchment dissolve into ashes in her pale hand. She would go, but not because the Headmaster told her to. She would because she needed to vent to- or at- someone.

Lily sat on the edge of her bed, eyes closed but Sight on and aware. Focusing, she tried to levitate herself. Dumbledore had said it required a happy thought, so she was having difficulty achieving it. Petunia had really thought it was her fault that their parents died. Was it?

No. Of course not. She couldn't have known that they were coming. They hadn't known who, what, she was. They couldn't have.

Finding that her train of thought was not going to get her anywhere, Lily threw herself back on the bed, short red hair fanning around her. She'd have to get new sunglasses, she thought suddenly. They had snapped when she had transformed into a dragon earlier.

Lily rolled on her side and waved a hand at the candle on her bedside table, morphing it into a pair of white sunglasses, just reflective enough to near opaque. "Who blew out all the candles?" asked Hostetler as she walked in, throwing her bookbag on her bed. "That you Evans?"

"Unfortunately," Lily muttered.

"Did you see those, like, dragons today?" she exclaimed, ignoring their mutual abhorrence at the opportunity to gossip as she rearranged her pillows. "I thought the red one was going to eat the white one."

"It wanted to," Lily said.

"What?" Hostetler said, looking up from her redecorating.

"Oh, nothing," Lily said. "So, creepy, right?"

"Yeah, totally. I wonder how they got in. And why they were fighting. And where they went," Hostetler continued. "I mean, dragons don't just disappear, right?"

"Actually I think there's this one breed that can," Lily said with false excitement. "I think they're called InvisoDragons, or something."

"Really?" Hostetler said, amazed. "So they could be, like, anywhere?"

"Yeah," Lily said, nodding gravely.


The clock outside tolled seven, showing Lily how long she'd laid around thinking. "I've got to go," Lily said, grabbing the sunglasses and slipping them on.

"Talk to you later," Hostetler called after her. Lily rolled her blinded eyes and continued on her way without responding.


Potter was late.

Lily looked over at the clock again, tapping her foot and chewing absentmindedly on her lip. Three minutes later Lily was considering giving up and going back to her dorm when Potter burst into the room.

"Late, Potter," Lily snarled.

"No, it's only…" He looked over at the clock, "Um, only by twenty minutes, but who's counting, right?"

Lily raised an eyebrow. "I am, apparently."

"Look, Padfoot said it was only six fifty and that we had time to…" Lily zoned him out, annoyed by the babbling. "…and then we…" Lily yawned. "…and so I'm really sorry I'm late... You really don't care, do you?"

"Not particularly."

"You don't look very happy… Bad day?" Potter asked.

"Try one of the worst days ever," Lily said flatly.

"See, you managed six words that time!" Potter exclaimed. "Just let it all out."

Lily closed her eyes, stopping herself from shouting about his idiocy. "No."

"That was only word," he said, clicking his tongue. "Lily, you can't hold it all in. You know that."

"I can and I will," Lily stated. "End of discussion."

"I could use Legillimens…" he bluffed.

"You don't even know how."

"You're right. I don't. But I know someone who does," he said, but the response was silence. Dumbledore couldn't get past her mind shields any more than she could control her powers.

Quite randomly, Potter exclaimed, "Well, if you won't talk, I'll tell you about my day!"

Lily shuffled in her seat though the move was punished by her aching muscles and zoned Potter completely out.

Rikathnee was the most annoying creature on Earth—and she had thought Potter was bad! Maybe she'd get attacked by the groundskeeper's dog… Lily smiled faintly.

"Lily?" asked Potter. "Lily? Are you even awake?"

Lily's Sight snapped back on and her grin fell. "Potter, I'm not in the mood to talk to you."

"Why not?" he asked immediately, leaning forward in his chair.

"I told you, I've had a bad day," she repeated stubbornly.

"What happened?"

"You wouldn't understand," she muttered.

Potter sighed. "I'm not as stupid as I seem."

"Well, that'd be hard," Lily interjected.

"Lily, who was the white dragon?" he asked, throwing her completely off-guard.

Lily forced herself to remain calm. "What are you on about, Potter?"

"Earlier today. Who was the white dragon?" he asked again.

"The bane of my existence," Lily blurted. "Worse than you, even."

"You had already met it before it attacked you?" Potter asked, surprised.

"She takes the form of a cat during school," Lily admitted. Watch Dumbledore try to cover this up.

"You said that was a present!" Potter said accusingly.

Lily shrugged. "I lied."

Potter stuck out his lower lip in a pout. "What does this have to do with counseling?" he asked, still miffed.

"I'm ranting," Lily said, exasperated. "I thought that's what you wanted!"

"Well," Potter said, struggling for words, "yeah," he finished dejectedly. "Anything else bugging you?"

"I…" Lily paused. Then her emotions flowed from her mouth in a torrent. "It's not fair. I couldn't have stopped it even if… I mean, how dare she blame me? I was hurt worse than she was! All she cares about is her little husband and her little house and her little perfect life! She can't tell me that I don't care, that it didn't affect me!"

"Um, right," Potter said tentatively.

"And Dumbledore! How dare he? He knows nothing about me or what's going on and he presumes to tell me what to do! And Rikathnee!" Lily let out a short scream, stood up and began pacing. "This is complete bull… I mean, what… how… but… Petunia is such a… and Rikathnee… Right?"

"Completely," Potter said.

Lily flopped back into her chair and appraised him. "And you," she said.

"Yes?" he asked carefully.

"You are taking this whole 'having no clue what I'm talking about' thing rather well," Lily said. "You're actually an all right councilor."

"Um, thanks," Potter said, looking a bit dazed from her topic changes. "Feeling better?"

"You know, I actually d—ow!" Lily exclaimed, breath hissing in as she clutched her hands over her sunglasses.

"What's wrong?" Potter asked quickly.

Fire. Needles jabbing through her eyes. Pain. Tangy blood spread in her mouth where she was stopping herself from screaming.

"Lily, Lily, listen. Are you all right?" a voice was repeating. Searing pain. "Lily!"

Suddenly, it vanished, leaving Lily gasping for breath. "Ow," she said weakly.

"What was that?" Potter asked, eyes wide.

If everyone else in the world was going to know her secrets, why not Potter? "Cruciatus," Lily muttered, rubbing her hands under her glasses.


"Over the summer. I… bloody hell, this is hard to explain. When the Death Eaters killed my parents I was hit with a Cruciatus," Lily said.

"And you can still feel it?" Potter said, awed.

"You see, it didn't hit my eyes. Something hit by it hit my eyes," Lily said, struggling for words.


"Glass," Lily blurted. "Shards of glass." She rubbed her eyes harder and Saw Potter coming close to her. He put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "It hurt," Lily admitted.

"Can you… see?" he asked.

Lily paused. Did she really want him to know? Then she whipped off her sunglasses and opened her eyes as wide as she could despite lingering pain. With her Sight she was Potter blanch, looking shocked.

"Don't look so surprised," Lily said dryly. "What did you expect?"

"That looks painful," Potter said softly, peering close. "How do you get around school?" he asked.

"That was blunt," Lily said, though amused.

"Sorry," Potter said quickly, "I'm not trying to offend you or anything and—"

"Potter, I'm joking," Lily said, shaking her head. "Just believe when I tell you that I can see anyways."

Potter narrowed his eyes and waved a hand in front of her face. She grabbed it and shoved him backwards. "Didn't I just say…?"

Potter pursed his lips and held up a few finger, watching her closely. "Three," Lily said. "Anyways, I… think we're done. It's already eight."

Potter started and glanced at the time. "Yeah, I guess so. So I'll… see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Lily said softly. "See you then."

She shoved her sunglasses back on and left the classroom, leaving Potter to stare after her.

I posted this chapter in honor of See No Evil's SECOND ANNIVERSARY! You've been reading (I hope) this fic for TWO YEARS! Omg. I need to update more often…

Please review!