This is the ending. I would really appreciate more reviews. Thank you.


A Beautiful World

Part 2


The water scaled my skin, but I didn't care. If only it could wash me clean of what I had done, my sins, and let me believe that nothing had happened. At least Lantis would not remember; if I kept denying, he would render it was a drunken fantasy. I would be the only one who knows about this incident that had vanished in time; no one will know; no one will be hurt.

Except for me. But it didn't matter. It was the price I had to pay.

I stepped out of the shower and put on the new set of clothes, then cleaned everything up and dressed Lantis before laying him comfortably on the newly made bed. I looked at his sleeping face, and smiled softly in spite of everything. His face was so peaceful and gentle now that it was hard to believe he was normally cold and serious.

If only this expression would only be shown to me . . . Lantis said he loved me, didn't he? Then shouldn't I have this privilege? I didn't know why, but now, looking at him, things just stopped hurting, as if the pain had never been there in the first place. Everything just felt so right that it was as if I belonged there, by his side . . .

"Excuse me, Eagle, but have you seen . . . Ah, he's here! I've been looking for him ever since dinner." Hikaru said and walked in from the door that had been slightly ajar, smiling brightly, though I could see the worry in her eyes. "Is Lantis all right?"

My heart stopped.

I smiled and replied, "Of course he is. I found him drunk in the hallway and brought him here. He fell asleep right when he hit the bed. He'll probably be up in a few hours. Do you want to stay here with him?"

She blushed and said, "If only it won't be a trouble to you . . ." She blushed even redder and looked at her shoes.

"Don't worry. I was just thinking of getting some fresh air anyway." I forced out one last smile and hastily exited the room. I could hold it up any longer; the pretension was wearing me out, while everything else inside me shattered and churned until I felt too sickened to even breathe. My knee gave away, and I slid to the ground with my back against the door.

What had I been thinking? How could I replace Hikaru? How could I think of replacing Hikaru? How could I be so selfish? How . . . How . . . How could I love Lantis so much?

Tears that I had restrained form overflowing poured out furiously, but quietly, dampening my shirt and sleeves. I couldn't stop anymore; didn't want to stop anymore, as I hoped for my selfishness and love to flow out of me with my tears.

Sobs racked through my body and echoed through the empty hallway, as silent as a ghost. The cold and lonely air stung my cheeks that burned from crying. It was so cold . . .

I must get away . . . I couldn't let them see me like this; I couldn't stay by them and not be manifested by my jealousy, selfishness and agony. I wanted so much to protect them; I wanted so much to tear them apart.

Bracing myself up, I took a wavering step away, but turned back and opened the door by an inch. Inside, Hikaru was sitting by the bed, taking Lantis' hand in both of hers, patiently wanting for him to wake up, to see only her.

She was the only one who belonged there, by his side.

I tuned and went away.


"Eagle! Eagle, wake up!" Frantic voices called me, and I was forcefully shaken awake form my deep sleep. The anxious and somewhat fearful face of Geo appeared before my eyes. "What is it, G –"

BOOM! Fiery blasts sounded outside, and the stinging smell of sulphur and explosives invaded my room. BOOM! BOOM!

"Quick, Eagle! Order FTO to stop attacking!" he shout and snapped a visor with some wire connections onto my head. Dazed, I did as told and concentrated. Slowly, umbers turned into words, then into data and graphs, and the whole status and structure of the FTO appeared before my eyes. I set the command to stop all movements, and gradually, the sound of attacks and explosions died off. Immediately, Geo yanked me off the bed and we rushed into the main hall.

"What happened!" I burst out, and everyone turned to me with worried and serous expressions.

"During the night, we were suddenly attacked," Cleft stepped up and said grimly, "and we only found out about the attacker when it was in the castle. There were no alarms or warnings when it crossed our barrier. The invader started firing, destroying parts of the castle, but the main attacks were aimed at Hikaru's room. We barely got ourselves together before the Magical Knights set out to fight against the invader. The invader is . . ." He trailed off and looked doubtful.

""My FTO . . .? But that' s impossible! It only responds to my brain waves, and nobody else can pilot it!"

"Nobody else is piloting it, Eagle," Geo replied gravely behind me, "there is no one operating the FTO."

"How can it –" but I was cut off as a ball of light suddenly appeared at the center of the hall, and from it stepped out the Magical Knights. An unconscious Hikaru was being supported by Umi and Fuu, and her left arm was covered with blood.

"HIKARU!" We shouted out in unison, but before I could take a step forward, Lantis had already scooped the unconscious Hikaru into his arms, concern, love and pain painted clearly on his face. Others were either crowding around her or rushing to get bandages and medicine, and amidst the bustling crowd, I stood stock-still, no longer knowing where I was.

"Eagle Vision!" Umi suddenly charged in my direction, yelling almost hysterically with tears streaming form her eyes. "If Hikaru doesn't wake up anymore, I'll make you pay for this! How could you! How could you lose control of your own FTO Hikaru only got so badly hurt because she didn't bear to attack, to hurt your stupid machine! She shouldn't have saved –"

"Umi! That's enough!" Fuu shouted, restraining her with the help of Ascot. "It's not Eagle's fault!"

"Then who else's is it! If Hikaru can't get well . . . If she won't wake up . . ." and she broke into sobs, falling into Ascot's arms.

"Excuse me," I mumbled to no one, as nobody cared to listen, and retreated numbly into the long and empty hallway that led to my room. Glancing out of the large windows, my FTO lay like a rusty and ancient monster among the parched debris of what used to be a garden. The dark clouds of the aftermath of the bombardment covered the sky, blocking away any rays of the gentle moon. The brown and barren landscape was so much like the familiar, yet hated scenery of Autozam which I vowed to change, but instead created in this paradise-like land of Cephrio.

Yes, like Umi said, I had caused all this. I could feel the darkness suppressed in my heart wriggling, writhing, trying to break free, and each time I saw Lantis and Hikaru together, the chains that bound this gruesome ghoul in me weakened. Even though I was asleep, that subconscious desire to destroy was already strong enough to control the FTO.

I had once vowed to rescue Autozam from destruction, and protect Cephrio, which was so dear to Lantis. I had vowed to protect my bellowed: Lantis, Hikaru, and this whole planet.

But now I myself had become dangerous and uncontrollable enough to possess a threat to the things I loved. I was unable to fight against this petty source that created the darkness in me, and hurt Hikaru in turn.

A bitter but firm smile curved at the corners of my lips, and my nails dug so hard into my palm that a twinge of sinister pleasure coursed through me. My decision was made.

I had once sworn a vow, and I never go back on my promises.


Hikaru woke up the next day, much to everyone's relief, and due to Fuu's careful administrations, she fully recovered after a week or so. Umi had apologized profusely for her outburst that day, and I just smiled and accepted it. A smile rarely left my face these days. Making others happy was my only aim before I would carry out the final act for my decision. It was the only compensation I could give them for all the troubles I had, and would cause because of my selfishness.

The wedding was to be held in another two weeks. I had two more weeks to bear . . .

"Eagle, can I talk to you for a minute?" Lantis came up behind me as I walked through the rose garden, inspecting the location where the wedding would take place. Lantis had neither been cold nor warm to me. It seemed as if he was trying hard to act normal and friendly while keeping his emotions at bay. I knew he never detested me, and truly cared for me, loved me even, but my existence now was only awkward for him.

"Sure," I replied and smiled despite the amounting tension in the air. It seemed like eons ago when I could still talk to him naturally, and I wondered where along the way did we lose that ability, that special bond.

"About the other day, the day when you found me drunk . . . did we do anything?" he looked at me with earnest eyes, and I "yes" almost rushed out of my mouth. "Why are you asking after so long?" I questioned him silently in my mind, "And what difference will it do? It's too late now. Everything's too late . . ."

"No, of course not, " I said in my most cheerful and friendly voice, "All you did was murmur Hikaru's name while you were out cold." I half-hoped that he didn't notice my voice was too cheerful and too friendly.

" . . . then is that a dream . . .?" he muttered to himself, and I pretended that I didn't hear him. Suddenly, he reached out and cupped the side of my face, his sapphire eyes burning directly into mine. "I'm sorry, Eagle."

My eyes widened, and a flood of pain washed over me. That was it. That was the end, wasn't it? He could only say sorry, sorry that he was marry Hikaru, sorry for what we did, sorry that he smashed my heart to pieces, sorry that he loved Hikaru more, sorry that he never chose me . . . It was an apology that admitted and finalized everything.

My physical form, which had already become a shell, smiled and said, "What are you sorry for? Just don't drink to much next time." I pulled away form his touch and turned to walk away, the smile still on my face.


Dear Everyone,

I am truly sorry for my sudden departure, but I have decided to go traveling for a period of time to some faraway planets. I do not know why I will be back, and although I regret not being able to contribute to the improvements of the country, I am confident that Cephrio will become even stronger under every one's management and hard work, even without my presence.

I hope that all of you would be able to grant me this selfish wish for more freedom, and not search for me.

Last, but no least, I will be taking the FTO with me in case accidents happen again.

Congratulations to the newlyweds. I believe, with all my heart, that they will live happily ever after.

Yours truly,
Eagle Vision

I sealed the letter neatly in a pristine envelope and placed it on Clef's table before going to join the wedding.

The ceremony was so grand and filled with people that I was able to leave unnoticed after witnessing Lantis say "I do." I really wished that I were strong enough to say my blessings to the couples myself, but too bad. I just couldn't brace myself to stay one second longer, to corrupt the true joy in other's hearts.

I cast one last glance at Lantis. He looked so happy beside Hikaru, happier than I had ever seen him be when he was with me. I will always carry this expression with me, this that enticed my darkness to grow; this that gave me the resolution to carry out my decisions.

Mounting the pilot seat of the FTO, I flew it over the lush rolling plains of Cephrio, the crystal oceans and misty waterfalls, the shades of green of the high treetops, the mysterious creatures residing in caves along the steep granite cliffs . . . Sunlight poured onto the earth, cutting through fluffy clouds high up in the sky, and I truly smiled despite everything.

Despite the fact that I had been a hypocrite for so long, and kept lying till the end, in the letter they will no doubt be saddened by my disappearance, which makes me wonder if my actions were meaningless and senseless after all.

But now, seeing Cephrio at its prime, I knew it was worth it. I can't let the darkness in me grow until I t would destroy Cephrio. This planet was ruled and made up of all the citizens' hearts, and I would never let this rotting in me be reflected in real life.

But even if this condition didn't exit, I would still do it. I just couldn't bear to live any longer.

Landing on one of the highest cliffs in Cephrio, I got off the FTO and lost myself in the crashes of thunderous waves thousands of feet below where I stood at the edge. The strong, salty winds swept through me, and I opened my arms wide, embracing the perfect landscape of Cephrio stretched out around me.

And with a simple command, I sent the FTO over the edge. The waves engulfed even the sound of death.

Below me, the powerful cerulean ocean kept its rhythm crashing the waves once and again into the jagged rocks sharp as spears, but even that had an artistic flow of power to it. Seagulls were flying high and free in the broad expanse of blue sky.

I took a step forward.

Even as I kept falling and falling, I couldn't' help but marvel at the scenery flashing past my eyes. I had done everything I could to keep it flawless. It was truly a beautiful world.


Even though it's a suicide fic (in case you haven't figured out that Eagle committed suicide), it is rather peaceful in my opinion. I hope you can see the irony I'm trying to express in the story.